Chapter Eight

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She looks up at me with her tearful eyes and smiles. A silent chuckle escaping her lips as she sticks out her tongue and licks the remains off my cock, glistening in her drool. How the hell am I still hard after coming in her mouth?

"Yes, sir," she replies sucking her tongue away. Her body twitches and she drops her head like it just became too heavy. I hide my cock and drop down to her level, tilting her chin up and press my lips against hers. I can still taste myself a little, a lingering aftertaste that mixes with her zesty, musky scent that lingers long after I part my lips with hers. The smell of her skin, her sweat, her sudden submissiveness, I don't think I could ever get bored of it. The way her aroma zaps me into other submissive was able to make me long for them as much as I do Mia.

"Good girl, now remember not to misbehave, otherwise it'll be your pussy I'll be slapping next not your plump little ass." I watch her swallow before nodding. Fuck how is this little act making me hard and think about her mouth full of my cum again. I want it spilling out of her as her cheeks flush, eyes begging for more. I will have her bent to my will the next three days. I must.

"Let me get you out of these and then we have to talk." I begin by untying the rope around her wrists.

"Talk about what, sir?"

"Your punishment." I let the rope fall to the ground and massage her reddened wrists before letting them go.

"Why would we need to talk about the punishment...sir."

"Because I need to know how it made you feel, now hush, save the talking for when we're in bed having breakfast." I begin untying her legs. Not bothering to pick up the rope to clean it up, I pick her up and place her body onto the bed. Disappearing from the bedroom, I go to take a tray of the food that's thankfully still warm, prepare her peppermint tea and bring it back to the bed.

Sitting down, I pull her against me, between my legs, forcing her to be unashamed of her nakedness. She has a magnificent body, petite yet curvy at the same time. Truly a piece of art in my eyes. I can only hope that I could get her nakedness painted and hung up in my control room.

With her back resting against my chest, I can't help but stroke her hair behind her ear. She isn't just the feeling of a new plaything anymore. She's someone I am determined to get.

For a little while I watch as she eats the breakfast, I provided for her. Munching on the bread and eggs causing her stomach to rumble. It makes me laugh.

"What? You and your kinky ways make me hungry," she says with a mouthful. I lean round and take a bite out of her toast.

"Get used to it little tiger, there's a lot more to come."

"You're going to make me bed ridden mister."

"Mister?" I cock my head around to look at her. She giggles and turns her head to face me.

"Am I only limited to sir?"

I smirk. "Preferably, yes."

A sense of silence befalls the room as she drops her food back onto the plate. She places one of her palms onto the back of my hand wrapped around her tiny waist.

"Why don't you like it when a submissive says your name?" she blurts out.

"It's just something I prefer," I reply monotone.

"Have you ever tried it at least?"


"Then how can you know if you don't like it if you've never tried it before?"

"I never met the right woman that made me want to hear my name being uttered from her lips."

"How many women have you been with?"

"A few."

"I'd like a number please."

She makes me chuckle. "I don't know the actual number; I've had more than I can count on my fingers."

"Oh." She pauses. "Do you keep in touch with any of them?"

I can sense the utter discontent in her voice. "No, no I don't," I say guilt-ridden.

I cough to change my tone of voice before switching the topic of discussion. "How do you feel?" I ask pressing a feathered kiss to the top of her head, long enough to get a little whiff of her scent.

Hmmm, she smells amazing.

"I feel okay, I think."

"You sound unsure," I say causing her to twist around in my arms. I don't want her to. I need her pressed against me. That's the only way I know she's truly here with me. It's the most unusual feeling. I have never felt so deprived of a touch from anyone. I never even liked sleeping in the same bed as anyone else before, yet with her, she makes it seem so much more natural. She's like a magnet trying to take out all the bad things within me. The horrible habits I built up among the years. I'm still young, but I always knew what I wanted, and she is no exception to that.

"It's just all so new to me, I-I've never done any of those kinds of things so explicitly." She lowers her head, but I notice the apples of her cheeks flushed. "I haven't even had sex for a few years before I met you."

I grab a hold of her pressing her curled up body to me once more. "Why is that?" I ask stroking my fingers soothingly through her hair.

"I'm not sure, my...," she stops.

"It's okay you can tell me," I try reassuringly, kissing the top of her head.

"My first time was very rushed. It happened when I went back to Russia for the summer, my friend dragged me out to a party at her friend's house and we got acquainted. I got so drunk, everyone was, the next thing I remember sitting on his lap and kissing him then suddenly we were having sex in his bed with him trying to get all kinky, it really wasn't for me, we stopped, he apologised, and I went home feeling like crap."

"Did you ever see him again after that?"

"I did, we ended up dating the whole summer."

