He Meets Your Family

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A/N:  Hey everyone I have some news to share;  I'm going on a trip to Japan!  Because of that, next week there will be no update, so nobody panic if next week comes and think this is discontinued or I'm dead.  No need to think either idea.

Also, [s/n] means sibling's name.

Requested by Sakura Honda


"You sure we can't go to a club instead?"  Mattias whined from his seat in the car.  You firmly shook your head.

"No Mattias, they want to meet you and you'd have to meet them at some point."  You said as you finally arrived at your parents' home.

"But elsker, I don't wanna!"  Mattias whined as you literally began pushing him towards the door.

"Come on Mattias,*huff* where's the *pant* brave King of Scandinavia who *wheeze* says he is not afraid of anything?"  You asked as you huffed and pushed him forward.  He stopped and spun around.

"Hey, the King of Scandinavia is not afraid of anything!"  He said.  You straightened yourself up.

"Good, now ring the doorbell and face this challenge."  You said.  He nodded and bounded over to the door, ringing the doorbell.  After a moment your mom came and answered the door.  She looked sternly at Mattias.

"So he's the boy you said you were dating?"  Your mother asked in a stern voice.  You nodded.

"Yep, this is Mattias.  Mattias, meet my mom."  You said cheerfully.  Mattias gave her his best smile as he extended a hand to her.

"Hey it's nice to meet-"  Your mother cut him off by grabbing his ear.

"There is little need to yell, now come in."  She said, marching inside while dragging Mattias with her.  The rest of the visit went... alright.  Your parents thought he was a bit loud and wild (especially his hair), but your siblings liked him well enough.

But you had to admit, you felt a little bad for Mattias; by the end of the visit both of his ears were red from your mother grabbing him by the ears to scold/correct him.


"Oh I can't wait to meet your parents!  Right Hana?"  Tino said as he looked down at Hana.  Hana wagged her tail and barked.

You had just finished placing the last plate on the table when you heard the doorbell ring.  You went over and greeted your parents with hugs and kisses.

"[name] my darling, it's so good to see you!"   Your mother said as your father greeted Cocoa.  Your mother then looked you over.  "Oh my, have you been eating properly?  Remember lots of sweet stuff, deary, makes you happy.  And have you been-"

"Alright, now where's the lad you want to introduce us to?"  You father asked, cutting your mother off.  You motioned to the kitchen where you all found Tino with Hana, finishing off the salad.  Tino noticed them and waved.

"Hi, I'm Tino, and this,"  He said motioning to Hana.  "Is my cute dog Hana."  He said.  Your mom just gushed over how cute he is and how cute his dog was as your father nodded at the fact that he was helping you with the cooking.

You all sat at the table and you had to admit, Tino was good.  You were surprised he lasted all through dinner and dessert with your mom gushing at him and Hana and then saying the most embarrassing things.  Man were you happy when your dad finally got your mom to leave.

"How did you survive that?"  You asked tiredly as you watched Tino put away the clean dishes you had just finished washing.  He just smiled.

"Oh don't worry about it, I've seen worse, like Mattias when he's drunk with his friends Alfred and Gilbert, now that is worse."  He said.  You quietly pictured that scene in your mind...

"... Tino you poor, poor thing, no wonder you have such a high tolerance."  You said as you gave Tino a kiss on the cheek.  He blushed but smiled.

"Besides, your dad seemed nice."  He said.  You nodded and continued cleaning up before going off to cuddle with Tino for a bit.


So since he already met your dad [see previous chapter], you thought it was time he met the rest, which is why you brought him to a fancy restaurant and had him leave Mr Puffin at home (bound and gagged for extra measure).

"It's nice to see you again Mr Steilsson, without any annoyances this time."  Your father said.  Emil colored slightly but nodded.

"I'm still very sorry about that."  Emil said.  Your father just waved him off.

"Don't, it can't be helped if a monkey got a hold of a wrench, all we can do now is wait till he somehow loses it, and while we are waiting, let me introduce to you my wife,"  Your father motioned to the woman beside him.  "And [name]'s younger sibling."  He motioned to your kid sibling.

"Hello, it is a pleasure to meet you both."  Emil said, trying his best not to stutter.  You held Emil's hand under the table as your mom and sibling greeted him.

Throughout the course of the hour, your dad pretty much interrogated Emil and lectured him about what he should and should not do with you as you, your mom, and your younger sibling just rolled your eyes.

