He Finds Out About Your Job

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A/N:  So, if you read my original boyfriend scenarios, you'll notice I also have this same unique chapter.  After remembering how fun(ny) it was to write and read this scenario, I decided to do it for this one.  Just pretend that these are your jobs for the sake of entertainment.  This will be from his point of view.  Warning these will get long.  Enjoy~


It's not really surprising that he'd be curious about what you do for a living, especially since you never really took the time to explain what it was, and because it kept interrupting your dates.

Now we get to see how he reacts to finding out what your job is.


Norge just kicked me out of the house saying that I was getting too annoying but hey, it ain't my fault that his girlfriend cancelled on him too!

Yeah that's right, elsker called off our date saying something about work.

'Jeez, why can't she just call that off and not our date?'  I thought as I walked around a park for a bit. I then stopped for a second.  'What the hell does elsker do anyway?'  I thought.  After trying to think for a couple of minutes I gave up.  Soon my phone rang.

"Hello?"  I said.

"Hey Mattias dude!"  Alfred said.  "Listen, ya know that huge actress who goes by the name [insert random stage name (r/s/n)]?"

"Yeah, what about that total hottie?!"  I asked.  I heard Alfred laugh on the other end.

"Dude, you're not going to believe it but she's going to be shooting a scene for a movie in the next town over from yours!"  I gasped.

"You're kidding!"

"No way dude, it's legit,"  Alfred said.  "Me and Gil are gonna go, wanna join in?"

"Of course!  You can't go without the King of Scandinavia!"  I said.  I heard Alfred laugh on the other end.

"Sweet dude, we'll be there in a few to pick you up!"  Alfred said before hanging up.  I feel pumped!  Meeting the famous (r/s/n) is going to be so cool!  Too bad elsker couldn't come...

~Time Skip~

We, the Awesome Trio, gathered along with the crowd who were trying to get a glimpse of (r/s/n).  Gilbert looked over at the huge crowd.

"Kesse, we'll never awezomely see zhe actress if zhis unawezome crowd doesn't awezomely disappear!"  He said.  We started looking around and eventually I found an empty alleyway.

"Hey guys, let's go through here!"  I said.  They nodded and hurried over.  We quickly moved through the alleyway and found ourselves in the back of the production set.

"Kesse, way to go Mattias, zhat was almost as awezome as zhe awezome me!"  Gilbert said as he looked around.

"Dude, this is way more awesome than you Gil!"  Alfred said, causing an argument to spark.  As they argued we walked around and eventually ended up at the cast trailers where Alfred and Gilbert stopped arguing.  Just then this seriously strict woman came over and grabbed me by the ear.

"There you are!  Come we need you for the next scene!"  She said, dragging me along as the others followed behind.  I tried to explain to her I didn't know what she was talking about but she just shushed me, me the King of Scandinavia!

Finally we made it to the set where she dropped me off with the makeup people and then over to the director who was talking to some other girl whose back was to me.

"Great, now that you're here, listen up."  The director said.  "You'll say your lines and act like you are dramatically heartbroken while we make it rain, then Miss (r/s/n) will come out and have her dramatic meeting with you and we'll cut from there."  The director then went off to check something as I took a look at (r/s/n) and gasped.  It was elsker.

"Elsker?"  I asked.  She looked surprised but then squinted and squeaked.

"Mattias?  What are you doing here?"  She asked.  I quickly explained to her what happened and she waved to Alfred and Gilbert who were now gawking.

"So you are (r/s/n)?"  I asked.  She nodded.

"Yep, but I always wear a wig and a lot of makeup in movies and at events so that way I can, to a degree, live a normal life."  She said wearing a sheepish smile.  I grinned back, just as that strict lady came over and apologized to me along with the director and the actual actor.

"It's no biggie, at least now I know what my girlfriend does."  I said.  They stared at me, causing elsker to butt in.

"Yeah, sorry about that.  Anyway, this is my boyfriend Mattias and those are some of his friends, mind if they watch?"  She asked.  The director and the others shook their heads.

