He Turns Into A Chibi

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A/N:  So guess who's back from Japan~  Me!  I had so much fun and saw so many things!

Went to Mt Fuji, got a tour of Tokyo, sailed in Tokyo Bay, watched a geisha performance, visited Edo castle and its eastern gardens, crossed Rainbow Bridge, went to Kyoto by the famous bullet train (took 3 hours from Tokyo to Kyoto and vise versa), visited so many Buddhist and Shinto shrines (never want to smell incense again) (also was very surprised I was able to get past the supposed gates that prevent evil from entering), I got to sail on Lake Ashi, and then got a gondola ride up a nearby mountain that was very, very foggy.  And the day before I left, I went to a district in Tokyo known for anime and manga!  (Literally thought I died and went to heaven... and then realized that there was nothing for hetalia there [gasp!])

I got so many neat things from there!  Such as a ninja throwing star made from metal, a cute Kirito figure from SAO, and two of my favorite characters from Touken Ranbu; Kogitsunemaru & Mikazuki Munechika (ship it).  I also got some stuff for other people too, but I liked my stuff best.

But then again, as with every trip, there is somethings that I could really do without;

1)  The humidity; it was killer and I was literally sweating bullets.

2)  The goddamned incense!  Oh my god there was too much of it and it was horrible after about 5 minutes of it and by the end of the trip, 5 shirts all smelled like it.  I don't want to smell incense again for a long while.

3)  Bug bites; after the 1st day where I ended up with 4 itchy bites, everyday there was one more added.  It was so hard not to scratch.  In the end, I had to put bandages over the bites to keep me from scratching, like when you put that cone on a dog's head.  And even that failed at times T-T

4)  The flight; 14 f***ing hours of hell with no sleep.  So I had a connecting flight from my home in the US, to Toronto, Canada, then to Tokyo, Japan.  Now from home to Toronto is like ~2 hours (give or take like 10 min), but Toronto to Tokyo is 14 f***ing hours.  Now the plane itself was awesome but I just couldn't sleep on it and by the end of the flight I was so sick and feeling a bit claustrophobic from sitting there for so long.  And even with sleep meds I could not sleep.  And it was the same torturous story on the way back, from Tokyo to Toronto to home, where I promptly passed out.  So f*** you flight and laws of time and space and whatever else is involved.

5)  Jet lag; for me it was about 13 hour time difference, so when it was say Monday at 2:40 pm in Tokyo, it was for me 1:40 am on a Sunday.  So to say I was not always a happy camper in Japan would be telling the truth.  It was only by the end of the trip that my jet lag started to die down and become bearable, but then I get home and have to deal with jet lag again.  So once again, f*** you flight and laws of time and space and whatever else is involved.

6)  The crows; oh my god they were huge, ominous looking and sounded terrifying.  Now I get why people consider them a bad omen.  These things were terrifying!  They were literally the size of a small/medium sized dog.

7)  The fact that when you travel to very distant places, the germs over there can make you sick.  Which is why this took so long to write because after I came back I was miserably sick all week with nausea and couldn't even move without feeling like I was going to be sick.

But other than that stuff, the trip was great!

I am also happy to announce that I have released a Hetalia one-shots book.  And I encourage everyone to read the chapter titled "Where Do Babies Come From" because so many things now make sense as to why characters ended up as they are as adults, plus there is a hilarious video with that chapter.

Super happy to see that this got past 300 hearts!  So we all know what that means; it's time for a special chapter!  Enjoy~

Prologue [A/N: I think we can all guess how this happened]

"Hey Norge, hey Norge, hey Norge, hey Norge, hey-"

"What?"  A seriously annoyed Norway said as he looked up from his spell book.  Denmark poked him in the cheek.

"Whatcha reading?"  Denmark asked as Norway scowled.

"A book."  Norway said.  Denmark looked at it and stared.

"Hmm... Yoik!"  Denmark said as he grabbed the book and ran.  Norway jumped off the couch and ran after Denmark who was now locked in the bathroom.  Norway began banging on the door.

"Denmark, open up."  Norway commanded in a threatening voice as the other Nordics gathered about.

"What's up Norway?"  Finland asked.  Norway growled.

"Denmark took my spell book."  He said, just as Denmark said,

"Hey, how do you pronounce this?  Gla-ka-ba-re-"  Norway turned to the door and began banging on it again.

"Don't read it outloud you-"  And then puff!

"Stupid Dane."  The voice of a child finished.

So now how will you all react to having a tiny boyfriend?


"So, what happened to you?"  You asked as you sat on the edge of Mattias's bed with the tiny Mattias.

"Ugh,"  He groaned as he held the ice on his head.  "Lukas hit me over the head a bunch of times cause he was mad at me."  You nodded.

"Yeah... I sorta figured that out already."  You said.  You then motioned to him.  "I just meant I wanted to know how you went from big to little."

"I just wanted to read a word outloud..."  Mattias said.  You didn't quite get it but shrugged.

"Alright, whatever."  You said.  You then moved the ice and saw the bump.  "Do you want to do anything or just lie on the bed?"  You asked.  He sat up and grinned.

