Happy Birthday!

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A/N:  Since it is, as we all know, the most glorified birthday of the character who never shuts up about it (looking at you America) has arrived, I decided to do this for all the characters.

Denmark (June 5th)

You had everything already planned with the help of Tino and the others.

Decorations and his flag colors covered the house.  You had already made a special Lego cake and were sure to make it look perfect.  You also had Tino place all the presents for Mattias in a special place that Mattias wouldn't be able to find.  Now all that was left was to get the birthday boy himself.

You had had his friends Alfred and Gilbert take him out for a bit, clear with the "make sure he is not tipsy" rule.  You quickly called and told them to head back with Mattias.  With that, you all hid and waited...

... and waited another hour...

"Where is he?"  Tino asked.  You shook your head.  Just as you were about to call, you all heard the door swing open, followed by loud voices.

"Hey!  I wanted to stay at the club!"  Mattias whined.

"Nein, jou said only one dance but we ended up staying an extra hour."   Gilbert said scoldingly.  Alfred hummed in agreement.  Soon the group walked into the room and flipped on the lights as you and Tino jumped out.

"Surprise!"  The two of you yelled as the others complained.

"I can't believe you were late to your own party..."  Emil said.  Norway and Sweden nodded.

"Wow!  Thanks elsker!"  Mattias said as he crushed you in a hug, receiving protests from Tino who also helped.

After more scolding and apologizes from Mattias, you all got started on the cake and afterwards Tino went with Berwald to get the presents, most being legos or hair products.

"Thanks guys!"  Mattias said cheerfully as he started playing with the legos, leaving you all to clean the mess with no help from him.  But hey, it's his birthday, so he can get away with it... only for today that is...

Finland (December 6th)

Knowing how much Tino loves Christmas, you decided to do a Christmas themed birthday and, unbeknownst to Tino, had Tino help you set it up.

You decided to have the party at your house and have Tino help you decorate the place with most of the stuff, just minus anything that would scream birthday.  Afterwards you had Berwald drag Tino off while Lukas and the others helped you with the last of the decorations, including making a cake that looked just like present, which was expertly done by you and Lukas.

After a while, you heard a car pull up and everyone took their places.  Eventually, Tino opened the door as you jumped out in a santa dress.

"Surprise!  Happy Birthday Tino!"   You yelled with Mattias as Emil and Lukas just quietly said it.  Tino wore a shocked face but smiled and glomped you.

"Aww!  This is so sweet!"  He said.  He then gave you a kiss and turned to look at the cake.

"Can I open my present?"  He asked.  You and some of the others let out laughs and chuckles at the now confused Tino.  You shook your head and passed Tino a cake knife.

"Umm... I don't need a knife to open this present do I?"  He asked, even more confused.  You smiled and shook your head.

"No, but you need it to cut the cake."  He stared a moment longer but then realized what you meant and turned back to his present-shaped cake, using the knife to cut a slice.  It was quite cute to see the way his face lit up at the sight of the delicious cake.

"Wow... this is amazing!  I thought it was a real present!"  Tino exclaimed as he took a bite of the cake.  Mattias draped an arm over you and Lukas.

"Yeah, you can thank these two for that!"  Mattias said as you looked away blushing and Lukas started choking Mattias.  Tino just bounded over to you happily and gave you a kiss.

"Thank you!"  He said happily as your blush worsened.

Iceland (June 17th)

You and Mr Puffin decided to plan out Emil's birthday, but eventually it had to be left to just you since Mr Puffin was unfortunately sick with a cold and recovering at the pet hospital.

Knowing Emil didn't want a party for his birthday and just wanted to relax and enjoy a day where he doesn't have to deal with chaos, you decided to simply take him to his favorite place on Earth; the licorice factory.

So, you got him into your car, tied a blindfold around his eyes, and took him there, refusing to give him any hint as to where you two were going.  When you finally arrived you took off the blindfold.

"Ta-da!  Happy Birthday Emil!"  You said.  He just stared, awestruck.

"... you bought me a licorice factory..."  He said.  You blushed and furiously shook your head.

