The Bride of Frankenstein

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"Kesse, look, zhe awezome me knows zhat lately we've all been having some unawezome luck vith our love lives, but is zhis really zhe answer?"  Prussia asked, looking over at Hungary along with the rest of the skeptical nations.

"Of course it is jou idiot."  She said with a huff.

"Yes, but actually building us a lover?"  Finland asked.  "I think that's a bit much, don't you agree Su-san?"


"Yeah, I think it ain't such a good idea."  America said.  "I mean, what if you end up creating an unholy monster that goes on a killing spree and-"

"Oh be quiet you wanker!"  England said with an annoyed huff.  "This isn't one of your bloody horror movies."  America puffed his cheeks out.

"At least it isn't like your boring shows where all people do is sip tea."  He said.  England growled.

"Those shows are far better than yours!"  He cried, lunging at America, making the two brawl on the ground as the other nations watched.

"Oi, oi, zhat's enough with zhe sexual tension."  France said.  "So now kiss and make up and zhen go to bed with each other~"  He said with a wink, making England scoff.

"No bloody way frog!"  England said.

"Come now, you know you want to~"  France said, making England lunge at him, only for France to step aside from his place against the wall.

"England don't-!"  But Hungary was cut off by England smashing against a lever, causing electricity to surge through the room and hit the tables where the bodies lie, blinding everyone in the room with the brilliant light.

Eventually, it all subsided, and the group was silent till-

"Wah!  I can't see!  I can't see!"  Denmark screamed, thumps being heard as he smashed into things and other people in his panicked running.

"That's vhat happens vhen jou pull zhe lever vithout goggles on."  Hungary said in an annoyed voice.

"Oof... whoever is on my leg, get off."  Iceland said, lying near one of the tables.

"Oops, sorry."  A voice said.  It was then that everyone realized something;

That there was someone else in the room who wasn't there before.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!"  Several people screamed.

And thus, that is how you all met each other.

Now let's see how you all are doing some time later!


"Oh boy, elsker, are you excited too?"  Mattias asked.

"Yep, I'm really excited to go on this roller coaster."  You said as you two stood in line for a brand new roller coaster.

"Yeah!  It's going to be awesome!"  He said, pumping his fist, making you giggle.

"I know, I know, now let's get on!"  You said, already dragging Mattias over to the roller coaster where you two sat in front.

"Please keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times,"  The operator droned on till the ride began moving, you practically bouncing up and down.

"Slow down elsker,"  Mattias said, noticing your bolts sparing from the excitement.  "If you don't calm down a little then-"


Mattias was cut off by a bit of electricity zapping both him and the ride, making the roller coaster stop, barely even up the first hill.

"Hello folks, we seem to be experiencing technical difficulties,"  The operator said, followed by a chorus of groans.  "Please stay in your seats until further notice."  More groans.


You sighed as you sat at the kitchen table, Tino tilting his head.

"What's wrong rakas?"  He asked.  You laid your head on the table.

"Just feeling a bit exhausted lately."  You said.  Tino hummed.

"How long have you been feeling like this?"

"A couple of days,"  You said, yawning a bit.

"When was the last time you recharged your batteries?"  He asked.  You looked up at him.

"Recharged my batteries?"  You asked.  Tino tutted and got up from the table.

"Tsk, tsk, no wonder you've been feeling tired, you're running low on battery."  He said, fussing over you like a mother hen.

"Now you just wait here while I go get the volt-o-matic to recharge you."  He said, walking out of the room while you just sighed and remained on the table, still tired.


"Just come on, I need to get my licorice."  Emil said, sounding annoyed as you peeked out the door.

"I don't know Emil,"  You said.  "It just rained and you know I'm not supposed to get wet or else-"

"Yeah, I know,"  He said.  "You know that's not going to happen, though."  He said.  "The sky is clear and you and I are just going to the candy store to buy licorice which I need right now."

"... Okay,"  You said, sighing as you stepped out of the safety of the house and joined Emil on the sidewalk.

Just then, a car drove by, right through a puddle, splashing you and Emil, making you short-circuit and pass out, your batteries drained.

"Oh my!  Is she okay?!"  A passerby asked.  They didn't even wait for Emil to respond before saying that they were calling an ambulance.

'Great, first I have to deal with no licorice inside the house and now I have to deal with paramedics,'  Emil thought, squeezing the bridge of his nose as he pulled out his phone to get Elizabeta to come and do something to help the situation.


You and Lukas were at Elizabeta's mansion, watching it for her while she was away doing something important.  While you two were there, some of Lukas's fairy friends came, beginning to play with you.

Lukas watched contently till he heard a commotion come from outside.  He quietly stepped out of the room and walked over to a window, seeing an angry mob outside of the mansion, yelling how they were going to kill the mad scientist and monster.

'Fools,'  He thought, an annoyed expression on his face.  'Did they really think no one would stop them?  And more importantly, did they really think I would let them touch my dyrebare?'  He thought with a huff as he decided to use his magic.

Lukas summoned several trolls who were quick to make the mob disperse.  Once the mob was gone, Lukas had the trolls remain stationed around the mansion to keep anymore unwanted guests from coming.  Lukas then went back to the room he had left you and the fairies in.

"Where'd you go?"  You asked, the fairies echoing you.  Lukas shook his head.

"Nowhere important."  He said simply.


You and Berwald were at his house, just watching some TV when you began scratching at the stitches on your wrist.  Berwald noticed this and gently stopped you, holding your hand while taking your wrist in the other.

"Y'r st'tch [Your stitch],"  He said, making you look at your wrist where you noticed a few clumsily made stitches.

"Oh... I g-guess I didn't d-do it properly,"  You said softly. Berwald nodded and got up from his seat, walking out of the room.  After a few minutes he came back with a sewing kit.

"H'ld st'll [Hold still],"  He said.  You nodded and looked away, letting Berwald work on your wrist.

"T-thanks Berwald."  You said softly.  Berwald nodded, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards.



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