"It's fine, you can take it as an apology from us."  The director said.  After that Gilbert, Alfred, and I got to watch as they shot the scene and a few more before it was time to pack up and I gotta say, that was great!

Ahh I can see it now; The King of Scandinavia dating the Queen of Movies!  We're a match made for each other!


I sat down on the couch and sighed.  I couldn't believe I couldn't see my adorable [name] today!  She had a call saying that she was needed at work and had to go work, even though it's her free day!

As I continued pouting on the couch, Hana came over and barked at me, getting my attention.  I looked down and saw a piece of paper in her mouth.  I took it out and read what I could.

'A new Pastry Heaven has opened up in town after noted pastry chef ------- decided to move in -------- famous for her popular pastries it is assured -------- delicious pastries.'  The rest was too wet and covered in slobber to read.  I looked down at Hana.

"So you want to go to the pastry shop to cheer up?"  I asked.  Hana barked and wagged her tail making me smile.

"Alrightie!  Let's go!"  I said.  I jumped up from the couch and grabbed my coat and a leash.  Once we were all set, we walked to town and over to a part I don't often go to, but the promise of sweets lured me here.  I finally found the shop and it had a huge line.

'Guess it must have really good pastries if it gets a line this long.'  I thought as Hana and I got in line.  Thankfully the line moved fast enough.  I was soon enough inside the shop where I stared in awe at all the displays.

There were cakes with intricate designs and some that looked so real, reminding me of the present cake [name] and Lukas made me for my birthday [see previous chapter].  Soon I got to the front and looked at all the treats before me.  Just as I was about to order I was tackled to the ground by an energetic dog.

"Wahh!  Stop licking that tickles - wait a second, Cocoa?"  I asked the little brown pup.  Cocoa wagged his tail and then ran over to Hana, playing with her as I and some of the other patrons awwed at the cute display.  Soon a girl from the kitchen ran in.

"I'm sorry but the boss's dog just ran off for some reason."  She said bowing to me.  I tilted my head.

"Did you say that Cocoa belongs to your boss?"  I asked.  She looked at me surprised.

"I did but I didn't say his name was Cocoa. Do you know the boss?"  She asked.

"That depends, is your boss's name [name] [lastname]?"  I asked.  She gasped and nodded.

"Yeah, that's my boss, how do you know her?"  She asked as the other girls from behind the counter crowded us, ignoring the other customers.  I just smiled and showed them a picture of the two of us on my phone.

"Simple, she's my girlfriend!"  I said happily.  Before any of the girls could reply, [name] came out, dressed as a pastry chef should be.

"Alright ladies, get back to work we've got a - what the-?  Tino, what are you doing here?"  [name] asked as the girls ran off.

"I came to get some pastries, I didn't know you worked here [name]."  I said.  She smiled and made a 'follow me' motion as she went back into the kitchen with Cocoa and Hana following her.  I quickly went through and saw it was busy with people working hard.  She led me to a small office and offered me a chair.

"Yeah, I'm the owner of the place, and I got pretty popular thanks to some famous food blogger coming here once.  I became so big I had to move the store to another bigger location."  She said scratching the back of her head sheepishly.  I smiled and hugged her.

"That's great [name]!"  I said.  She hugged back.

"Thanks, anyway, let me get you the treats you wanted."  She said.  She then glanced over to Hana and Cocoa.  "And I'll add some of my special dog treats to that order for free."

"Yay!"  I cheered as she went and got me a box filled with so many tasty treats.  I can't wait to eat them!


'This is so stupid.'  I thought to myself as I rode in the limo.  My boss is making me go to some function with him out of town.  This stupid function is being held by some big company that does a lot for the government but I don't really care.  Because of this stupid function I couldn't even go see elskan.

'But then again, didn't elskan say she was going out of town due to something relating to work...?'  I thought.  Unfortunately for me, the limo stopped and I was escorted inside this huge gala building.

'Typical.'  I thought as I stared at the ornate room with all these snobbish people dressed to impress and showing off their wealth.  'Sickening.'  I thought with a shiver.

