Beach Time!

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A/N:  Just letting you all know, classes are starting back up for me so there will be delays for a bit until I get the rhythm of things.

Requested by kanon


"Ahh~  This is the life~"  You sighed as you laid comfortably on your towel.  You were getting ready to roll over when you felt yourself being squirted with water, causing you to shriek.


"Ha!  Got you good [name]!"  Mattias yelled.  You looked over at him and saw him holding a pair of water guns.

"Mattias!"  You yelled, getting up from the towel.  Mattias laughed more as he ran away from you.

You chased him around the beach before managing to grab hold of one of his water guns, wrestling it away from him.  You quickly righting yourself and pointed the gun at him.

"Let's see how you like it now!"  You yelled, shooting at Mattias, aiming for his face.  Mattias shifted a bit, getting the water in his mouth instead of dodging it.

'Wait a minute...'  You stopped shooting and brought the nozzle close to your face.  It was then that you caught a familiar scent.

"Did you fill this with beer?"  You questioned, getting a smirk and laugh from Mattias.

"Totally!  It's my beer gun!"  Mattias said.  "Filled with the greatest beer ever!"

"Oh?  Greatest beer ever, huh?"  You asked, a smirk growing on your face.


"Great."  You said, turning to face the ocean.

"Wait - No!"  Mattias yelled, running towards you but it was too late, as you started squirting the beer into the ocean.

"Can't stop revenge Mattias~"  You said in an evil voice as Mattias collapsed onto his knees in despair.

"My beer!"  He wailed and you felt satisfied.


"Okie-dokie, I think we're done!"  Tino declared, wiping a bit of sweat away as you finished smoothing the beach towel on the ground.

"Yep, we got our area all set up."  You said, getting up. You glanced around.  "Tino?"


"Where are Hana & Cocoa?"  You asked.  "I don't see them anywhere."

"I think they ran off to play."  Tino said.  He then cupped his face.  "Hana!  Cocoa!"  He called.

You two heard barking and soon enough, Hana and Cocoa appeared before you two, tails wagging in excitement as they looked up at you with sparkling eyes.

"Time to play in the water!"  Tino declared, making the dogs bark excitedly.

You grabbed a ball and walked with Tino and the dogs to the shallow parts of the water.

"Ah, it's so cold!"  You said, shivering a bit.

"But refreshing!"  Tino said cheerfully, flicking a bit of water at you.

Before you could respond back, you two heard a howl of pain, followed by Hana running to you two and running around you in a circle.

"What's wrong Hana?"  Tino asked in a worried voice.  It was then that you noticed the problem.

"Tino, there's a crab on her tail!"  You said, quickly scooping Hana up.  She squirmed in pain as the crab hung from her tail.

"Oh my goodness!"  Tino exclaimed.  "Hold her steady [name], I'll pry it off!"

Tino hurried to pry the crab off Hana, quickly flinging it off to the deeper waters as Hana stopped squirming but whimpered in pain.  You shifted to cradle her in your arms.

"It's okay Hana, the crab is gone."  You cooed, treating her like a baby.

"Let's take her back to our stuff, I have a first aid kit."  Tino said.  You nodded and carried her back, Cocoa following behind you as you and Tino went off to administer puppy first aid.


You sighed as you rolled over onto your back.  You moved your head to look at Emil as he sat huddled under the shade of the umbrella.



"Can you come and rub some more sunscreen on my back?"  You asked.

"Don't wanna..."  Emil said.

"Come on, please?"  You asked.  "I wanna soak up some rays but not get a sunburn."

"... Fine," He said, getting up and moving over to you.  You handed the bottle of sunscreen to him and moved your hair.

Emil squirted some out and started rubbing it on your back as you relaxed a bit.

Though you didn't notice, Emil became very aware of the looks around you and the people talking.

"Damn nice position to be."  Some guy said, lowering his sunglasses.

"Wish my guy would do that,"  A girl said to her friend.

All these comments and more made Emil hurry, a heavy blush on his face.

"D-done!"  He declared.

"Mmm, thanks."  You said, moving to get up, your back still to him.  "Want me to do you?"

"W-wha-?!  N-no!"  Emil said, making you turn to face him.

"Emil?  Did you already get sunburned?"  You asked in a worried voice.

"N-no, I'm not!"  Emil said, hurrying back over to the umbrella and huddling under it, his face and shoulders red as you sat there in confusion.

"Ha, ha, ha!"

You turned to see Mr. Puffin laughing from his towel.

"What's so funny?"  You asked.  He just waved you off with his wing.


"Okay, I got our stuff ready here," You said.

"And I set up the grill."  Lukas said, standing by it.  You walked over and took a look at it before nodding.

"Now all we need is the lighter..."  You mumbled, walking over to the beach bag.  You started digging through it when you made an unfortunate discovery.

"Lukas... I think I forgot the lighter..."  You said sadly.  Lukas raised an eyebrow.

"In the car?"

"At home," You said, feeling sad.  Lukas tilted his head.

"It shouldn't matter."  He said simply.  It was your turn to tilt your head at him.

"What do you mean?  We need a lighter to start a fire for the grill."  You said.  Lukas shook his head and waved his hand, causing a small flame to appear.

"I can use magic," He said, turning to the grill and starting the fire.

"Thanks Lukas, you saved the day."  You said, clapping your hands.  Lukas nodded and turned to the cooler, starting to take out food.

'Burgers, hotdogs, buns, ketchup, mustard, butter, cheese, lettuce... wait a minute,'  You thought to yourself.

"Hey Lukas, how much food did you manage to pack in there?"  You asked.  Lukas paused and gave you a blank look.

"I cast storage magic on the cooler to make it so that it can store more than it originally could."  He said.  You felt your cheeks redden a bit in embarrassment.

"Oh... sorry..."  You mumbled out.  Lukas gave you a pat on the head.

"It's fine."  He said simply, going back to work on the BBQ cookout.

'Though rare, magic is pretty handy,'  You thought to yourself as you watched Lukas work.


You hummed as you flipped another bucket of sand over, creating a new part of your castle.

"H'w's 't g'ing? [How's it going?]"  Berwald asked.

"P-pretty good."  You said.  "How a-about you?"


You looked over and were awed at Berwald's castle.  He was really going in on detail. It looked like one of those professional sand sculptures you see in photos.  He even managed to make a moat with a bridge.

"Wow, i-it looks amazing,"  You said, stars in your eyes.  Berwald averted his eyes and blushed a bit.

"Tack [Thanks],"  Berwald said softly, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"No really, i-it looks like a p-professional made it!"  You said, only making Berwald more embarrassed, though the corners of his mouth did twitch upwards.

You were about to continue when you both heard playful screams and turned to see a bunch of primary school kids running towards you guys.  Before either of you two could react, the stampede ran right into your sandcastle, trampling it to the ground.

"M-my sandcastle..."  You said softly, now feeling sad as you watched the children stomp on it.

"[name]..."  Berwald said. He shook his head and stood up, walking over to the kids who he gave a harsh look to.  This made them stop moving.

"Y'u r'in'd th' c'stle [You ruined the castle]."  He said in a low voice.  The children looked down at their feet, noticing the mounds of sand.  They gulped and quickly ran off, probably to avoid punishment.


You sighed as you saw all your work was nothing but footprint-covered piles of sand.

"..."  Berwald sat down beside you with his own bucket and shovel and started making a flat surface while scooping sand into his bucket.

"Berwald..."  You said softly, feeling touched as you realized he was going to help you make a new castle.


"Thanks,"  You said, starting to pile sand into your own bucket as you two got to work on a new castle.

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