"Let's go clubbing!"  He yelled as he ran to the door.  Just as he was about to leave you caught him by the back of his shirt and pulled him back.

"Woah there!  They don't let kids in."  You said.  He puffed his cheeks out and banged his fist to his chest.

"But I am the King of Scandinavia!  They have to let me in!"  Mattias insisted.  You shook your head and lifted Mattias up, placing him back on the bed.

"No means no Mattias, and may I remind you what is waiting outside of that door."  You said, causing him to shutter.

"Ugh, yeah.  Hey let's watch something on Youtube!"  He said, not wanting to think about what Lukas had put outside his door to make sure Mattias caused no more trouble.


"Aww!  You look so cute Tino!"  You squealed as you hugged him.  He hugged back.

"Really?  You don't mind me like this?"  He asked.  You shook your head.

"How can I think this is bad when you look so cute?"  You asked as you placed butterfly kisses on him.  He giggled and cuddled closer to you.

"[name]!  That tickles!"  He said.  You grinned and placed him beside you on the couch.

"Did you say tickle~"  You said before you started tickling him.  He began laughing and seemed all the more cuter.

"[name]!"  He said in his laughing fit.  "I-I c-can't breathe!"  He said.  You stopped and let him catch his breath as Cocoa and Hana came over and up onto the couch, grabbing Tino's shirt with their teeth, pulling him onto the ground.

"Okay, okay."  He said as said, getting off the couch and onto the ground.  "What did-"  He was cut off by one of the most adorablest things ever; Hana and Cocoa began smothering him to the ground, licking and nuzzling into him, causing him to giggle.

And where were you; filming and taking pictures, of course, all while Tino was being crushed under puppy love.


When you found out that Emil, and surprisingly Mr Puffin, had become younger, you decided to help them relax by watching a movie with them, but halfway through-

"Elskan, I'm going to get more licorice."  Emil said.  You nodded as you petted the fluffy chibi Mr Puffin.

"Alright."  You said as you watched him head off into the kitchen.  You thought nothing of it, that is till you heard pots and pans being banged together followed by the sound of chairs shifting and then a large crash.

You hurried into the kitchen, finding Emil on the ground, pot on his head, a huge mess of pots and pans on the ground, and a chair on its side.  You rushed over to Emil.

"What happened in here?"  You asked, taking the pot off his head.  He held his head.

"Ugh, I was trying to get the licorice."  He said, pointing to a cabinet.  You walked over and opened it up, finding it was filled with licorice.

"So you mean you caused this mess, trying to get to the licorice instead of asking for help?"  You said, causing him to blush, but he didn't deny it.  You sighed.

"Okay, well, help me clean this up and I'll give you the licorice Emil."  You said as you began picking up pots and pans.  Emil nodded and joined in, working quickly to get the licorice.  As for fluffy chibi Mr Puffin, he was napping in a pot on the table.


"Lukas,"  You said knocking on his door.  "I know something odd happened and all, but do you want to talk about it?"


"It might make you feel better."  You said.

"..."  Still being met with silence, you sighed.

"Do you want to do something else?  Something that will make you feel better?"  You asked.  You heard shuffling followed by the sound of the door unlocking and a tiny Lukas greeting you.

"Come in."  He said.  You nodded and came into the room, shutting the door behind you as you sat on the bed with Lukas who was in a bad mood.  You lifted him up and placed him on your lap, running your fingers through his silky hair.

"Come on Lukas, it's not that bad."

"It is."  He replied curtly.  You shook your head.

"You said it yourself, it's temporary."  You said.  You then added,  "And you already punished Mattias enough."  You said.  He shook his head and pouted.

"Not enough."

"Not true, you did give him a large bump on his head and you did leave that terrifying troll outside his room."  You said, shuttering a bit as you hugged Lukas close.  He just remained silent.

"... still not enough."  He said firmly as you sighed and just kept him on your lap, running your fingers through his hair, still trying to take his mind off the whole situation.


When you found out what happened, at first you thought everything would be different, but after seeing Berwald, you realized that nothing had changed except his size.

"Hey Ber-bear, do you want something to drink?"  You asked as you watched Berwald work on a wood carving.

"Mmm."  He said.  You went upstairs and brought him a cup of cold lemonade and gave it to him.

"Tack [thanks]."  He said as he stopped to have a sip, giving you a chance to see how his carving was coming along.

"Wow, Ber-bear, this looks really good."  You said as you looked at the carving of a troll.  "Where'd you come up with that idea?"  You asked.

"L'k's h's a tr'll g'rding M'tt's [Lukas has a troll guarding Mattias]"  Berwald said as he sipped the lemonade nonchalantly.  You tilted your head.

"Really?"  You asked, receiving a nod from Berwald.   "Man, Mattias must be so scared right now."  You said as you sat back in your seat.

"Mmm."  Berwald said, placing the glass down and going back to his wood carving, like nothing was out of the ordinary when there was plenty out of the ordinary.  But then again, he's probably used to this stuff by now.  

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