Chapter 4

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Valdis sat quietly on top of another roof still able to hear the conversation of her friends below. Hild was looking at his wounded arm. She silently listened to them bicker about who should get Dunholm. She didn't care for it. "Where is Sihtric." Her eyes glanced over as she laid back on the roof with her eyes looking up at the stars. Her brother's words were more demanding then asking.

"Should you not ask his wife?" Aethelwold spoke knowingly getting under their skin. "She is not his wife. She is her own woman and it's not her job to keep track of him." Finan spoke simply as he took a bite of his bread causing the others to look at him. "Then where is she?" Uhtred asked Finan with a curious gaze.

"Probably up a tree or on a house. I don't blame her. It's quiet up there. Gives her time to think without any of you lot yapping in her ear." Finan defended as he glanced up at the roof above them knowing exactly where she was. She sighed deeply closing her eyes. But they snapped open again at Ragnar's words.

"Do you know of her oath?" Ragnar knew if Finan knew of her oath then she trusted him. "We are bound to those who with we share blood. We are bound to those who with we spill blood. We are bound to those who with we bleed." Finan spoke the words he remembered her saying. "People just believe they are words she says. But each part of her oath has a meaning."

Valdis didn't mind him telling them as she trusted most of them. "The first part referenced you and Thyra. The second part referenced are meant for Erik and Sigefrid. And the last part referenced us. The men who fight by her side and defend her when's she knocked down." Finan spoke as he remembered one of their late-night conversations. 

"Now if you will excuse me, I have a very lovely lady who I hope doesn't kill me for calling her a lady to talk to." Valdis smiled at Finan's words as he soon joins her on top of the roof. He gently grabbed the arrow from her hand with a small smile. "What scares me in knowing you could kill me with these like it's nothing."

Valdis laughed lightly as she went to respond but heard Sihtric's voice. "You lied to me." Uhtred spoke as Valdis shot up to sit upright glancing over the roof. Sihtric began stuttering in defense. "You told me Dunholm has no weaknesses. Yet last time I was there, I saw a door along the east wall."

"You put my sister at risk?" Ragnar spoke angrily as Valdis looked at with a frown. "Valdis, what will you do?" Finan asked as he watched her change in posture. "I would not be bringing an army through it." Uhtred decided as Valdis glanced at Finan. "For the first time in my life, I don't know."

Finan could see this was new for her. All of it. He gently grabbed her hand. "Then let us make an oath to each other." Finan spoke as she watched him curiously. "I will fight for you; you shall fight for me. I will die for you, if you wont let me bleed." He spoke softly as she smiled softly and nodded as they rested their heads against each other. 

"I will protect you Valdis, until my last breath. I swear this to you. My loyalty is yours." Finan made the decision long ago he would follow her. He just is now saying it out loud. She nodded silently. "And I you Finan." They pulled away from each other but continued to lay on the roof a little longer they would attack tomorrow night. So, they just talked.


Valdis stayed close to Ragnar as she already decided she would fight with him. "This is where we part. We will show ourselves only when we know the east door has been opened." Ragnar spoke to Uhtred. "Then it is up to you to save us. We will be lambs to the slaughter." Valdis breathed nervously. 

"Finan." She spoke softly as he quickly made his way over to her ignoring the looks from the others as he rested his head against hers and held her hands tightly in his against his chest. Whispering their oath to one another. "I will fight for you; you shall fight for me. I will die for you, if you won't let me bleed." He whispered softly towards her.

They had an unbreakable bond now. It would not be broken by any others. Finan didn't agree with her going on her own until he realized who he was talking to. He slowly pulled away from her with a small nod. He finally released her hands as she followed after Ragnar as they got into position.

"You are making oaths again I see." Ragnar spoke. "Finan must be important to make such an oath with each other." Valdis knew what he was getting at. But she would ignore the feeling in her gut. And follow her head. "Bound by Blood, brother." She spoke simply as he sighed knowing he would not get it out of her. "Bound by Blood, sister." 

They had patiently waited until dawn as she could not sleep. Brida made her way to sit beside her. "What will you tell Sihtric?" Brida asked as she could tell there was more to it. "Sihtric is devoted to me. Who am I to be picky. I cannot leave Sihtric. No matter how much it hurts. I will stick with Sihtric because it's what he deserves." Valdis spoke plainly.

"What about what you deserve?" She asked softly. She missed these talks with Valdis. They were interrupted by an arrow in the air. The signal. She watched Ragnar take half the men to the gate as she ran forward with the next group missing arrows that shot at her. They ran forward as they finally got the gates opened.

She immediately began swinging her sword and with each blow she remembered. One step closer to Thyra. One more. She began launching her sword to the others as they broke through the wall. Every step they took pushed them back more. They had finally backed them into the corner. 

 I stepped out from the shield wall with Ragnar as he fought Kjartan one on one. The blood littered her body as a small smirk made an appearance on her face. Once Ragnar had gotten him to the ground, he stabbed his sword into his wrist and kicked his sword away. So, he shall not enter Valhalla.

"Kill the bitch!" Kjartan shouted before Ragnar stabbed him down. I was confused for a moment before a felt a sharp pain in my back causing me to jolt forward. I glanced up. "Ragnar?" She spoke softly as she fell forward only to be caught by Finan. Finan quickly pulled the arrow out of her back holding her close to him.

"Hey no las alright I need you to stay awake for me." Finan spoke frantically as Sihtric was enjoying the death of his father that he hadn't noticed until he heard Finan shout for Hild. His eyes widened at the sight. He did this. He didn't protect her.

Valdis looked up at Finan with a grunt. "Remember what we promised to each other? Aye? tell me." Finan knew the best thing to do right now was keep her talking. "I will... fight for you, you shall... fight for me. I will die for you... if you won't let me bleed..." She stuttered out as the pain burned her back. 

