AHH! Another Mummy!

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"Su-san, isn't it neat that Egypt found a new pyramid while we were having a meeting at his place?"  Finland asked as he and the rest of the nations walked through the pyramid.

"Mmm."  Sweden replied.

"What do you think America?"  Finland asked innocently.

"Y-Yeah."  America said, shivering a bit as he clung to an annoyed England.

"Aww, is America unawezomely scared?"  Prussia teased.

"N-no way dude!"  America said, letting go of England.

"Oh~?"  France said.  "Zhen why not prove it by leading zhe way Monsieur Brave Hero?"  He said as Spain laughed.  America stiffened but took the lead, pointing his flashlight.  After a few minutes of walking the group large group walked into a big empty hall.

"Hey, where's the treasure?"  Denmark whined as the group started looking the relatively empty room.

"Hey-a look, I-a wonder what this-a lever does?"  Italy asked as the group turned to see him touch a lever.

"Italy!  Don't-"  But Germany was cut off by Italy pulling the lever, making the floor disappear to reveal several different shoots which the countries went down; some countries falling into obvious traps like sand pits and water wells like Austria and Hungary did, while others landed in other chambers that held the usual things that were expected in a pyramid, with one exception;

"AHH!!!  A MUMMY!!!"  America yelled, his cry of distress being heard by the other nations in other chambers who now looked at the sarcophaguses in their chambers.

'It couldn't be... could it?'  They wondered as they all watched the sarcophaguses till-



"AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!"  Majority screamed, nations and mummies included.

Little did any of you know that this would lead to an interesting relationship developing between you all.

So let's take a peek into the lives you all are leading together.


"You wait here elsker while I go grab us some grub."  Mattias said.

"Sure."  You said, taking a seat at the table of the mall's food court.

You watched as Mattias went off to order food, waiting for it to be made when some ladies came over to him and were practically hanging off him, obviously trying to flirt with him which annoyed you greatly.

'Can't they see he's taken?'  You thought, still annoyed.  Your annoyance grew when they tried to get him to go somewhere with them but he wouldn't budge.

'One little curse can't hurt,'  You thought evilly to yourself as you used your mummy powers to put a curse on them, turning their accessories into snakes and scarab beetles, making the girls scream as they ran off and Mattias came over to you with the trays of food.

"What the heck happened to them?"  He asked.  You shrugged and took a sip of your soda, your bandages hiding your smirk of satisfaction.


"[name]~"  Tino said, popping his head into the room.

"Yeah?"  You asked.  Tino smiled as he walked into the room, his hands around his back.

"Guess what I have~"  He said.

"A cake?"


"A new puppy~"  You said, but Tino shook his head.

"Nope."  He said.

"A pregnancy test?"  You said, making Tino blush and shake his head quickly, waving one of his hands.

"N-no!"  He said, making you giggle.

"Okay, I give up, what is it?"  You asked.  Tino grinned and held up the bag to you.  You peeked inside and grinned, hugging Tino.

"Thanks Tino!  I really needed some new bandages!"  You said, getting up from your seat.  "I'll go put them on right now!"  You said, scampering off to the bathroom.


You and Emil were doing your usual thing; sitting on the couch together, each of you on your phones when Mr. Puffin came in and glanced at you two.

"Oi, lass,"  He said.


"If you're a thousands of years old mummy then why do you know how to use a cell phone?"  He asked, making Emil look up from his phone to look at you.

"That's actually a pretty good question."  Emil said.  You looked at the two of them before shrugging.

"Here's a question in return for you two; why do you have a puffin who has lived way longer than he should and can talk like a human?"  You said.  The other two fell silent, having no explanation for your question as you hummed and went back to your phone.

"I'll answer your question when you can answer mine."  You said, knowing that neither of them probably had a clue on what the answer was.


You and Lukas were out walking in the park, you fidgeting a bit.

"Dyrebare, calm down."  Lukas said in a soft voice.  You shook your head.

"Lukas, I'm just nervous because the forecast said it was going to rain today and it's already so cloudy and there's no proper cover if it rains and-"

"Calm yourself dyrebare."  He said, giving your hand a squeeze.  "It'll be fine."



"L-L-Lukas."  You said as water started falling from the sky.  But Lukas held you in place as he waved his hand, getting a large flat disk to appear above you two, shielding you from the rain that started falling.

"Better?"  He asked.  You nodded, checking over your bandages.

"A lot better, though I'm still nervous."  You said.  Lukas nodded.

"We can head home then."  He said, already guiding you two along the path home.


You were at Berwald's house, helping him clean up his workshop.  While you dusted, Berwald vacuumed.  All was going well till-


You looked down, feeling like something was tugging your bandages.  As it turned out, your bandages were going up the vacuum cleaner.

"BERWALD!"  You screamed as you tugged at your bandages, trying to free them while Berwald was quick to turn off the vacuum cleaner and hand you his coat, allowing you to shield your body from his sight since both of you knew you don't wear anything under the bandages.

"M-my b-bandages..."  You stuttered.  Berwald grunted an apology grunt before working hard to try and get your bandages out of the vacuum, you sitting on a nearby stool in a bubble of depression.

After all, it is a very upsetting thing for a mummy to have someone see what they keep under their bandages, because we all know it ain't pretty, hence why mummy's wear bandages.

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