Chapter 5

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Uhtred stood in front of his home of Cocham as his wife, Gisela, and Finan stood beside him. "Uhtred how do you serve a man who doesn't see your value?" Finan asked looking over to his lord. "Oh, he sees it. His god won't allow him to embrace it." Uhtred explained.

"He dislikes me more by the day." Uhtred told Finan with his hands on his hips as he wasn't too happy about Alfred being in his home. "Then you should ask him to release you." Gisela spoke as she glanced at her husband. "And we will go north, to my brother and to Ragnar." Finan's body tensed up slightly. 

"You'll hear no complaint from me my lady." Finan spoke as he watched the village move before glancing at Uhtred. "You will see her soon Finan." Uhtred told his dear friend who he knows missed his sister. "Yea, well you have been saying that for the past 3 years. You and Ragnar told me I would not be away from her longer than a year." Finan was irritated. He was worried that she may have found love in another. 

Finan scoffed looking at Uhtred before taking his leave. He has tried to be patient. He took a seat next to Sihtric in the hall with an irritated look. They have become very close friends over the years. "You and Uhtred arguing again?" Sihtric asked knowing all too familiar look from Finan. Which has appeared more recently. 

"They told me I would be away from her for only a year. It has been 3. She could be different by now Sihtric. She may not be the same woman I remember." Finan had dreaded that she would not care for him. "You still love her?" Sihtric asked. Sihtric had time to move on from Valdis and found love in another he wished to marry but needed Uhtred's permission. 

"I'm always going to love her Sihtric. The question remains of if she still feels the same." Finan frowned as Sihtric passed him a cup of Ale so he may drown his sorrows. Sihtric had been proud of his friend. He had not touched another woman since they left Valdis with Ragnar. He couldn't because he would only think of her, and it hurt more to do so.

He will see her soon. He was sure of it.


Valdis skillfully swung her sword at her opponent before dodging his swing and knocking him down on his back from swiping under his legs. She held a sword to his throat with a smirk. "Now, Aki. I thought we talked about this. You will never win." She smiled down at her friend. She helped him to his feet. 

He had sworn his sword to her 2 years ago and has been loyal to her since. She has even allowed him to marry and father children. Which some lords or ladies would not allow as he would be distracted. "Valdis stop hurting the man sworn to protect you." Ragnar chuckled as he glanced at his sister. Brida had taken a spot next to Ragnar as they watched Valdis and Aki continue fighting.

"She's gotten very good." Brida spoke as Ragnar hummed in agreement. "She also misses him." Ragnar grunted looking down at his wife with a narrowed look. He did not wish to have this conversation again. "You know you see it. Her glancing out of the walls hoping one day she sees him coming over the hill. Or the days she joins battles and still whispers their oath to one another. It's killing her Ragnar." Brida tried to plead for her sister-in-law. 

"She is free to come and go as she pleases Brida. If she wanted to see him so bad, she would be gone by now." Ragnar groaned as he had this argument with her for months now. "She is afraid Ragnar. She is afraid to leave you. Where she cannot protect you. She feels like she owes you and will not leave until to make it clear to her she can." Brida was growing frustrated with the topic as he knew she was right.

But she could tell her husband was afraid to let go of his sister just yet. "I will talk to her." Ragnar finally decided he had enough of this conversation. "Well a perfect opportunity just appeared. Erik and Sigefrid send for her. She promised to fight with them if they ever returned. They have returned." 

Ragnar just nodded silently as he gently grabbed his sister's arm pulling her inside of her home. "We need to talk." Valdis looked up at her brother confused by the sudden action. "Erik and Sigefrid send for you." Valdis beamed happily but frowned when she realized that meant she had to leave. 

"You haft to go Valdis. You promised them you would. You have spent the better part of 3 years inside these walls. It's driving your mad sister. You need this. Just remember you will always have a home here." Ragnar spoke not letting her interrupt him as a few tears started welling up in her eyes as she pulled him into a hug.

"After your business with Erik and Sigefrid, you may return to your Irishman." Valdis eyes widened at the thought, but she never felt so happy at the thought of seeing him again. "I will ride out at first light. See if Aki will join me. Possibly Saga will join me as well." 

"Valdis, Saga and Aki have sworn their swords to you. They will follow you anywhere." Ragnar chuckled as he watched his sister race out of her house. He worried for her. He worried that she will not return to him. He walked outside to see her talking to Aki and Saga who both nodded. He was happy to know that she at least had people sworn to fight for her. 

She looked back at her brother with a smile. He never seen her so happy before. He has happy she was happy. And free.

Sihtric called out to Uhtred as they rode forward. "Lord. Have you made a decision yet? Have you given it thought?" Sihtric asked riding next to Uhtred. "You will give him your answer lord." Gisela spoke as she watched Uhtred think for a moment. 

"Sihtric, your sword his sworn to me. But your loyalty is sworn to my sister. She makes that decision. I will send a messenger to her." Uhtred told Sihtric as he silently nodded falling back in line with the rest of the group. Once they did finally arrive at Winchester for the princess's wedding. Uhtred went to find a Messager with Finan and Sihtric at his side.

"You I need you to give this letter to Valdis. She is in Dunholm." The man looked at him confused for a moment before shaking his head." Valdis Ragnardottir is not in Dunholm." He responded as Uhtred looked to see the concerned look on Finan's face. "She and her two sworn swords have gone to Erik and Sigefrid to help them fight."

Uhtred grumbled slightly. "Then find her and give this to her." The man nodded as he got on his horse and rode off. "You should have sent me. If she is fighting with the brothers, she could get seriously hurt." Finan was irritated. He wonders how long she has been there or if she has just gone recently. But whatever it was he didn't like it.

"Sihtric go get Finan a drink. Finan. Valdis will be fine." Uhtred spoke calmly as he knew his sister wouldn't fight in battle, she thought she would lose. He watched as Sihtric walked away with Finan as he glanced over to his wife. Valdis would be fine. Like she always was. 


Valdis sat on her horse beside Erik with Saga and Aki behind her. She watched at Sigefrid gave a speech to the men. "Isn't that your job Erik?" She chuckled as he playfully shoved her. Something about her was different. She was happy. Well at least happier than before. She looked strong. ready to take on the world. "Let him boast." Erik spoke softly with a small smirk.

She followed them as they had taken Lunden with ease. Sure, she left with a few cuts and bruises, but she would admit she was a little disappointed. She sat drinking Ale as Saga and Aki sat beside her. "I received a letter from Uhtred. Sihtric wishes to marry." Valdis spoke as she took a sip of her Ale as Saga spoke up. "What did you say?" She asked her to look at Aki.

They were both aware of the history between Sihtric and Valdis. But they both knew where her heart currently sits. "I gave my permission. He is still sworn loyalty to me many years ago. Even if he serves Uhtred his loyalty is always to me. So, Uhtred refused to make the decision without my input." Valdis explained as she looked at her cup.

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