I began to wander a bit after taking a glass of water, letting my mind wander off as I tried to think of what elskan does for work.

'I doubt a chef because she nearly set the kitchen on fire that one time... I've never seen her skate so I doubt figure skater... Teacher?  Naw, she doesn't act like one.'  I was then unfortunately pulled from my thoughts by my boss.

"There he is," My boss said.  He then shoved me towards this big middle-aged guy in a gray suit with a huge mustache.  "Here is good old Emil."  My boss slapped me on the back, making me internally glare at him.

"Emil, this is the CEO of the company hosting this function."  My boss said.  The CEO and I shook hands, with him giving me a pitying look, not that I wanted any of his pity!  The two of us actually had a pleasant conversation till my boss butted in.

"Ah!  You must let Emil have the honor of meeting your successor!"  My boss exclaimed causing me to flash the CEO an apologetic look.  The CEO just waved my look off as if saying, 'I'm used to it'.  He then moved towards another section of the room as my boss turned to me.

"Now Emil my boy, listen, get on his daughter's good side, she'll be the one we'll all soon turn to for donations.  Try to get nice and close to her."  My boss said.  I felt disgusted by what he was implying and I really wanted to just slap him then and there but I refrained and gave him on of Norway's blank looks.  Before my boss could continue his 'talk' the CEO came back and pushed a young beautiful lady forward.

"Gentleman,"  The CEO said.  "My daughter [name]."  My eyes widened.

"Elskan?"  I questioned.  Her eyes widened too.

"Emil?  What are you doing here?"  She asked as my boss and the CEO, her dad, stared.

"My boss dragged me here."  I mumbled, loud enough for just her to hear.  She giggled as her father tapped her on the shoulder.

"You two know each other?"  He asked.  We both nodded as I felt a blush coming on.

"Yeah, we've been dating for a little while."  She said.  Her dad nodded.

"Alright,"  He said.  He then came over to me and whispered in my ear,  "I'll give you the lecture later."  I shivered a bit but nodded.  Her dad nodded and moved away, dragging my protesting boss with him.

"So... you're going to be running this company when he retires?"  I asked, wanting to break the awkward silence.

"Yeah, but I doubt that'll be for a while, although..."  She glanced over to my boss.  "With the way your boss is that retirement day may come sooner than we anticipated."  She said.  I blushed and nodded.

"I can see why."  I said with an exhausted voice thinking of how annoying my boss was.  But at least on the bright side I got to figure out what elskan does.  But then again... I now have to deal with her father watching me like a hawk...


I felt... agitated to say the least, listening to this stupid Dane whining about his girlfriend, what about my girlfriend?  My dyrebare, due to stupid work, had to cancel our date and I felt so upset, even if I didn't show it.

To try and calm myself down, I kicked the annoying Dane out of the house and made myself a cup of coffee.

'Ah... That's better... but still not enough.'  I thought to myself.  Just then I got a call.  I clicked my cross pin.

"Hello?"  I asked.

"Hello Norway,"  Arthur said on the other line.  "Listen, I've just gotten tickets to go see a dance performance in the next town over, fancy seeing it with me?"  He asked.  I thought for a moment before nodding.

"Sure."  Was all I said.

"Great, I'll meet you at your house around 7, then we can teleport over to the theatre and do dress for the occasion."  He said.   After that, he hung up, leaving me to simply wait around a bit.  Guess I'll just read for a bit.

~Time Skip~

We finally found our seats in the large theatre.  After settling down I turned to Arthur.

"So what is the performance about?"  I asked.

"It's a ballet of an old Norwegian fairy tale, the one that's like Beauty & The Beast-"

"You mean the story called East of the Sun and West of the Moon? [Actual Norwegian fairy tale and it really is like a longer, more convoluted version of Beauty & The Beast]"  I asked.  He nodded.

"That's the one."  He then looked down at the stage.  "Oh look, it's starting."

Just then, the main character, the beautiful peasant girl, came out onto the stage with her fellow performers and I had to admit, she was graceful and mesmerizing.

