Chapter Seven

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I wake up to the feeling of bright light shining into my eyes. I struggle to open them and realise I rolled over to the other side of the bed. I am no longer in the arms of the man who is my supposed dominant. The realisation of this hits me like a wave of sorrow. Is this what he meant when he said my body craves his touch? The feeling of emptiness and loneliness a trigger to my body that clashes into me. It's a feeling of enduring an endless night without stars.

In my sleepy state I twist my head around to examine the other side of the bed, stretching my arm out and patting the bed sheets. Empty. Did he wake up extra early? I sit up and stare at the clock on the nightstand.

Holy freaking moly! Its already past 9am and I am late for work. Really late!

I scramble myself out of bed, pushing the bed sheets aside. My legs struggle to keep their balance, I almost fall, but I somehow manage to keep myself straight. I notice my clothes have disappeared off the floor and are nowhere to be found.

My eyes search the room, but I only notice a big black box on a chair near the bed. Briefly I wonder if it's even moral for me to look inside. I need to find something to wear to go to work, so what's the harm in just looking. I lift the lid of the box and notice an array of lingerie.

What the...

How are scraps of lace and mesh going to dress me appropriately for work?

I lash out into the bathroom and grab one of the fluffy bathrobes that hangs on the wall. Tightening it around my waist I begin strutting my way to the living area. There's a creak in the sliding door to the office and I see Noah sitting at his desk looking over some papers. He isn't wearing a shirt and since I can't see his bottom, I can only hope he isn't walking around naked.

Or maybe I do...

I push open the door and stand in the frame, crossing my arms.

"Did you have anything to do with the sudden disappearance of my clothes?" I try my hardest to keep the frustration hidden within my voice, but I don't think it works. He lifts his eyes up at me and glares. Those deep dark eyes made of steel.

"That's no way to greet your dominant in the morning lady."

God damn his voice. It's so much deeper and raspier. I'm convinced his voice alone is having an impact on my body in a way that I wouldn't want to admit it is. I can't possibly be feeling a gust of moisture between my legs this early in the morning, never mind at a time when I am supposed to be annoyed with him for making me sleep in and late for work.

"Did you or did you not hide my clothes?" I press the matter, taking a few steps inside his office.

"I had them sent off to the dry cleaners."

"Great!" I yell out plunging my hands out in defeat. "What am I gonna wear to work then?"

He stares at me once more before looking away, resuming to his paperwork.

"You're not going to work today, as a matter of fact, you aren't going to work for the next few days."

I stand there in shock. He did not just call to my workplace on my behalf. Will I even have a job after this. I haven't taken any days off like this before. Ever. The only exception were exams.

"Don't worry it's just a few days holiday so we can spend enough time together to see if we're compatible," he adds.

I snort. He could have easily asked me to do it myself, but instead he went out of his way to do something I never asked him to do, nor expect from him. I have bills to pay unlike him who has enough to take money showers.

"You had no fucking right to call without my permission!" I point my finger at him.

Some other kind of emotion begins to consume me. It's a good distraction for me when my thighs clench together watching the god of sex stand up. Grey sweatpants laying lowly on his hips. I want to revel in his image, in his morning voice which send deep vibrations stinging my body underneath this robe. In his ruffled hair or his sculpted body. The abs and the adonis belt.

Shake yourself out of it Mia! He violated my independence. Something I have fought too hard to get over the many years that I have lived here as a foreigner. He doesn't get to take that away from me.

"Watch your tone with me lady."

"Or what?" I say letting the inner brat within me finally unleash. I raise my eyebrow, quizzing what his next move will be.

He walks right up to me, grabbing my chin between his fingers and tilting it up so that my eyes meet his. His glare feels like ice. Freezing me in my place till even breathing is made difficult.

"Or I'll have you crying by the end of your punishment." I gulp. It is a threat. One that makes all the hairs on my body stand to attention.

"I could make it really bad for you Mia, it would be a real mental challenge for you if you keep testing me like this, I'm not a patient man, don't ever forget that, and don't ever forget to call me sir, little girl."