"No, sorry, I just brought you here on the tour and at the end there is a huge licorice sampling eve-"   He cut you off by grabbing your hand and dashing inside, no doubt wanting the licorice.  With that the tour began.

He seemed wholefully interested on the tour and was constantly asking the guide questions, so much so that the guide decided to give him a huge treat at the end of the tour.

At the licorice sampling event afterwards, Emil tried every licorice he could, finding them all delicious.  Just before you two left, the guide returned with a special card that would let Emil have free licorice for an entire year.  Emil was so happy that he fainted.  Though thankfully it only took you a couple of minutes to revive him with the promise of licorice.

By the time you dragged Emil and his huge armfuls of licorice back to the car, it was past sunset.  You two sat comfortably in the car before Emil spoke.

"Hey elskan..."  Emil said.  He then shyly leaned over and gave you a kiss on the cheek, pulling back blushing.  "Thanks."  You smiled.

"No problem Emil."

Norway (May 17th)

Knowing how much Lukas enjoys peace and solitude, you decided against Mattias's suggestion of throwing a huge party and instead decided to just spend a nice peaceful day with Lukas as his friends Arthur and Vlad prepared for a small party at Lukas's house while all the others were out.

"Lukas, can we go to that cafe over there?"  You asked, pointing to a cute cafe in hopes of buying time for Arthur and Vlad.  Lukas nodded, wanting coffee.

You two went inside and and ordered some coffee and a pair of nice looking muffins. You two sat down and started enjoying yourselves.  You could tell Lukas was enjoying himself as he put butter in his coffee and on his muffin, munching on it happily.

After that, you two walked through the park, enjoying the little flowers and the peaceful sounds of the birds chirping.   Lukas hugged you close as you watched the water dancing in the fountain.  Overall it was very romantic.

Finally you two arrived at Lukas's house, only to find the fire department there and a charred Arthur and Vlad bickering.  You just stared as you and Lukas approached the bickering duo.

"What happened...?"  You asked as you eyed the place where a kitchen should've been.  The two stopped and began trying to yell over each other.  They stopped when Lukas held up a hand, with a scary aura radiating off him.

"What.  Did.  You.  Do?"  He said, trying very hard to hold his temper back.  Eventually you two got the story as to what happened;

Arthur had been trying to bake a cake and Vlad added something to it, which ended up exploding and causing a fire which ate up the kitchen and parts of the rest of the house.

After that, Lukas and the rest of the magic trio got to work reversing the damage as you hoped they would hurry before Tino came home.

But on the brightside, not all of Lukas's birthday was horrible, you two still had a good time out.

Sweden (June 6th)

For Berwald's birthday, you decided to just spend time with him doing the things he enjoys.  So you two started the day early with a delicious breakfast followed by a trip to Ikea.

Berwald seemed pretty happy looking at all the furniture with you and seeing how cute you looked.

"Hey Ber-bear, try this bed, it's so soft!"  You said while lying down on the plush bed.  Berwald soon laid down beside you, looking up at the ceiling.

"Mmmm."  You then moved over to a huge fireplace mantle that was so big you swear it was taller than Berwald.

"Berwald, look at this huge fireplace mantle."

"Mmmm."  You then walked over to a display showing 4 very familiar looking guys.

"Berwald, is it me or do these people look familiar?"  You asked.  You turned to face Berwald, only to find him glaring at the figure who seemed to be playing with legos.

"..."  He glared and eventually the figure got up and held his hands up.

"Hey, no need to glare Sve!"  The figure, you now recognized as Mattias, said.  Soon the others came clean as Lukas choked Mattias for interrupting you and Berwald's date.  Tino and Emil just wished Berwald a happy birthday before going back to save Mattias who was turning blue.

After that the two of you went back to your house where you had a little cake in the shape of the Swedish flag waiting for the two of you.  You lit the small candle on top and gave it to Berwald.

"Happy Birthday Berwald."  You said, blushing a bit.  He cracked a small smile and blew out the candle.  He then placed the cake on the table before sitting you down on his lap.

"Tack [thank you]."  He said, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.  You smiled and pulled out his present; a great gift card to Ikea.  He thanked you again and began to eat the cute cake with you, before going back to cuddling on the couch.

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