66 Chapters Later...

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A/N:  Happy New Year!  Who's ready for the big chapter to start off the new year?

Yes, I mean the long-awaited Wedding chapter! [applause and whistling heard]

[Bows] Thank you!

Now then, the first part of each scenario will be told from his POV, before switching to the normal one when the reader comes along.  And I only wrote the vows for the guys, so you guys can decide your own vows.  I also leave vague descriptions of the reader so you guys can picture what you look like on your dream wedding day.


Requested by I gave Konoha control of my account & @-Lunoix- (hope you have a happy 18th birthday!)


Considering his proposal and how he is the "King of Scandinavia" it was no surprise he wanted a big traditional wedding... You just didn't realize how far back he meant by tradition.

In short, Mattias wanted a real Viking wedding with all the fixings, from swords to cleansing.  And you were prepared to go along with...

... For the most part...

~Time For The Wedding, Mattias's POV~

'I'm so freaking pumped!  I, the King of Scandinavia, am finally going to have a Queen by my side!'  I thought to myself as I stood at the end of the aisle, waiting for [name].  I adjusted my sword and ax a bit when I heard the music start, signalling that [name] was coming.

And she looked stunning!

Her dress was simple but beautiful and it looked so lovely with the bridal crown I got her, filled with silver and rock crystals.  I did a pretty good job making it by-

"Stop gawking stupid Dane,"  Lukas said, elbowing me in the gut a bit.  I shot him a look and turned towards [name] who had just arrived by my side.  Just then, the officiator cleared his throat.

"We will now begin the ceremony by having the groom sacrifice the goat we have prepared."  He said.  I was bursting with pride as I moved off the center stage to carry out my duty.

~Back to Normal View~

Though there was a lovely smile on your face, you couldn't help but go along with the people murmuring behind you.

'Why the hell do we have to sacrifice a goat?'  You questioned mentally.  You sighed and decided to let it go since it probably would result in a tantrum otherwise.

'I'm hoping this is my first and only wedding as a bride, so I'm not going to rock this boat.'  You thought to yourself.

Luckily, that seemed to be the only extreme part of the ceremony.  Though you had to say that the family sword exchange felt silly as could be.

But eventually, your patience paid off as you two go to the ring exchange and vows as Mattias turned to you.

"[name], you are my one and only Queen,"  He said.  "You are the most wonderful, fun, and strong young lady I've ever known.  And though I know the world is scary right now, and that I may not be part of the strongest nation in the world, but I will do my damnedest to protect what's most important to me, and that you."  He said, making you melt inside.

With that, the ceremony was over and you all went to the reception, though in order to enter...

"Wah!  You better not drop me Mattias!"  You squealed as you clung to him.  Mattias just laughed as he carried you across the threshold and into the reception area where he sat you at the head table and handed you a cup filled with something.

"What's this?"  You asked, looking inside the cup.

"Bridal-ale,"  He said, placing a hammer on your lap.  "As per tradition, the bride, aka you, must get drunk on it at the reception with this hammer on your lap.  But don't worry, I also intend to get drunk too!"  He said, acting as if that was noble or courageous.  You just sighed and put on a strained smile as you sipped the ale.

"So we're spending our first night together smashed then?"  You asked, a touch of murderous rage leaking from you as Mattias laughed.

"Course not!"  He said, getting a sigh of relief from you.  "We're going to spend tonight consummating the marriage in front of the six witnesses!"  He said, motioning Berwald over as you felt your anger shatter through.

"Oh no we're not~"  You said in a sickly sweet but deadly voice as you stood up from the table.  "The cleansing, okay.  The goat sacrifice, gross but fine, I could tolerate it.  But I am not having sex in front Berwald and the others."  You declared, pulling Mattias's ear.

"Ow!  Ow!  Ow!"  Mattias yelled as you marched out of the reception and down to the bridal suite, dragging Mattias behind you.  You practically threw him into the room and locked the door behind you.