His calm and foreboding tone of voice is even more dangerous. But he would never hurt me, not severely at least in ways that go against my hard limits. Perhaps, I should push his limits then. He seems to think it alright to do it with me, so why can't I do the same. This thing should work both ways.

"I'd like to see you try," I snap with a growl at the back of my throat, snapping his hand away. That seems to have done the trick. He closes his eyes and I watch as his chest and shoulders move as he breaths. It would make my mouth water if I wasn't so annoyed at his actions.

Instead of saying anything, he opens his eyes like a blazing dragon spitting silent fire. He grips my upper arm as tightly as he tied the rope around it and drags me into the centre of the living room.

I think I fucked up...

"Drop the robe Mia," he rumbles in his raspy voice, but I can't bring myself to do anything. I stare at the dangerous dragon in godly form.

He doesn't repeat himself, instead he takes primal control over my body and thoughts. His fingers begin to untie the string around my waist and only then do I register what is happening. I am so getting my ass whooped for what I just did.

I snap his hands away again and untie the robe before pausing. I hesitate as I feel his burning stare on every single move I make. I wouldn't be surprised if he was able to tell every time I took a breath. Or didn't.

"If I repeat myself again, I can promise you the punishment will be much worse than what I plan to do with you right now."

I hold my breath, pushing my lips inwards in anticipation as I let the robe fall off my shoulders and down to my feet.

"Hand it over to me."

With brief reluctance I bend down and pick up the ruffled robe, placing it into his outstretched hand. He doesn't bother correcting it, he throws it across the sofa and disappears into the bedroom. Why did he just vanish? Surely, he doesn't think that making me stand completely naked in a single place will teach me a lesson.

Seconds pass by, maybe even minutes. I hate the silence; I hate him not telling me what he is going to do. All sorts of thoughts begin running in my mind. Is he going to spank me till I have cuts on my ass that sting at the slightest contact with any possible atom? That would be too easy, too painful, I don't think I would be able to handle that. Can I even use any of my safewords during a punishment, a punishment I don't know anything about?

I begin to tap my fingers on the sides of my thighs. My heart is pounding in my chest. I can hear each passing of my blood pulsating in my ears creating a hissing noise that is all too maddening. I wish I was a ferocious cat capable of standing tall as I await judgment.

After what feel likes an eternity, I gulp a handful of oxygen when I see Noah finally stalk towards me with more rope than my arms could handle. Only a few feet away, not even stopping for a nano-second, he drops the rope to the wooden floor creating a thud that makes me quiver.

"Sit on the coffee table." His order threatens me into submission.

My bare ass sits on the glass top. Looking up at him I notice he is no longer in front of me. Grabbing some rope, all a matching blood thirsty red, he resumes standing in front of me. He lowers his body and grabs a hold of my ankles, forcing me to lift them up and press them so close to my body that the heels almost touch right where the crease of my ass would naturally begin.

"Do you know what your being punished for Mia?" he asks as he unties the first set of rope. Before I can even blink, he finds the middle and hooks it in a tight circle around my forcefully bent legs. Then again, and again and again, ensuring the last loop is extra tight.

"Because I gave you attitude," I snort. Immediately, I regret it when he glares at me in disapproval. I think I am pushing his limits. Pushing them far more than I probably should.

"And?" He takes the remaining rope and stars intertwining around each loop on one side, then the next.

I gulp before answering. "Not calling you sir."

I hate to admit that, but it is true. I have been slacking on something that he has asked me to do. I shouldn't be. But if I were a true submissive this wouldn't be such an issue. It doesn't feel natural, even more so when I know what his real name is. Why can't I call him Noah? It's a name that has so many meanings to me now, yet I can only use it in my mind or in my dreams. It doesn't seem fair, particularly since he gets to call me by my name. Getting my head wrapped around this entire relationship is so much more difficult than I first anticipated. It shouldn't be this hard, not when I so desperately want him to fuck me again. Not when there's a small inkling inside me that wants to please this master of ropes.

