He Gets Drunk

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A/N:  Just a PSA to everyone: be sure to wash your hands and avoid large gatherings of people/crowds due to a certain virus.

Also, sorry for the delay.  These past few weeks were hectic since classes went online and my college kicked everyone out of the dorms and professors are scrambling to get a hold on things (just as we students are).

Also, a question for readers: Does anyone want me to do a chapter on the virus? (This would apply to this book and the original scenarios book)

Requested by SilverRose & @KrystalEndermalie


"Mattias, I'm home!"  You said, walking in through the door.  You glanced around.  "Mattias?"

"[name]~!"  You heard Mattias say from down the hall.  "Wanna go sledding?"

"What?!"  You yelled back, heading down the hall to see Mattias by the door to the basement, standing right at the top of the stairs with a metal trash can top.

"Mattias, there's not enough snow to go sledding,"  You said.  Mattias shook his head, his face flushed.

"I'm going sledding~!"  Mattias said cheerfully.  It was then that you put two and two together.

"Mattias, are you drunk?"  You asked.

"Naw I'm sledding!"  He said, sitting on top of the trash can top.




You were too late as Mattias started sliding down the stairs, only to crash into the drywall at the bottom of the stairs.


'Oh boy...'  You thought to yourself as you looked down the stairs to see Mattias had gone through the drywall, leaving quite a mess behind him.

'He's going to be feeling that in the morning,'  You thought, biting your lip, but ultimately heading down the stairs to see if he was okay.


"Easy now, Tino, that's it."  You said, offering Tino a shoulder.  Poor guy was super unsteady because he was so drunk.

"I'm gonna be sick..."  Tino said, and you very much believed him.

"We're almost to the bathroom, so just hold on."  You said, helping into a fancy gender neutral bathroom.  Just as Tino got to the toilet, he began vomiting, and you stepped away.

"Just let it all out, I'll get my keys out,"  You said, closing the door a bit.

"Okay... bah..."  Tino said weakly.

You waited outside a bit, starting to fool around on your phone when you heard Tino move around and bump into something.

"Ouch... Oh!  I'm so sorry!"  Tino said, but it wasn't to you.  It sounded like it was to someone inside the bathroom except...

'Didn't I leave him alone in there?'  You wondered.

"After you, I insist."  You heard Tino said, sounding like he was trying to let someone pass.

You decided to investigate by going in, only to see Tino standing in front of a full length mirror talking to himself.  It was then that you realized he was so drunk that he didn't even recognize his own reflection.

You sighed and walked over to him.

"Okay Tino, time to go, time to get sober."  You said, slinging his arm over your shoulder.

'I really shouldn't leave him alone when he's drunk,'  You thought to yourself as you helped Tino to the car.


"Come on Emil, the car's waiting right over there."  You said, helping Emil walk to the car.

"Sssurrre sssugarrrr,"  Emil said, slurring as he walked unevenly.

"Yes Emil, going to car is good,"  You said.  Just then Emil pulled away.

"I wanna sssswim,"  Emil said.

"Swim?"  You asked, obviously confused.  "There's no beach near us."  You said.  But Emil didn't listen as he ran towards a water fountain and jumped in.

"Swim!"  He yelled, sounding like an oversized toddler.

"Emil!  Get out of there!  The water's filthy!"  You screeched, running over to the fountain.

"Splash!"  Emil cheered, splash water everywhere, including a bit getting on you.

"Eek!"  You screamed.  Your scream attracting a nearby police officer.

"Hey!  What's going on here?!"  He asked as he approached you.

"Ack!  I'm sorry officer, my husband is just drunk and acting very stupid!  Unusually stupid,"  You added the last part on in hopes of avoiding having Emil end up on jail.

"He's drunk?"  The officer asked.

"Yes, and I'm just trying to get him to the car to take him home but he insisted on a swim."  You said.

The officer nodded at you and walked over to Emil, grabbing him by the collar and pulling him out of the fountain.  He walked over to you, carrying Emil by his collar.

"Okay ma'am, where's the car?"  He asked.

"Over here,"  You said, motioning to the car.  The officer carried Emil over as you opened the door, letting the officer toss Emil in, to which you quickly closed the door.

"Thank you officer,"  You said in a cheery voice.  The officer tipped his hat to you.

"No problem ma'am.  Drive safely now,"  He said, walking off as you got into the car and took Emil home.


You groaned softly and turned over in the bed as you heard a door close and light footsteps come up the stairs.  You sat up just as Lukas entered the bedroom.

"Lukas?"  You murmured sleepily, rubbing your eyes.

"Go back to sleep dyrebare."  He said.  You yawned but stopped when you noticed sparks going off around him.

"Umm... Lukas?"


"I see sparks around you..."  You said, feeling unsure.  Lukas sighed.

"I'm just a tad drunk."  He said nonchalantly as he got into the bed, having used magic to change into his pajamas.

"And?"  You asked, still eyeing the sparks.

"I can't control my powers well right now."  He said, lying down as another spark appeared.

"A-are you sure this is s-safe?"  You asked.

"Mmm..."  Before you knew it, Lukas was asleep as more sparks appeared.

'I don't think this is a good idea... I think I'll sleep in the guest room tonight... with the fire extinguisher,'  You thought, slipping out of bed.

You went downstairs to grab the fire extinguisher.  Just as you got your hands on it -


- you heard a small explosion come from upstairs.  You ran upstairs with the fire extinguisher to see a bit of the bedroom on fire.

'No sleep tonight!'  You mentally yelled as you put out the fire.


You were just putting Pocki back in her home when you heard the front door open.  You popped into the hallway to see Berwald taking his coat off.

"H-hello Ber-bear."  You said softly.  Berwald turned to you and nodded.  It was then that you noticed that his face seemed a bit flushed.

"Berwald?  A-are you okay?"  You asked.

"Mmm."  He hummed, already walking off... right into a wall.

"... Are y-you sick?  Should I c-call a doctor?"  You asked.  Berwald shook his head.

"I'm j'st s'd [I'm just sad]," He said in a gloomy voice.  You tilted your head.


"'t w'ldn't fly [It wouldn't fly]," He said.

"What w-wouldn't fly?"

"My ph'ne [my phone]," He said.  You stared blankly at him.

"W-why would your p-phone fly?"  You asked.

"B'c'se I p't 't 'n a'rpl'ne m'de [Because I put it on airplane mode]," He said.  "'nd th'n I thr'w 't 'ff th' r'f [And then I threw it off the roof]."


"A'rpl'nes fly, s' my ph'ne sh'ld fly [Airplanes fly, so my phone should fly]," Berwald said, sounding gloomy.

It took you a few seconds to process what Berwald was saying when everything clicked: he was drunk.

"It's o-okay Berwald.  Let's g-get you to b-bed and buy you a n-new phone in the m-morning."  You said, pushing him towards the stairs.


'Hopefully he'll be sober in the morning and we can find his old pho - wait a minute... how did he get on the roof?'  You wondered as you pushed Berwald to the bedroom.

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