~Time Skip To End of Show~

The entire audience, with myself and Arthur included, were giving the cast plenty of applause.  The entire show was fantastic.

I quickly conjured up a bunch of roses and threw them to the main character.  She caught them and smiled.  She looked up and our eyes locked onto each other and I was shocked; it was [name].

We stared another moment before she was ushered offstage and I dragged Arthur with me out of the theatre, hurrying backstage where we bumped into [name].

"Lukas!  I didn't know you were coming!"  She said in a surprised voice.  I nodded.

"Arthur invited me."  I said, motioning to Arthur.  I then turned back to [name].  "You were breathtaking out there dyrebare."  I said, feeling a slight blush coming onto me.  She blushed.

"Thanks Lukas."  She said, giving me a smile and a quick kiss on the cheek.  I hugged her tight and glared over at Arthur who put his hands up and backed away from the two of us.

Now that we were alone I kissed my dyrebare and gave her a rare smile, feeling happy that I now know more about my dyrebare and her beauty.


"..."  I was just sitting in my room, trying to think of something to do.

I couldn't see my älskade today because she busy doing something for work.  And I didn't really want to bother the others, seeing as they were all not in the mood, especially Norway who was agitated about something.

"Su-san!"  I heard.  I looked over and saw Finland.  "Su-san, do you want to go to the art museum with me?"  He asked cheerfully.  I thought for a second and nodded.


"Great, let's go!"  He said, pulling me from my chair and dragging me out of the house and into the car.

'I h'pe th'y h've s'm'th'ng on v'k'ngs...'  [I hope they have something on vikings...]  I thought to myself as Fin happily drove us over.

~Time Skip~

We arrived at the art museum and joined a tour group.  As we were walking we overheard a curator talking with some other museum official.

"That's great!  I can't believe the artist herself will be here for the grand unveiling."

"Yes, this will surely be a great way to show off the museum."  I looked down and saw Finland tugging at my sleeve.

"Su-san, did you hear that?  We have to go see the new piece!"  Finland said, excitement filling his eyes.

"Mmmm."  With that he pulled me away from the tour group and over to the art section where a large crowd had gathered.  We managed to get through the crowd easily though, probably because of how intimidating I look...

Now that we made it through, the curator came out onto a slightly raised platform.

"Welcome guests and fellow art lovers, I am pleased to tell you that we are unveiling a brand new painting!"  He said.  He then motioned to the covered rectangle behind him.  The sheet was drawn, revealing a big painting.

"Su-san... is that...?"

"Mmmm."  I said, answering Fin's question.  The painting depicted a cute puppy, looking exactly like Hana, running happily out onto a field, chasing after a toy, away from a tall man.  Part of the man's face was cut out of the picture, but you could see him wearing a long navy blue coat and knew he had blond hair.  The only features on his face that could be seen were part of his nose and a very small smile.

"Su-san... that looks just like you and Hana."  Finland said, studying the painting.  I had to agree.   The curator then cleared his throat.

"Lovely isn't it?"  He said as many in the audience nodded.  He then clapped.  "Well I am pleased to tell you that the artist herself is here.  And now, may I present the ever lovely Miss [name]."  He motioned to the next room where I saw the shy smile of my älskade.

She walked over to the curator, shaking his hand and said a few words before the crowd applauded politely.  Afterwards the crowd moved forward to get a better look at the painting and some went to ask her about it.

Finland looked at me then began dragging me over to her.

"[name]!"  He called out happily.  She looked over and blushed.  She quickly made her way over.

"Tino, Berwald, I-I didn't k-know you w-were coming."  She stuttered cutely.  Finland nodded.

"Yeah, I decided to come but I didn't know about this new exhibit, it's adorable!"   Finland said.  My älskade shyly thanked him.  "That's Hana and Ber isn't it~"  Finland said as both [name] and I blushed, but [name] still nodded.

After that, [name] let us tour the museum with her and let me hold her hand as she did which made me crack a very small smile.

'C'te...'  I thought to myself as I stared at my adorable älskade.  

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