"And is that appropriate behaviour for a submissive?" he asks staring into my eyes.

I feel my body overheating. This isn't going to be a good punishment. I can smell dissatisfaction emitting from his musky scent.

"No, sir," I let out shakily. He doesn't answer.

He wraps his arms around me and props me on the table in a way that makes me look like I am ready to pray, in the most unholy way, with rope squeezing my legs together and my shins to the back of my thighs. It's not a pleasant feeling, but it's not particularly horrible either.


Suddenly, he brings my arms back. I don't know what it looks like, but I can tell he's tying more rope around them. When he's finished, he lifts them up which forces me to push my body forward. I'm am on the verge on being in doggy right now if it weren't for the rope around my legs.

"On your toes Mia."

I shake my head. I can't possibly do it; my body is so restricted he is pushing it in ways I didn't even know was possible. I shake my head again. Tears prickle my eyes as I force myself to try and do as I'm told, but it's no use.

I feel his hand cup my bum and lift me up a little. "Toes." A simple word. A simple order that I force myself to oblige. Maybe if I do now, this whole situation will be over with quicker.

"Good girl," he whispers encouragingly, but I think I need more than just being called a 'good girl' to withstand this.

I tilt my head up and watch as he walks up behind me, lifting my arms up. I've no idea what he has attached it to, but I know he did something to keep them that way because he walks right up to me again, leaning down so that his face is just inches away from me. What is he doing to me? How can I allow myself to be tainted like this!

"Now, are you going to give me more attitude in the future?" he asks. It takes all my mighty power to not spit at his face. Instead, I let out a snort, rolling my eyes.

"This isn't so bad, I thought you were going to punish me."

His lips quirk up into a smug beam. His eyes twinkles as bright as the stars. "This punishment takes time." He takes out more rope that I didn't even notice he was holding. He holds it up in front of my face. There is a small knot in the middle.

"Open your mouth."

I shake my head in condemnation. Seconds pass by and when I keep my mouth shut, he takes one of his hands up to my mouth. One of his fingers pushes down on my chin whilst another is forcing its way inside my mouth. Damn him! I have no choice but to open wide for him.

He shoves the knot in my mouth and wraps it around my head. I feel him tug on my hair, lifting it up a little and keeping them there. I am completely motionless. If I tilt my head back any more then it'll just pull it further back and keep it that way, putting unnecessary strain on my spine. My wrists are already pressing together behind me, lifted so high up I am forced to tilt my body forward. Thank fuck for my female centre of gravity.

"You're going to stay like this until you are on the brink of so much discomfort than I see tears coming out of your eyes, this is a punishment about discipline, learn to keep your foul mouth in check and learn to not forget the rules." I feel his presence behind me, his heat emitting to my bare ass. My heart accelerates past its speed limits.

"Think about your behaviour Mia because this is your first strike, two more of these and you'll be in deep disappointment." He strikes my ass right in the middle. Pain radiates through my veins as the sting only intensifies. I try to cry out but it's no use when my mouth is plugged with a roped gag ball.

His fingers tease between my butt crack. Moving pass my holes to my clit, flicking the sensitive spot. The motions are completely out of rhythm, out of tune with what my body would like. This is punishment, he knows it, but my body betrays me and my mouth attempts to let out a moan, but it comes out sounding more like a grunt.

"Your wet." His finger finds its way to my entrance. He doesn't go in. He teases the wetness spreading it around, making it messy, making me feel it more than I did before.

Abruptly, he retreats his hand from me. I peek up at him. He sits on the sofa chair in front of the coffee table, his erection already noticeably bulging underneath his sweatpants.

He likes this! The idea of me being bound by him, wrapped around his finger in ways that are not the most comfortable. What a jerk!

"I'm going to watch you, and only when I think you've had enough will I let that pretty little mouth do some talking." His voice discharges through my body, zapping me in all the right places making me forget for a solid second how uncomfortable these bindings are. Compressing my skin so tightly it feels like I am getting a hug.