The whole damn summer?

"Why did you end up dating someone you barley knew?" I ask surprised at how overprotective I'm feeling of her.

She shuffles herself in my hold and peers her eyes at me. "I could say the same for us, why did I let you fuck me so soon?" she sneers.

"Fair point, little tiger." I let her rest her head on my chest again. "Did he try any of the ...kinky stuff on you again?"

"He tried but he never really knew what he was doing, kept emphasising that he saw it watching porn, and it wasn't like we did it a lot, I can count of one hand how many times he tried to fuck me."

"Did you like what he did to you?" I ask curious to hear her answer. Maybe this will tell me how she really feels about our type of relationship.

"Not really, maybe because he didn't do it the way you do." She stills and I wonder if she wants to say anything else. Does this mean she enjoys what we do? The way I tie her up?

I squeeze her closer to me. This is becoming an act that is far out of my limits but for some reason I don't mind it. I may be a romantic, but I was never physically affectionate with anyone before. I began to hate physical touch thinking that the moment I'll allow myself to have it I'll fall for a woman and she'll end up leaving me. With Mia... I don't want her to leave me.

"You should take a nap."

She nods, yawing suddenly as I let her fall asleep in my arms. I wait for her breathing to soften and her body to completely relax into me before I set her down onto the pillows and cover her with the duvet lightly. I calmly brush her hair from her face, allowing my fingertips to broom her soft arm. She is so delicate, innocent looking. Like a little girl. Nowhere near as experienced as my other submissives, despite not being a virgin.

I place a feathered kiss to her forehead before picking up the tray of breakfast leftovers, make myself a coffee and head into the office. Its already past ten. Unlike me to be lounging about in my sweats at this time, but I have no meetings and I have planned to dedicate the rest of my trip to Mia. The one and only woman I feel too desperate to have. That panic I get in my chest any time she even looks away from me makes me wonder if perhaps she might be the one. I have never felt that for anyone else before, but I feel too stuck in the idea that, despite wanting a marriage and children, I can't not have a submissive as a wife. The strike system is too important for me. She can push all my other limits, just not this one.

It worries me that she has already gotten one strike. I've had submissives in the past that never even received one during our entire time together. With Mia? It's only been two days and she already has one. I desperately want us to be compatible, but I also need to protect myself. Not from being seen as a dominant who may struggle to tame a brat, but from a heartbreak. I can't allow myself to end up like my father who is still left broken and unmarried after what my mother did to him. That shit is what breaks my heart.

I go to grab myself a coffee, pouring a hint of liqueur in it and take a seat at the desk again.

I try disturbing myself by finally opening the brown envelope that was handed to me two days ago when I first met Mia, I've been so distracted I haven't had the chance to open it. Ripping to top off I slide out the papers and scan the numbers, but as I flick through, I notice it's a whole bunch of hospital bills. Ones that my mother has been paying with the money I send her, for her beloved new husband she cheated with on my father. I become a big ball of fury, slamming my hand into the table. Serves the bastard right, but the fact she's using my money to help him. I hate that.

Why does my mother have to keep doing things to hurt me? To remind me how much she hates me and my father. She claims she loves and tries to call on all the special occasions, and I let her, but I cannot allow her to waste my money on the fucker that she used to cheat with. The very fact that they even married and had a little child together recoils me.

I scrunch up the paper and throw it into the bin beside the desk. Just then a sleepy little tigger comes knocking through the office door. She slid into one my shirts which brushes past her thighs.

"What was that knock I heard?" she asks.

"Nothing, aren't you tired, you only slept about twenty minutes."

She nods her head still standing at the door, leaning her body against the doorframe. Standing, I walk up to her. "Let's go take a shower."

* * * Mia * * *

The minute my body warms up in the shower he turns me around in a quick swift motion, grasping the upper parts of my arms, digging his nails into me until I grumble in slight soreness. His showered lips press against mines. Its harsh, nothing like the way he has kissed me before. He tastes of morning coffee and a hint of whiskey, burning my mouth till my throat scratches.

There's something else to his kiss... something that makes me wonder if he's in pain. I can feel his pained facial expressions like touching me hurts him. I am the forbidden fruit that he can't resist taking before he dies in agony. Perhaps that makes him angry?

He pulls me closer to him, wrapping his hands into my damp hair but instead of tugging, I feel him grab a fistful to press my face closer to him. He is suffocating me with himself and all I can do is take it.

His other hand begins to wonder up and down my back before I feel his rough palm press my chest against him. Trapping me within him. Normally, these kinds of acts would make me feel insecure. Especially since I am still so unsure if I want this type of relationship. After the punishment I received I am left feeling more confused than I thought I would be. My brain continues to scream at my body contradicting itself.