A sweet little winter-themed ceremony, that's all you two wanted.  But as usual with these things, family and friends like to blow it up.

But you both were ever hopeful that it would still be fun.

~Time For The Wedding, Tino's POV~

'Ugh... My back hurts...'

"M'd'c'ne [Medicine],"  Berwald said, handing me some pain medication.

"Thank you..."  I mumbled as I popped the pills in my mouth.

Last night, Mattias and the others (mostly Mattias) insisted on doing the old "bride kidnapping" tradition and basically held [name] hostage.  Though I tried to pay them, Mattias insisted that if I wanted to get her back, I had to clean his room...  That took so long (>.<')

"Stupid Dane,"  Lukas muttered as he gave Mattias another elbow to the stomach.  I just gave him a strained smile as the music started.

I stood up straight and looked to the entrance where [name] entered in a lovely winter bridal dress as a veil as white as snow hid her face from view.

"*wolf whistle* Lookin' go-ack!"  Mattias was cut off by Lukas grabbing his tie and choking him into being silent.  But I didn't pay him much mind though as I extended my hand to [name].

With that, the ceremony started and in the blink of an eye, it was time for the vows.

~Back to Normal View~

"[name],"  Tino started, taking your hands in his.  "Being with you is like Christmas morning; filled with laughter and fun, with magic filling the air.  I love spending time with you because every moment with you can only be described as magical.  If I didn't have you in my life, then there would be no life.  A life without happiness and love is none at all.  You are my one and only North Star."  He said, sounding like a prince from a fairy tale.  You blushed but smiled back as the ceremony finished.

Afterwards, you both drove to the reception where music started to play, and the best Finnish wedding tradition began; the dancing.

Two circles formed around each of you as you both spent the night dancing with every member of the reception, regardless of their gender.  It was quite funny to see Tino dance with his friends, especially with Berwald.

Later in the evening, the cake was brought out, the two of you cutting a piece and feeding it to each other before getting ready to leave.

"Whoa..."  You said, looking at Tino's car as you cracked up a bit.

Various cans and objects were tied to the back of the car, with a sign reading "Just Married" attached to the back.

"Coming Tino?"  You asked as you approached the car, making Tino snap out of his stupor.

"Of course!"  He said, hurrying over to the car to let you in first before getting in himself.  You quickly leaned over and kissed him.

"Let's head off into the sunset like a movie Tino~"  You whispered into his ear, making him blush as he revved the engine up and started driving off.


With everyone getting married, and both you and Emil finding doing a "traditional" wedding like the others boring and out-dated, you two decided on a lovely modern wedding.  It was to be held in a large and lavish venue that your dad rented out for you, with a fancy hotel booked as the reception.

After all, being the daughter of a rich man had its perks; one being having dream wedding at his expense.

The only downside is having your overbearing father (& Emil's boss) attending the reception.

~Time For The Wedding, Emil's POV~

I glanced over at the other Nordics who were busy supporting Mattias.

'Ugh... Why did I let Mattias be a groomsman?  I should've known he'd get smashed the night before and be super hungover,'  I thought to myself as I sighed a bit.

"Say it and I can sober Mattias up,"  Lukas said.  I just glared at him and turned away as Mr. Puffin showed up.

"Ah let it go lad, at least Mattias ain't the best man like I am,"  He said, obviously bragging.

'The sadder part is that he's right,'  I thought to myself.  Just then Mr. Puffin gave me a peck on the head.

"Ouch!  What did-"

"Look sharp lad, your bride's a coming with your father-in-law,"  He said in a low voice.  Not that he had to tell me as I felt a strong glare.  With a gulp, I looked towards the aisle and had my breath taken away.

[name] looked like she was glowing in her more modern wedding dress.  It fitted her so well.  I felt myself straining forward a bit in hopes of seeing her face through the veil but to no avail.