I attempt to swallow, but the simple human act is made impossible with this rope in my mouth. I look down at the glass table. A look of horror in my big eyes. Gone is the girl that looked like she was innocent. Now she looks like the girl that is owned by a powerful man who dominates her body. She is the girl that is on the verge of breaking out of her innocent dreams, her habits, and disturbed thoughts. I can't let that happen. I just can't let myself become another one of his submissive that falls in love with the idea of being controlled. Surely, that can't be me...

Drool begins to ooze out of my mouth and drops down to the glass top, blurring out my reflection. Maybe this is for the better. Looking at myself will only make me feel even more confused.

My mind begins to wonder some more. How can this be empowering? He gawks at me like I am a deer that he is trying to shoot for his big dinner. I am not an animal. I am a human, so why am I being treated like this?

The worst part of it all is that my body doesn't seem to mind this. It cries comfort with the tightness of the rope around me, if only it could have more of it. I want to scream. I'm not supposed to like any of this, this is supposed to be a punishment. Yet, it's a challenge that is pushing my body to its limits, testing it to see what it can do. Mentally, it's exhausting me, and it has barely been five minutes, or less, or maybe more...

I hate this. I hate that I have allowed myself to get bratty and into this situation. I hate that my body is enjoying it even though I mentally must force myself to focus. My toes are beginning to hurt. My body is starting to feel stiff and shaky. My mouth is aching to be able to swallow properly.

If this is punishment, I don't want it ever again, not if it means my body will deceive me again. I close my eyes trying to focus on staying strong in this position. Its unnatural but I think I'm doing okay.

If feels like hours have passed by before I feel a new wave of emotions consume me. My eyes threaten to water as my thoughts linger to the strike system. I have hit the nail in the head with that one. If I fuck up on two more opportunities, then that will be it. He won't want me anymore. Maybe I should stop being like this and just listen to him, after all he is only here for a few more days.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I watch as the ropes consume her body and mind. She's stuck in her mindset. Too stuck in it for my liking. Her nose crinkles as her eyebrows bring themselves together. Her eyes are melting like a gold sward pressed against a fire pit. She doesn't hate this. She isn't even using her safe word actions. No rapid head shaking or twinkling her little fingers.

She looks magnificent like this. The view of her skin grazing against the nylon material, creating little creases from the tightness has my cock hardening. It gives me the biggest urge to just whip it out and stroke myself until I cum all over her pretty, drooling face.

I still can't believe that she has been so willing to give all this a try. Her willingness to please me makes me want to fuck her so often she only ever stays in bed and gets up from it for our little dates. I want to shower her with flowers, baths, gifts, and orgasms.

I resist the impulse cursing through my popping veins as I continue to watch her. As much as I enjoy this, it's also my responsibility to read her body language to ensue she isn't pushed too much. I can tell her skin is beginning to turn red from the friction of her casing against the rope. Her chest and cheeks are flushed a perfect shade of apple. The tiniest trinket of sweat dripping down the side of her temple tells me she's beginning to struggle.

Hold on Mia. Just a few more minutes.

In my hypnotised state, a knock on the door brings me back to reality. I notice Mia's eyes widen, almost popping out of her sockets as she tries to lift her head up.

"Be a good girl and I'll consider a lesser punishment." I bring my finger to my mouth, adjust myself in my sweats and make my way to the door. Creaking it open I sneak my face out of the doorframe to be met with one of the hotels butlers.

"Sir, the breakfast you have ordered." He shows me his teeth as he gives me the most overaccommodating smile. God bless him. His glove covered hands clutch the handle of the trolly, sliding it forward and backwards as if his life depended on putting the food to sleep.

"It's okay, I can take it." I creak the door a little wider ensuring it doesn't swing open and reveal the vulnerable Mia bound on the coffee table. Rolling the trolly inside the hotel suite, I close the door behind me, clicking it as loud as I can to try and get a reaction out of Mia. Her body muscles have loosened a little more now that the open opportunity for exposure is gone. Good.

I pick up a teacup and make myself some coffee, clinking the teaspoon against the porcelain, diverting her attention to me. I lick the spoon and take the coffee and spoon with me. Strutting my way back to my precious little tiger, I stand behind her.