"-and you are not allowed to kiss her on the lips, nor on the cheek.  The only place you can give her a kiss lightly on the hand, for only 3 seconds at most.  Also you are to remain in a separate room, at least 10 ft away from [name] when she is changing.  And blah blah blah blah-"  Your father said.  Your mom shook her head and placed a hand on your father's shoulder.

"I think he gets the idea dear, now why don't we have dessert and get going?"   Your mother said.   You silently thanked her as your father sighed and allowed everyone to order dessert.

It was then that your dad found out that he and Emil both have a love for licorice when they both asked to have some for dessert.  After your family left you looked at your exhausted boyfriend.

"Don't worry about what dad said, you only have to follow a few of the rules, not all of them."  You said, getting a quiet 'thank you' from Emil.


"I want to meet them."  Lukas said.

"Umm... I'm not so sure Lukas, that may be a bad idea."  You said, feeling worried over the idea of Lukas meeting your family.  Lukas shook his head, signalling that he still wanted to meet them.  You sighed.

"Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you."  You said as you picked up the phone.  You were a bit happy to know that your parents were out of town, but dismayed to find that your sibling was still nearby.  With a sigh you invited them over to meet Lukas.

~Time Skip To 1 Hour Later~

You heard the doorbell ring and opened it with a shiver as the most terrifying thing in the world stepped inside your house; your sibling.  You swore you could see the horns and a spade tipped tail as you introduced them to Lukas.

"Lukas, this is my sibling [s/n]. [s/n] this is my boyfriend Lukas."  You said.  You watched as they shook hands, a deadly aura radiating off your sibling.

"So, Lukas, how did you two meet?"  They asked.  You bit your lip, knowing what they were trying to do; humiliate Lukas in some way regardless of whether you get humiliated too.

"In a library."  Lukas answered.  Your sibling raised an eyebrow.

"Well then, what are your hobbies?"

"Reading and taking walks in the park."  Lukas answered, really not giving your sibling any material to work with.

"Favorite color and reason why."

"Purple because it is purple."  This cycle of only getting simple answers continued on till your sibling got frustrated and left, making you breathe a sigh of relief.

"I'm glad that's over."  You said.  Lukas just nodded and hugged you.

"So why did I see horns and a tail on your sibling?"  Lukas asked.  You just shook your head.

"That's just your imagination though that image fits them perfectly."  You said in a tired voice as you cuddled into Lukas, signalling you didn't want to talk about your sibling anymore.

"... so when can I meet your parents?"  Lukas asked.  You didn't even respond you were so tired.


Your parents were quite surprised to hear you had a boyfriend, especially given your shy nature, so they insisted on coming to meet him in person along with your younger siblings.

So now here you are trying to keep calm along with Berwald who, even though he kept his stoic expression on the outside, you could tell was beginning to panic.  And then the moment of truth came; the doorbell rang.

Your family stepped inside and sat across from Berwald who stared at them.  An awkward silence filled the room.  With a cough you tried to break it.

"Mom, dad, [s/n 1], [s/n 2], this is my boyfriend Berwald.  Berwald, this is my family."  Berwald nodded and shook their hands before returning to his seat as the silence settled in again as your father and Berwald got into a stare off.

~5 minutes later~


"..."  The stare off continued.

~10 minutes later~


"..."  Still staring at each other.

~15 minutes later~


"..."  Still going for it.

~20 minutes later~


"... Honey,"  You dad said to you mom,  "Time for the test."  Your mom nodded and walked into another room while you facepalmed.  Your mom came back with Pocki (the hedgehog) curled up.  She walked over to Berwald and placed Pocki on his head.

"..."  Berwald stayed silent but now looked up at his head where Pocki seemed unsure.  But quickly she spun around and settled for a nap on Berwald's head.  You breathed a sigh of relief.

"You passed."  Your father said with a nod as you removed Pocki and placed her back in her home.  You father shook Berwald's hand and left with the rest of your family.

"... Äskade d'd I m'ss s'm'th'ng?"  Berwald asked.  You sighed.

"My parents believe that Pocki can tell who is a good person and who is not, by placing her on someone's head.  Since Pocki didn't panic or do anything bad, they said you passed."  You explained.  Berwald nodded, but truthfully he was still confused.

"Don't think about it, it'll just give you a headache."  You said.  Berwald nodded but continued to think about it and did indeed get a headache as you said he would.  

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