Eventually her father handed her off to me, but not without nearly crushing my hand in the process as he gave me a chilling smile.

I had to try very hard to ignore that chilling stare from behind my back throughout the ceremony.  Thankfully Mr. Puffin gave me another peck when it was time for the vows.

~Back to Normal View~

Emil gulped nervously and turned to you a bit stiffly, probably nervous.  With a deep breath, Emil began to talk.

"I won't lie, I think trying to say my vows is one of the hardest things I have to do,"  Emil admitted.  "Saying my feelings isn't my strong point, but when I'm with you, I feel like I don't have to say anything.  We just... click.  You know what's going on in my head and heart a lot better than I do a lot of times.  You always help me out even when the situation I was in was my own fault, and you do it without expecting anything in return.  When I'm with you, I feel safe.  I feel stable.  I feel like I have someone who I can entrust my back to.  So thank you, from the bottom of my heart."  Emil finished.

You looked at Emil with eyes filled with awe at what he said as he turned away slightly, a bright red blush on his face.

With the moment over, the ceremony continued onward in peace, though you felt you had seen a new side to Emil.  Nonetheless, you were happy.

You two were cheered out of the venue and before you two got into the limo, you threw the bouquet, watching as it froze in the air before floating down into Lukas's hand.

"Stupid Lukas..."  Emil muttered under his breath but you just giggled and pushed him into the limo.

"God that was stressful having your dad stare me down the whole time."  Emil muttered.

"At least it's over,"  You said with a wink.  Emil just groaned.

"Nope, we still got that big reception.  Only now I have your dad and my boss breathing down my neck."  He grumbled.

Just then, you both looked out the window and noticed that the limo was passing the hotel where the reception was being held.


"Did you really think I'd let you be miserable the whole wedding day?"  You asked with a giggle.  Emil looked blankly at you.

"You mean...?"

"Care to start our European honeymoon a touch early?"  You asked.  Emil gave you a rare grin.

"With pleasure,"  He said as the limo drove on.

~Meanwhile At The Reception~

"... Th'y d'tch'd d'dn't th'y? [They ditched didn't they?]"  Berwald asked as they sat in the near silent reception as everyone watched the bride's father and Emil's boss pace the room as they waited for the couple.

"Definitely."  Lukas said curtly, looking down at the bouquet.

"Shh!  My head's still poundin'."  Mattias groaned, his head laying on the table.  Lukas and Berwald just sighed quietly and went back to sitting quietly.


To say Lukas wanted the perfect fairy tale wedding was an understatement.  He was pulling out all the stops to give you every little girl's dream wedding;

An enchanted forest wedding with family, friends, fairies, and other magical creatures attending the wedding and reception.

It sounded, for lack of a better word, magical~

~Time For The Wedding, Lukas's POV~

'Ring?  Check.  Suit.  Check.  Hungover Dane tied and gagged?'  I turned to a nearby chair where Mattias was wiggling about in his bonds.  'Check.'

Just then the angelic choir began to sing, calling everyone's attention to the end of the aisle where [name] began to walk down.

Her dress shimmered and glowed with magic as small fairies held the ends of the dress and the veil.  If one were to look closely, they'd see the intricate details and patterns on the dress.

Upon reaching me, I held my hand to her and helped her up onto the small platform in front of a large tree.  From the tree emerged a dryad who would be officiating the ceremony.

"Children of the Earth, welcome to this most sacred of ceremonies,"  She said.  "Tonight, under the full moon, we shall join these two souls in everlasting matrimony..."

At some point, the dryad's words became background noise as I stared at [name] through her veil.  She was absolutely bewitching.

"-We shall now hear their eternal vows."  The dryad said, bringing me out of my trance.

~Back to Normal View~

You looked at Lukas through the veil as he held your hands so delicately, as if you were made of glass.

