He Meets Your Ex

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A/N:  I'll do another special chapter after this one, then do a few regular chapters or maybe another special if I feel like it.


You two were out at a nice restaurant instead of a club when Mattias got up to answer a phone call from his boss.  So you just sat back at your table, phone out when suddenly someone sat down in front of you.

"Long time no see,"  They said, making you look up to see your ex, a guy who was just vain and selfish.

"I wish it had been longer."  You said, more focused on your phone since you knew this guy was an attention seeker.

"Don't worry, I'll be out of your way soon if you-"

"No."  You said, cutting him off and placing your phone on your lap.  "I'm not going to help you get famous and I'm not getting back together with you."  You said, making him mad.

"But I want-"

"If you want to be famous, do that by your own merit, not by piggybacking off of other people's hard work."  You said, not caring that he was making a face that reminded you of a whining brat.

"But I want my hot girlfriend back and a job."  He whined.  You shook your head.

"No means no."  You said.  His face began to turn red, letting you know that he was probably going to throw a tantrum when a hand landed on his shoulder.

"Sorry guy, but that's my seat."  Mattias said, making you smile a bit, though your ex just shook his head.

"No, this is my seat with my girlfriend."  He said, as if by saying something was his, it would become his.  Mattias frowned.

"Nope, that's my seat, and [name] is my girlfriend, now get out before you face the wrath of the king of Scandinavia."  He said, but your ex didn't budge.  Bad move.

Mattias knocked the seat over, sending your ex flying before righting the chair and taking a seat himself, picking up his menu as a waiter came over.

"What happened here?"  The waiter asked.  Mattias shrugged as he put down his menu.

"Nothing really except a really stubborn man trying to claim my girlfriend as his."  Mattias said, getting a nod from the waiter who had security come and escort your ex away.

"Thanks Mattias, that guy just doesn't understand that he can't have everything in life."  You said.  Mattias grinned at you and puffed his chest out.

"No problem, that's what kings are supposed to do for their queens."  He said.


You were at your bakery with Cocoa, waiting for Tino to come with Hana to take you out for lunch when you heard the bell in the front of the store ring.  Seeing as everyone else was busy, you went to see who it was and were surprised to see your ex.

"Hey [name], its been a while since I last saw you."  She said, and yes, your ex was a girl.

"Yeah, it has [ex's name].  So what brings you to my bakery."  You asked.  They shrugged.

"Walk down memory lane and I can smell the sweets being baked."  She said.  You chuckled.

"Here, I'll bring you a box of your favorites."  You said, walking back to the kitchen as Cocoa went over to your ex and cuddled up close to her.  You came back quickly, giving your ex the box before Tino walked in with Hana, surprised to see Cocoa acting so happy around someone he didn't know.

"Oh hey Tino, glad you could make it."  You said, making your ex look at Tino before going back to you.

"I should get going, thanks again for the sweets my sweetheart~"  She said in a teasing tone before giving you two kisses, one on each cheek, and giving Cocoa a kiss before walking out the door.

"Umm, what did she mean by calling you her sweetheart?"  Tino asked, clearly confused.  You giggled.

"We're exes, but now friends, and when we were dating she would call me her sweetheart since I made pastries a lot and always smelled sweet."  You said.  Tino nodded as you two began to leave.

"So why did you two break up?"  He asked.  You shrugged.

"We felt more like really good friends than lovers."  You said, getting another nod from Tino before he opened his mouth to ask another question, which you immediately said,  "And yes, I like girls too Tino."

"Oh, that's fine with me, but,"  He said, pulling you in for a hug.  "I don't want other rivals kissing my rakas."  He said, cheeks puffed out.  You giggled.

"Tino, in her culture they kiss people they know well on both cheeks when greeting or saying goodbye."  You said, getting Tino to blush and let go of you.  Though you found this all adorable.  [A/N: Really wanted to do one person with an ex-girlfriend rather than an ex-boyfriend]


You sighed as you had to go to a boring company party, but on the bright side you were able to bring Emil with you as your date.  That really brightened this dull event a bit as you leaned against a wall, waiting for Emil to back from getting you two some drinks.

"Ah [name], it is splendid to see you again my dearest."  You ex said as he approached you and took your hand, placing a kiss on it as he bowed.  Though the eyes looking at you were that of a predator.

"Yes, it has been a while."  You said, still trying to be polite as you took your hand away from him.  But this didn't deter him since he was one of those determined flirts.