"Finan, I need to get her on a bed." Hild spoke quickly as he gently lifted her up and took her to one of the houses before rolling her onto her side. "Sihtric?" Valdis asked as she tensed up once Hild touched her wound. Finan growled angrily as he stormed out of the house and swinging his fist into Sihtric only to be stopped by Ragnar.

"She's asking for you. And you're out here!" Finan growled through gritted teeth. Ragnar shook his head towards Finan. "He lost the right to be at her side when you got to her first." Ragnar glared at Sihtric. "You and my sister are done. I'm putting a stop to this. You were so distracted by your father's death that you didn't even notice she got hit."

Ragnar took a step forward. "You once said to me if need where you would go back to the man you were before you loved her. So do it. Finan get inside with her." Ragnar ordered as he did not take his eyes off Sihtric. "I deserve that." Sihtric nodded. 

"After what you did to her last night, it cannot be forgiven. When she wakes you will tell her why you were missing. And may the gods save you." Ragnar narrowed his eyes slightly until they softened to see Thyra.

Finan sat beside Valdis sleeping form as he held her hand in his own. Brida walked in with a frown. "Will she be alright?" Brida asked Finan as he silently nodded. "Aye my lady, she will be fine. She just needs rest." 

"Your oath, why did you swear it to her? She is what your people call a pagan whore." Finan smiled softly at the sleeping form. "I told her about where I came from. What I did to be forced out of my homeland. She held no judgment. Only understandin. She is no pagan whore to me. Or the goddess of death."

"She is a warrior and a fighter. But wants so bad to be weak once and a while. I will die for her. As she will die for me. That is what we promised each other." Finan sighed as he gently rubbed her hand softly. 


"What now? Bebbanburg?" Ragnar asked looking over at his brother. "Wessex. Wessex or I'm sure Steapa has orders to kill me, I'm sure." Uhtred answered as he looked at the fire. "I need peace for a time, I need my woman." 

"What of Valdis?" Ragnar asked looking over at Uhtred. "I think it's best she stays with you for a while. With the whole Sihtric thing. And Wessex thinking she is some sort of devil. She needs to get away from it Ragnar. Take her with you." Ragnar sighed looking at his hands.

"She will not leave Finan. The oath they made to each other Uhtred is sacred." Ragnar explained. "Not if Finan talks to her. He will convince her." Ragnar nodded in agreement as they had Finan brought in.

"Finan, do you care for our sister?" Ragnar asked. "I do my lord." Finan held his hands in front of him. "Then we must ask something of you." Ragnar spoke as Uhtred felt Ragnar was better to have this conversation. "She is always speaking of blood and how we are bound to it, but you are bound by something different." 

"We our bound by trauma my lord. We are bound by fear, and hatred, loyalty and bravery." Finan wasn't sure he liked where this was going. "And love?" Ragnar asked as Finan stayed silent as he could only speak for himself not her. "Valdis needs to come with me. Wessex will not welcome her, and she needs to be with her people for a time." 

"Why are you telling me this my lord?" Finan asked as he felt his heart break at the thought of being away from the woman who so easily snuck her way into his heart. "She will listen to you. Convince her to come with me. She will refuse us as she would not want to leave you unprotected. Your important to her now. Which means you are important to us now."

Uhtred then spoke up. "If you die a part of her dies. So, I will do the job of making sure you are safe. Ragnar is doing the job of making sure she is free." Finan couldn't argue. Not because they were lords. But because they were right. They spoke nights ago of being free from this. Of all of this. He couldn't deny her that.

"I will speak to her. I just ask one thing in return." He turned his attention fully to Ragnar. "Don't let her forget me. But if she does love another. Let her. I will never care for another because she will always understand me in a way no one else would." Finan decided. The second he met her he knew what he felt for her would never match what he could feel for another.

"She will not forget you because you will not be away from her long. Maybe a few months, possibly a year but no more than that." Ragnar spoke as Finan took his leave and made his way to Valdis.

She was awake when he walked in with Sihtric by her bedside. She frowned at Sihtric with a heartbroken look. Sihtric had told her what he had done. He had taken a girl to bed the night he disappeared. He betrayed her trust. 

Sihtric stood to his feet with a deep frown on his face and walked outside past Finan who took Sihtric's spot next to her to be greeted with a smile. "I hate doin this when you smile at me like that." 

"Doing what?" She frowned slightly. "You need to stay here with your brother. I wish to stay with you, but I think you need some time without us. Be with your brother and your people." Finan watched her tense up. "Your leaving?" Finan sighed at her words as he took her hand in his and kissed it.

"You need to be here Valdis. Wessex is not safe for you. Nowhere is safe for you except here. I will not be away long. I swear. Just you need to sort things out darlin." She looked around slightly as she did always wish to be near her people. She spent long enough with Uhtred. Now it's time to be with Ragnar. 

"I am bound to those I love, to my brothers. To my people. To you. Never forget that." She spoke as Finan felt his heart crack a little more at her words as she gently placed her hand on his cheek growing tired. "When you wake, I will most likely be gone. As will the rest of us." Finan frowned. He sighed as he was fighting to not kiss her. But he knew if he did, he would never be able to leave her.

He watched her slowly fall asleep as he sat with her a while longer before walking outside. "She will stay." Finan spoke passing Ragnar and Uhtred quickly as he hopped on his horse. "Now let's leave before I change my mind and walk back in there to stay with her." Finan watched Uhtred and the others said their final goodbyes.

Finan sighed as he wanted to look back at Dunholm. If he did, he would never leave. "Come on Finan." He spoke to himself as he rode forward without looking back. Knowing that the woman he loved, would stay. 

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