You Turn Into A Neko

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A/N:  Just got a new computer and I am loving it!!!  It's so nice and fast and light!  I typed this chapter up with it!  It is amazing how much faster and smoother this is than the old one (still getting used to the keyboard though)!


As per usual, bad things seem to get better, but problems still remain, or rather transfer.  In this case, to you!

Cat ears and a tail, plus a husband to boot; let's see how this turns out!


You flipped a page in your book as Mattias came downstairs, still drying his hair.

"Yo [name], shower's all yours!"  Mattias said.

"Eh, I think I'll skip it today,"  You said, making Mattias pause as he turned to you.

"Again?  But you skipped two days already elsker."  He said.  "You need to shower."

"Are you saying I stink?"  You asked Mattias in a low voice.  Mattias shook his head.

"You need to shower regularly."  He said, making you huff.


"[name],"  Mattias said in a warning voice.  You crossed your arms and turned away.

"Make me."  You said.  Mattias grinned at this.

"Okay then~"  He said, marching over to you and throwing you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Mattias!  Put me down!"  You hissed, starting to claw at his back.  But he ignored it as he carried you upstairs.

"No way!  You need a bath!"


"Being a cat isn't an excuse!"  Mattias said, carrying you into the bathroom and tossing you into the bubble bath he had made ahead of time.

You popped out of the water soaked and with a scowl on your face.


"You're not coming out till you are done!"  Mattias said, heading out of the bathroom.  You could distinctly hear him locking you inside.

'I hate this...'  You thought to yourself, your cat ears twitching.


"Come on [name]."  Tino said.

"No, I don't want to."

"Just a bit."

"I said no, Tino."

"But you're a cat, you should want to play with this!"  Tino said, holding a toy mouse.


"Come on [name], go get it!"  He said, throwing the mouse, making it bounce and squeak as it hit the ground.  You sighed.

"Still no urge Tino,"  You said, giving him a bland look.  Tino sighed in defeat.

"Alright..."  He said, walking out of the room as you sat on the couch.

You shrugged and picked up your phone, glancing at it.  After a moment though, you felt your eyes drawn to the mouse.

"... it can't hurt a bit, right?"  You asked yourself.

You slipped out of your seat and walked over to the mouse.  With your foot, you gently kicked it, causing it to bounce and squeak.

"... Maybe one more,"  You said, heading over to it and giving it another kick.

"Last one,"  You said, giving it another and another kick, having plenty of fun.  All the while unaware that Tino was watching through the door.

'I knew she would like it!'  He thought to himself with a smile.


Emil paused as he walked into the kitchen, his face scrunching up.


"What?"  You asked, looking at Emil from the table.  Emil held his nose.

"This place smells awful!"

"It smells delicious here,"  You said in a huff.  Emil shook his head.

"It smells like fish,"  Emil said, walking over to the sink.  "And no wonder - it looks like you've been eating it all day!"

"So?  Fish is healthy and I've been having it cooked just with salt,"  You said, taking a sip of milk, making Emil gag.

"How can you stand drinking milk and eating tons of fish?"  He complained.

"Hmm, I wonder why?"  You said sarcastically.  "Maybe the ears and tail hold some clue?"

Emil rolled his eyes at this.

"Hey, I dealt with you and your oddities when you had the ears and tail, you better put up with me."  You said, waving a fork at him.

"... Fine,"  Emil said, wanting to end the conversation as he started to walk out of the kitchen.

"If you have any complaints, voice them to Vlad [Romania]!"  You called out before going back to your fish dish.


You sat on the stool as you tried not to touch anything.  You glanced nervously at Lukas who was standing over a large book and a cauldron.

"..."  Your tail curled around you as your ears flicked nervously.  The tension in the room was thick.

"Where is that stupid cure...?"  Lukas muttered in an annoyed voice as he continued to flick through pages of the book.

"Lukas...?"  You said softly.  Lukas turned to you, eyebrow raised.

"Do you maybe want to take a break?"  You suggested in an unsure voice.


"It's not like this is life threatening, or permanent,"  You said softly.  "It'll go away... eventually."

Lukas closed his eyes for a moment before shaking his head.

"No."  He said.  He turned back to the book and flipped to a new page, only to pause.

"Lukas?"  You said.  Lukas didn't answer you, making you nervous.  You got up from your seat and walked behind him, looking into the book.

There you saw what looked to be a missing page, likely having been ripped out and a sticky note left in its place.

"Hey Lukas, I really needed this page for my new potion so I borrowed it!  I'll return it later, promise :)

Signed Vlad [Romania]"

You gulped and backed away from Lukas who you now noticed had anger radiating off him.

"I needed that page to make a cure..."  Lukas said in a deadly voice.

'I think this is the moment I should retreat out of here,'  You thought nervously, your new heightened sense of danger telling you to run away.


You blushed as you looked up at Berwald who was still petting you like he would a cat.  You shifted your body, only to be stopped by Berwald who kept you on his lap.

'... This is kind of embarrassing...'   You thought to yourself, curling your tail closer to you.  However, this caught Berwald's attention.

'... C'te [Cute]...'  Berwald thought to himself, stretching a hand out to gently grab your tail and beginning to pet it.

You jumped at the sudden sensation of having your tail touched.

"A-ahh~"  You moaned softly, surprising yourself and Berwald as your blush became heavier.

'W-what was that?'  You wondered, your tail now curling around your arm as you turned to look at Berwald.

Berwald averted his eyes, a blush on his face though he tried to cover it with his arm.


"...!"  You bolted to your feet and out of the room, running straight into the bathroom where you started splashing cold water on your face.

'I was - ack!'

~Meanwhile with Berwald~

Berwald put his arm down but was still heavily blushing.

'... R'lly c'te [Really cute],'  He thought to himself, as he closed his eyes once more and recalled your lovely blushing face.

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