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The whole day was really calm. Jaehyun sat there all day just to talk and watch Taeyong work. Is he tired? No. Why would he even get tired staring at a masterpiece?

"Yoonoh," Taeyong called.

Can he just make Taeyong's voice his lullaby?


"We're already closed. Let's go?"

Jaehyun stood up from his seat and walked up to Taeyong before he closes the door and locked it. Jaehyun suddenly had the urge to tell Taeyong about something.


"Taeyong, I need to tell you something," Yuta cuts off Jaehyun. Thankfully, Jaehyun was about to call Taeyong in a whisper. Taeyong looked at Jaehyun, hesitating to tell him he needs to be with his brother alone. But the alpha got the message.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Taeyong," Jaehyun said.

The omega nodded with a smile, "Okay. See you, Yoonoh."

Jaehyun waved and nodded at Yuta before leaving the two. As soon as the alpha walked as far as he couldn't see him in the distance anymore, Yuta started walking with Taeyong behind.

"What is it, Yuta?"

There was silence between them before Yuta finally spoke--or finally had the courage tell him about Lord Kim.

"It's about Kim Doyoung."

The omega raised an eyebrow, "Lord Kim? What about him?"

"What do you say about marrying him?"

Taeyong stopped on his tracks and glared at his brother. He didn't know if heard it right but he was taken aback. Marrying the Kim Doyoung? As much as he has everything like the royal family could have, he wouldn't.

Why would he marry someone he doesn't love? He practically doesn't know Doyoung. Just the surface of him, which is him being the kingdom's lord.

"Look, the man in the carriage that kept talking to father was him. He already planned everything for the ceremony and father couldn't do anything but to obey. He didn't want any of us getting hurt--"

"Then what about me? Didn't he think I'll get hurt about doing this behind my back? Yuta, I can't marry him and you know that!" Taeyong pleaded.

"I understand you...but it's our family on the line."

"Why should I be the one suffering?!" Taeyong cried, "Yuta--"

"So, you've already told him?"

The two turned their heads behind Taeyong just to see the one reason why the omega is feeling all anxious and upset. Taeyong looked away and hid himself behind Yuta.

"My lord, you're here again..." Yuta said bitterly.

Doyoung nodded and giving them a teasing smirk, "I'm always here."

The alpha cleared his throat, "My lord, I'm afraid you have to look for someone else other than my brother."

The lord raised an eyebrow and intimidating both peasants, "Are you telling me what to do? Don't you know your position doesn't have the any right to dictate me?"

"I am sorry but my brother said no--"

"I wasn't asking any blessings or your answer. I'm getting Taeyong and that's final."

Yuta glared at him, "He isn't a thing you should--"

"Are you wishing for a death wish for your family?"

The alpha gritted his teeth and clenched his hand into a fist while the other held Taeyong's wrist. He didn't want to shout once again. Again, it's his family that matters. Suddenly, his hand on the omega's wrist was pushed away. Taeyong stepped forward and looked straight at Doyoung.

"If that's what you want, my lord, I'll give you myself for my family's safety."


"When is the ceremony if I may ask, my lord?" Taeyong asked, trying his best not drop onto his eyes and beg not to take him away.

Doyoung smirked, "I'm still on it. I'll see you, Taeyong."

The lord walked to where his carriage is and stepped into it before leaving the area. Taeyong stood there with his hands clenched into fists and his eyes closed. Yuta watched him shiver and heard him sniffling. His heart broke seeing his brother cry and looked so fragile. He hugged him and rubbed his back.

"I'm so sorry, Taeyong," Yuta whispered and tried comforting the omega.

The alpha brought his brother home. Taeyong ran upstairs and closed the door of his room. Both of his parents looked worried and already knew what happened to their son. The family felt devastated.

"He needed to know," Yuta said.

His mother smiled sadly, "We know..."

Normally, people getting forcefully married to someone wealthy is a blessing in disguise for them. Taeyong reacted differently and he has the right to. Never in his life had he wanted someone rich and known around the country. Even though Yuta stood up for him, nothing has changed. He felt afraid just by the fact he'll soon get marked by the lord.

Taeyong needed someone who could take care of him, kind and humble either he is wealthy or not. He wants to marry someone someday who he loves the most and the one who loves him as him.

Suddenly, a picture of Jaehyun appeared on his mind.

A chuckle was heard from Taeyong. He admitted that he gets attached to people too easily, he didn't know he already fell for someone. He already had his heartbreaks from different partners that he met at the shop and he always ended up falling out of love. But right now, he wished the person in his mind is his ending.


Taeyong turned his head to his door and saw Mark coming in. He wiped his tears and cleared his throat. His room was dark and left the lights off. Mark didn't bother turning them on, he just sat down beside Taeyong on the creaking, old bed.

"Do you have any appetite to eat dinner?"

The omega shook his head, "I'll be in here...for some days."

Mark nodded, "If you're hungry, I can bring your food here."

"Thanks, Mark but I don't think I'll even touch the silverware."

"To be honest with you, hyung, I came here to say sorry. Sorry that I didn't have the courage to fight for you."

Taeyong smiled and ruffled the alpha's hair, "It's fine. I don't want anyone will get hurt because of me."

The alpha looked at his brother with a smile, "I promise, hyung. I'll study hard and finish my degree for you so that you won't ever have to marry him."

The eldest couldn't help but get emotional about what his brother said. But he doubted that anyone could stop Doyoung from doing so.

A/N: for everyone who are too afraid to publish a story bc the probability of no one's gonna read it and finding your fic in the trash

i've been there but i just write bc i love doing it, i'm dedicated to it and doesn't really care if my fics will have small reads

i know it's easy for me to say bc i already have tons of readers and followers, but i wouldn't be an author you guys know if i didn't risk anything and i just got lucky, believe or not meheh i'm very lucky to have you guys

anyway, hope you all are liking the story so far!!

Love lots ♥

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