Again, her muscles tense up a little, her fingers curl up into little fists. I grin knowing she has no idea what she is in for. I take a sip of my coffee ensuing it isn't too hot.

"Now this is very important Mia, you do not move a muscle, if you do, I'm going to spank your ass and make sure you can't sit without thinking about me."

Her shoulders move, I can almost hear her breath as the room falls into silence. Still and motionless as I take my time admiring her behind. Her pussy lips glisten in her wetness enticing me to have a taste. I lick my lips, my stomach growls at the magnificent feast before me. It takes everything within me to not just drop down to my knees and worship her the way she should be.

I take another sip of my coffee before I scoop some of it up with my spoon, blowing a little then brining it down to the curve of her spine. I pause. Waiting to see what her body anticipates. The only thing my ears can pick up on is her rapid heartrate and heavy breaths salivating out her mouth. This is exactly how I like her being during punishments. So hushed I can almost taste her fear and submissiveness.

Tilting the spoon, I let the hot coffee warm up the sensitive spots on her back. She gasps, budging her hips backwards causing the drink to spill down and between her ass cheeks. Immediately, my hand finds its way swinging and stinging her plump ass.

"I told you not to move, now will I have to repeat myself again?" I ask triggering her to wobble her head.

"Let's try this again, shall we." I repeat the process, spilling the coffee slowly down her back. Her body budges only a little at the sudden heat change fitting perfectly into the dips of her spine. I can't help myself anymore. I lean myself down to her and lick the warm liquid off her body.

Hmm, the combination is flawless, she is exactly the perfect add on that I need to my morning coffee. I trail my tongue up a little higher where the remains of her first try remain. Through her plugged little mouth she whimpers, curling her spine up. I guess this is her sensitive spot. I spank her ass again, a little less hard than before then lick the same spot again, teasing and toying with her subtle spots. I can feel the little hairs on her back sinking wet from my saliva slowly marking every inch of her body. I can't get enough of her.

I lick one last time before I pour some of the coffee directly from the cup onto her back dimples. Placing the cup to the side I hold her in place as I shove my face into her glistening folds. My taste buds explode with the way her flesh tastes, mixed with a hint of coffee beans as more of the liquids I just poured onto her spill down and invade her juices.

With two of my fingers, I push her velvet folds apart. "You don't get to cum right now little girl, you're going to take whatever I do to you, you will learn to hold yourself back."

I push one of my fingers inside her, moving it around in ways that I know don't feel good for her. I press against her walls releasing a gust of moisture.

Tut tut tut Mia.

"Naughty girl," I tell her. Standing up I undo the rope around her hair which allows me to take the gag knot out of her mouth too. My thumb scoops up the remining spit from her lips and caresses the little red marks on the corners of her lips.

Without saying anything, I stand to my feet and pull down my sweatpants, springing my erection free. Her lips naturally part at the sight of it in front of her eyes. I smirk. Grabbing a fistful of her hair I ease her to my cock.

"It's time for you to do some talking little tiger." Her eyes widen a little before narrowing in mystery at the vision of my length pressing against her lips. I host a little more and soon I am inside her wet mouth. Her tongue brushes against just the right spots as I shove my length deeper and deeper. Her lips clasp around and tighten.

"Eyes up here," I order her pointing my fingers to my eyes. Her eyes lift and meet mines, her pupils enlarged.

I push myself further in till the tip of my cock hits the back of her throat. It tightens and just as she begins to gag, I retreat, slamming myself into her pretty little mouth once more. Quicker than she can ever breathe I fuck her mouth with no mercy. Her little gag noises only make my cock pulse. Her saliva drools out of her mouth, coating my cock like it's going to shine in the sunlight. Her eyes start to tear up, salty water painting her face as I only fuck her mouth till I cum all the way at the back of her throat. She doesn't even have to swallow.

"Good girl," I pant out. "You've been a good girl receiving your punishment, now have you learned your lesson?" 

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