Just like right now. I find myself feeling wetter and wetter between my legs the more aggressive he becomes with his kiss, biting down on my lower lip before resuming to taste the inside of my mouth.

He guides me backwards till my back hits the cold tiled walls. I whimper from the sudden change of temperature, giggling but the look in Noah's eyes says he is hungry for something other than my playfulness.

His darkened eyes guise over to my neck. I gulp. Parting my lips as I let out a breath.

"Do you think your tight little pussy is ready for me yet?" he asks brushing his thumb over my wet lips. I feel my body shudder. My body is screaming yes but my mind is unable to make me answer him.

His eyes darken even more to the point of complete obscurity. One of his hand's rests on my chest, his palm brushing against my breast, fingers lightly pinching at my already hard nipple before resting on the crook of my neck, keeping me pressed against the tiles. All while his other hand guides itself to my hips, past and around till his fingers find the crease behind my ass. Toying with it, gently brushing his finger, occasionally coming close enough to my entrance that my legs shake and slip.

"Do you like the way I fuck you?"

I can't answer like an absolute idiot as the feeling of his hands against my wet naked body is enough of a distraction. Nevermind his hard, throbbing erection pressing against my lower tummy. It makes my stomach growls. How is it that I am enticed to have him in my mouth again?

"God, I can already smell the taste of your pussy in the air," he growls tilting his head back, taking a whiff of the air.

I nearly melt on the spot when those words escape his mouth, because the minute he looks back at me, his eyes are so exuberating that I feel like I am being hypnotised. My body enters a state of calm. All I can hear is the thumping of our hearts, and the rapid breathing against my neck.

A sudden cry comes out of me when his teeth sink into my shoulder but soon the pain is replaced with a pleasure even more gratifying than the last. He does it again, and again, and again. Each more satisfying than the last, forcing me into a spellbound only he can undo.

Unconsciously, my hands begin to claw at him. Making him groan when my nails drag against the flesh on his back. Dragging them deeper to match the bites on my shoulder, only making me crave the soreness I never knew I'd enjoy.

Noah pulls away, admiring the work all over my neck and shoulders. "Who knew you'd be such a floozy for pain." He leans in to whisper in my ear. "I'm going to fuck you to the point of no return little tiger."

His teeth drag against my jawline, back to my ear, nibbling at my earlobe. "I'm going to make you hurt and I'm going to enjoy watching every bit of your body squirming in pain."

"S-sir," I whimper, his words burning into me like melted gold, moulding me into the type of submissive he wants me to be.

"Shut the fuck up!" his raises his voice a little. "I don't wanna hear anything other than the shower, understand?"

I nod my head and watch as he slides down grabbing my legs and placing them on his shoulders. He places a single harsh bite on the inside on my thigh before he attacks my sensitive spots with the most vicious assaults that has me biting on my lip till it bleeds.

His tongue shows no mercy, torturing me, keeping me right on the edge of orgasm. Flicking my clit faster than my fingers could ever keep up. He moans against my hot wet entrance. I almost pass out causing his hand to rise up and press my chest against the tiles. His fingers pinch my nipple, twisting and tormenting it. The burning sensation is like a hot wire all the way down to my pussy, coercing me to orgasm till I go blind.

Without giving me time to recover, he puts me down to my feet, raises my leg and holds it up against his side as he thrusts himself inside me without warning. I let out a moan, the sudden fullness brushing against my fuming wires, my walls tightening against him as he picks up a rhythm that has us both shaking.

"I told you not to make a sound," he rumbles at me, holding up his fingers and showing them in my mouth.

I can't help but clamp down on them with my teeth as the sensations of his thrusts increase making me feel like I just released a gust of cream all over his length. His thrusts become slippery, the quelching of my pussy louder than the shower itself. But I have no time to be overcome with insecurity when I am so paralysed by pleasure. And it isn't long before I feel him release his own seed inside me. Its hot and spills out of me when he slips his erection out of me.

"Third time," he says but it isn't a question, it's a demand whilst his finger scoops his cum then spreads it all over my clit. Massaging me at a fast pace that has my spine curling up towards him.

Resting my head on his chest, my hands grasping his biceps I can't help but grind myself against his fingers. I may be starting to feel numb, but I can't help but want more. It's like my body is drunk, drunk on Noah and it is demanding more of him to the point of hungover.

"That's it, little tiger, grind on my fingers till you get yourself off."

His words resonate within me, compelling me to follow his order and it isn't long until my nails dig into his muscles and my throat rasps from a scream that bounces off the shower walls. My pussy dampens his fingers in its sticky juices, but he doesn't stop toying with me. His finger slides inside me as he tilts my head up to look at me.

"I'm not done with you little tiger." 

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