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Silverthornes:  So I'd like to thank everyone for being patient with my recovery after having my wisdom teeth surgically removed (and to anyone else planning to get them removed, do the actual knock-you-out anesthesia like I did or else you're awake for the whole thing).  Also, I'd like the thank my editors Hell'sBlade & Thai-Thai_Tiger for taking care of my accounts.

Hell'sBlade:  No problem.

Thai-Thai_Tiger:  Happy to help and to keep a certain someone [gives blank look to Hell'sBlade] from getting into any trouble.

Hell'sBlade:  What?  I wasn't going to do - Actually, I retract that statement I would totally do something that for me would be hilarious.

Silverthornes & Thai-Thai_Tiger:  [sigh]  We know.

Silverthornes:  Anyway, thanks again for the help guys, and as a reward for all the readers, I decided to write a chapter based on mine and other friends' experiences with having our wisdom teeth removed as a special chapter!

[Pause for cheers and party poppers going off]

Silverthornes:  After this I'll do some fun(ny) normal chapters and some more requests before doing another special.  So enjoy~  Also, I found that picture on the internet, I didn't make it.


"Ugh... [name]..."  Mattias whined from the couch.  "Ice... king need ice..."  He whined.

"Alright, I'll get some,"  You said, getting up from the couch.  You went off to the kitchen and grabbed a fresh ice pack, giving it to Mattias.

"[name], I'm hungry..."  Mattias whined like a baby.  You sighed.

"Okay, what would you like to eat?"  You asked.

"Pastry,"  Mattias said, getting a sigh from you.

"Sorry Mattias, but the doctor said you are on a liquid/puree diet till your stitches come out."  You said, getting a groan from Mattias.

"But elsker,"  He whined.

"No Mattias, if I give it to you, it'll take longer for your mouth to heal."

"But I want it!"  He said, sounding just like a kid who was told 'no'.  Though he stopped whining to instead groan in pain.

"I think it's time for your medicine."  You said, getting up from the couch and heading off to get Mattias medicine.

"But the king doesn't like medicine!"  Mattias called out before yelping from the pain.  You rolled your eyes.

"If you want to keep yelping in pain every time you open your mouth then be my guest!"  You called back, making Mattias go quiet as you knew you won this battle.


"Wee~  The sky's all sparkly~"  Tino slurred as you put him on the couch.

"No, those are lights Tino."  You said, placing ice on his swollen face.

"Mmm, these snowballs are so coldy-woldy."  He said.  You nodded.

"Yep, now relax here while I go get you some juice and medicine."  You said.  Tino raised his hand up and gave you a thumbs-up sign.

You quickly hurried off to the kitchen to get him some juice and his medicine, not really trusting Tino while he was still very loopy from having his teeth removed.  You came back to the living room to see Tino gone.

"Tino!"  You called out.  "Where are-"

Bang!  Crash!

"-you."  You quickly hurried into another room to see Tino on the ground, a stack of DVDs on the ground with him as he spread his arms and legs back and forth on the ground like he was trying to make a snow-angel.

"Wah~  These flowers feel so hard on my fish scales."  He said in a dreamy voice, you swearing you could hear a cuckoo clock going off in the background.

"Umm...  Okay..."  You said awkwardly as you stood by the door.  You quietly made your way over to him and helped him up off the ground.  "Let's get you to-"

"Magical corn dog roller coaster."  He said, getting another cuckoo clock to go off as you stared blankly at him.

"... sure... let's go with that..."  You said, helping him to his bedroom and laying him down on the bed before calling for one of the other members of the household to get Tino's medication for you since you didn't trust Tino right now to be left alone.



"Oh stop complaining,"  You said, looking at Emil over your shoulder.  "At least now that the stitches are out, you can start eating solid foods in a few days."

"I know, but I'm still sore."  Emil said, resting his chin on his hand as he sat at the kitchen table while you cooked some soup.

"Hey Emil?"


"Doesn't your brother, like, know actual magic or something like that?"  You asked.  Emil nodded.

"Yeah I guess...  What's your point?"

"Well, if he does, then why didn't you just ask him to magically remove your teeth, pain and stitch free?"  You asked.

"I said I would,"  A cool voice answered.  You and Emil turned to see Lukas at the doorway of the kitchen, an empty mug in his hands.

"So why didn't you do it Emil?  You know, save yourself the trouble of all this,"  You said, motioning to his mouth.  Emil groaned and put his head on the table, laying on his side.

"Yes Emil, she's right, all you had to do was call me 'big brother'."  Lukas said, getting a sigh from you and a groan from Emil.

'That's why he didn't do it,'  You thought to yourself as you continued cooking soup.

"Call me 'big brother' and I'll heal you so that you don't have any pain."  Lukas said, getting a groan from Emil who turned his head away from Lukas.

"Call me 'big brother'."


"Call me 'big brother'."


'This is going to go on for a while... at least until Emil's mouth is fully healed,'  You thought to yourself with a sigh as you continued to cook.


You were at home, doing some chores when you got a text message from Lukas.

"I just got my wisdom teeth out."  It said, shocking you.

'Why didn't he tell me he had his wisdom teeth removed?'  You questioned as you hurried over to his house, worried about Lukas.

You quickly knocked on the door and rushed in the second the door opened, only to bump into someone who caught you before you fell.  You looked up, shocked to see it was only Lukas.

"Lukas?"  You questioned.  "Why aren't you in bed with ice?  Are you feeling okay?  Why didn't you tell me that-"  You were cut off by Lukas covering your mouth.

"What's wrong dyrebare?"  He asked in his usual monotone.

"You, uh, t-texted me saying you h-had your wisdom teeth out."  You said softly, your usual stutter coming in.  Lukas looked at you blankly.

"I did."  He said.

"So, um, why isn't your f-face swollen?"  You asked, pointing to his face.  He tilted his head slightly.


"You know, a-after surgery it g-gets sw-"

"I didn't have surgery."  He said bluntly.  Now it was your turn to tilt your head.

"Then how d-did you get your wisdom t-teeth out?"  You asked.

"Magic,"  Lukas said.  "It was easy and pain free."

"Oh..."  You felt your cheeks turn red with embarrassment.  It was silent for a moment before you felt Lukas place his hand on your head, gently ruffling your hair.

"Thanks for caring..."  He muttered softly, a touch of pink coming to his cheeks.  You smiled.

"That's what partners do for each other."  You said softly, making the corners of Lukas's mouth twitch upwards.


"Here's your ice Berwald."  You said, handing him a new ice pack.

"Mmm."  Berwald carefully placed them around his face, his shoulders relaxing as the ice felt good.

"I also brought your medicine and some applesauce to eat."  You said.  Berwald nodded and took the tray from you, eating slowly and carefully before taking some medicine.  When he was done he handed the tray back to you.

"Do you need me to get anything else?"  You asked.  Berwald thought for a moment before going to the notepad you had given him.

"Another pillow please?"  It said.  You nodded and went off, coming back with another pillow for Berwald.  Berwald sighed once he had the extra pillow before settling down in the bed, pulling the blankets up.

"Do you want to rest for a bit?"  You asked.  Berwald nodded, looking tired.  You smiled and took Berwald's glasses off, placing them on his nightstand.

"Goodnight Berwald, ring the bell on the bedside if you need me, okay?"  You said.

"Mmm."  You leaned forward and placed a kiss on his forehead, making Berwald blush a bit, but his lips tugged up into a smile.


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