"Love is a word that is used far too often to ever describe the fierce and blazing passion that I have in my heart for you."  He said, his gaze piercing through your very core.  "All the magic in all the world cannot compare to you.  You are a million dreams and a million prayers come true.  And I vow to always be by your side."  He finished, bringing tears to your eyes.

"Lovely,"  The dryad said.  "By the power vested in me by the Goddess of magic, I now pronounce your souls united!"

With that, Lukas lifted the veil up and gently placed a hand on your cheek before gently, lovingly kissing you as you wrapped your arms around him.  All those who were watching cheered and whistled in happiness for you two.

When you broke apart and stared into each other's eyes as if nothing else in the world mattered, you felt like you had just stepped into a fairy tale.

Eventually you were pulled back into reality as Lukas walked you down the aisle and further into the magical woods to the area where the reception was to be held.

Lukas walked you over to the cake where you two stood as a few fairies brought the cake knife over.  Lukas reached out for the knife when the fairies moved back.

"No,"  Said a soft voice.  "Trade?"

"Trade what?"  You asked.  The fairy flew forward, giggling a bit.

"Bouquet!"  It said.  You giggled and handed the fairies the bouquet in exchange for the cake knife.

Lukas put his hand over yours and together you two cut the cake as everyone cheered.  Lukas placed a piece on a plate and cut two more pieces before handing you a fork.  You each put a piece of cake on the fork and held it out to the other.

"Mmm!"  You hummed, loving the cake as a light pink blush rested on your face.

Afterwards Lukas led you over to a quiet corner, holding you close as you both looked up to see small fairies flying around the night sky, lighting it up like fireflies.

"Wow..."  You said, finding the view breath-taking.  Lukas gave you a gentle smile as he pulled you in for another kiss, just one of many he planned to give you that night.

Sweden  [A/N: For his vows, I decided not to do his accent, otherwise everything else is as usual]

A simplistic and lightly traditional wedding was what you two decided on, planning to have only close family and friends there to witness your union.

It was going to be lovely.

~Time For The Wedding, Berwald's POV~

I dabbed my sweating forehead with a handkerchief.

'J'st st'y c'lm... [Just stay calm],'  I thought to myself.  Tino gave me a pat on the back.

"Don't worry Berwald, everything's going to be fine."  He chirped, as if reading my mind.

"H'pe s' [Hope so],"  I said.  Just then the wedding music started up and I turned to the aisle to see [name] walking towards me.  All at once, my worries seemed to fly away as I stared at her.

Her dress was simple and classic, going well with the beautiful bridal crown that I had made for her to wear.  And though her veil covered her face, I was sure she looked like the sweetest little thing in the world.

I gently took her hand in mine as we stood before the priest who began to speak till finally-

"-The bride and groom have written their own vows and we shall now hear them be exchanged."  He said.

~Back to Normal View~

Berwald turned to face you as he carefully held your much smaller hands in his.  He cleared his throat.

"You are my heart,"  He began, his deep voice reverberating in the room.  "Where you are is where home is for me.  You, more than anyone else, know my insecurities and weaknesses, yet never make me feel inadequate.  You have always loved me without reservations.  I cannot promise I will always be the perfect man, but I promise to love you through the good times and bad.  I am forever yours."  He finished, making tears threaten to spill over in your eyes.

Before you knew it, it was time for the kiss, with Berwald leaning down to kiss you more easily as you stood up on your tiptoes.

With a squeal of surprise, Berwald swept you off your feet and carried you off to the reception where he sat you down at the head of the table before sitting beside you.

As people sat down, Mattias stood up with a glass, obviously trying to make a toast.

"You know folks, this reminds me of the time I-"  Mattias was cut off by Lukas choking him into silence as Lukas instead held up his own glass with his free hand.

"To Berwald and [name]."  He said simply as the guests repeated this and drank their drinks.  With that over, Berwald held out a hand to you, leading you to the dance floor.

Gently, your body started swaying with his as he led you through your first dance as a married couple.

And through the whole night, you both had lovely smiles on your faces.

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