"How about we spend the night talking about how much I've missed you and how you've no doubt missed me and-"

"Sorry but I promised to spend the night with my boyfriend."  You said, trying to politely drop the hint that you didn't want to spend time with your annoying overly fancy ex.

"Boyfriend?"  He said with a frown.  "But my dear, may I remind you who I am?  The person in charge of-"

"We're not interested."  Emil said, interrupting your ex before he went on started on an 'I'm so important' rant.

"Thank you Emil."  You said, taking one of the glasses from his hand and drinking some water.

"No problem elskan."  He said, watching your ex with a glare.  Your ex scoffed at Emil.

"[name] you have better taste than this, this is nothing more than a child who-"  He was cut off as he began screeching, a certain puffin on his head trying to peck his eyes eyes out.

"GET IT OFF!"  Your ex yelled, running around like a chicken without a head as you and Emil quietly snickered to yourselves and the other guests watched.  After a while, Mr Puffin got off of your ex's head and flew off through a window while your ex ranted to other guests.

"Hey Emil,"  You said after calming down your laughter.  "Why was Mr Puffin even here?"

"... That sneaky bird,"  Emil said, grabbing the bridge of his nose.  "He was probably spying on us."  He said, making you blush lightly.

'At least he managed to get my ex away from us,'  You thought to yourself.


You and Lukas were walking around town when you stopped by a little knick-knack store and began looking around.  As you were walking through the aisles, you bumped into someone who immediately caught you by the wrist, preventing you from falling, but instead making you look up.

"Pretty clumsy for a ballerina."  The man, who you recognized as you ex, said.  You looked down, your shyness coming out.

"... please let go."  You said softly, not wanting to stay near a person who wouldn't encourage you to do what you loved.

"Why should I let go of what's mine?"  He asked in a possessive voice, making you panic a bit.

"I...  I have a new boyfriend."  You blurted out, thinking that maybe that would make him let go.  Instead, it had the opposite effect as he growled and tightened his grip on your wrist.

"When I said you are mine, that means that you are mine."  He said in a growling voice, making you squeak in fear, closing your eyes till you felt a breeze go by you, along with your ex letting go of your wrist.

You opened your eyes to see your ex on the ground, looking like he had had the wind knocked out of him.  You tensed when you felt someone put their hand on your shoulder, but relaxed when you realized it was Lukas.

"Let me see your wrist."  Lukas said, gently holding your hand as he inspected your now bruising wrist.  "Hold still."  He said, waving his hand over your wrist, stopping the pain as the bruise began to fade.

"T-thanks Lukas."  You said softly, still a bit shaken up.  Lukas nodded before putting his arm protectively around you and walking you out of the store, leaving your ex unconscious on the ground.


You sighed as you sat in the park, waiting for Berwald to come join you and Pocki for a picnic.  You had just placed the basket down when you felt someone behind you, casting a shadow over you.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the person who chose an animal over a man."  A familiar voice said sarcastically.  Though you knew it was your ex, a man who thought you paid more attention to Pocki than to him, but at least you didn't go cheating on him like he did to you.

"Hello [ex's name]."  You said softly, gently putting Pocki into a special spot in the picnic basket where she wouldn't eat the food and would be safe from you ex.  You also stood up, knowing that when mad, your ex became violent.

"So, I hear you've been going around town with some monster."  He said, making you feel a twinge of anger since Berwald, even though he was intimidating looking, he was such a gentle giant.

"No, with my boyfriend."  You said, correcting your ex who frowned.

"No, last I checked, the closest thing to a boyfriend you have is that spiky-haired rat you carry."  He said venomously, making you mad.

"She's not a rat."  You said, getting upset.  Your ex smirked.

"She's a filthy rat."  He said, slapping the basket out of your arms, making Pocki squeak from inside.

"Wh't's g'ing 'n? [What's going on?]"  A voice said, coming from behind you to reveal Berwald.

"So this is the monster who's been going around with my girlfriend."  Your ex said as you had tears in your eyes.  Berwald saw this and instantly his aura changed from gentle to scary.

"Y're b'th'ring my älskade [You're bothering my älskade]"  Berwald said in a low voice that sounded like a growl, scaring your ex off as Berwald gave him a real glare, which is much scarier than Berwald's normal intimidating look.

"Y' 'lr'ght? [You alright?]"  Berwald asked.  You nodded as you picked the basket up and quickly brought Pocki out, who was shaken up but fine.

"Y-yeah."  You said softly.  Berwald nodded, hugging you close for a few moments before pulling out a blanket from the basket, placing it on the ground.  He then motioned you to sit, only to pull you onto his lap where he continued to hug you and make you feel safe.

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