Happy New Year

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Clinks of glasses of all shapes and sizes could be heard throughout the pub that Mattias had brought you to.  You took a sip of your water and glanced over at Mattias who was joking around with a lot of guys there.

"Hey!"  Someone yelled.  You and everyone looked over to the bartender who had a remote in his hands.

"It's almost time!"  He yelled, switching the Television to show a huge crowd of people gathered in Time Square, beginning to count down.

"10!  9!"  People yelled.  You jumped when you felt Mattias pull you out of your seat.

"8!  7!"  Mattias wrapped his arms around you.

"6!  5!"  Mattias grinned at you.

"4!  3!"  Mattias dipped you down.

"2!"  Mattias's face was only a few centimeters away.

"1!"  Mattias's eyes locked with yours-

"0!  HAPPY NEW YEAR!"  People shouted as Mattias's lips connected to yours, your eyes widening before closing, your arms wrapping around Mattias's neck.  You eventually broke apart, gasping, but Mattias still held you close.

"Elsker~"  Mattias said.  "I want another kiss~"  He said.  You rolled your eyes and grabbed him by his tie, getting his lips to crash into yours again.  And again.  And, of course, again.


"Oh I'm so excited!  Aren't you rakas?"  Tino said, making you jump a bit.  You yawned and rubbed your eyes.

"Yeah..."  You said, sleep really sounding good to you right about now.  Tino just went back to smiling and chatting.  You looked over at Hana and Cocoa, both of whom were lying on Hana's big doggies bed, both trying so hard to keep awake but you could see their heads drooping.

"Aww~"  Tino said, looking down as Cocoa yawned, falling to his side.  "That's so cute~!"  Tino said.  You nodded, your head resting on the arm of the couch as you watched Cocoa give up on getting back up but instead opted to go to sleep, Hana and soon you joining him.

"[name], you have to help me get a pic-"  Tino stopped when he saw that you were asleep too.  He giggled and grabbed a blanket, wrapping you in it before going back to waiting for the New Year to come.


"Here's your drink Elskan."  Emil said, handing you a champagne glass.  You looked down at the liquid before looking over to Mr Puffin.

"Thanks but I'm not going to end up like that am I?"  You asked, pointing over to a very, very drunk Mr Puffin who was lying on a rock, nuzzling it and spewing nonsense about it being his 'hot lady'.  Emil looked at Mr Puffin and sighed.

"Don't worry, you're too smart to get drunk like him."  Emil said, shooting a glare at Mr Puffin before adjusting his towel and trunks as you two found a nice place to sit, waiting like many other people in a famous Icelandic hot spring.

"At least the water feels good."  You said, trying to get Emil into a better mood.  Emil looked to you and nodded.

"Yeah,"  He said, before the awkward silence set in.  Though thankfully it was broken by the sound of people counting down till it became midnight exactly, in which many people turning to their companions and clicked their glasses together.

"Happy New Year Emil,"  You said.  Emil blushed lightly but still wished you a happy new year as well. Just as you two took a sip of your drinks, Mr Puffin got up off his rock and walked over the edge and fell into the water.  Emil quickly moved into action, giving you his glass and going after the drowning Puffin.

'What a way to start the year,'  You thought sarcastically, watching Emil begin to perform puffin cpr.


"... Lukas?  Why are we walking into the forest this late at night?"  You asked, feeling nervous.  Lukas just remained silent, tightening his grip on your hand and guided you through the dark.

"It's a surprise,"  He said.  That didn't really reassure you as you continued going and going till-

"Close your eyes dyrebare."  He said suddenly, surprising you.  You tilted your head.

"Why?"  You asked, really feeling nervous.  Lukas didn't say anything but looked at you expectantly.  You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, praying this was not one of those movies where the guy will jump out and murder you.

You jumped when you felt Lukas lead you around, really wanting to open your eyes, but every time you were about to Lukas would tell you not to.

"Okay, open."  He said.  You said a silent prayer before opening your eyes, your eyes widening; before you guys was a huge field filled with magical creatures all flying about and having fun.

"Wow..."  You said, getting the corner of Lukas's lips to twitch upwards.  Taking your hand, he led you further into the field, keeping you close as plenty of magical creatures appeared, apparently having a party for the New Year.

'I'm just glad this didn't end up like those horror movies,'  You thought, shaking your head as you allowed yourself to enjoy the start of the New Year in a very different way.


You cuddled closer to Berwald who held you close, the two of you sitting on the couch with a warm blanket wrapped around the two of you, your hedgehog Pocki curled up in a warm blanket of her own.

"Y' sh'ld g' t' sl'p älskade [You should go to sleep]."  Berwald said, looking down on you.  You looked up at him with big doe-eyes and cuddled closer.

"Not yet,"  You said softly.  Berwald let out a grunt and just held you closer as you both enjoyed the pleasant silence, still waiting for midnight to come.  Once it did, you shifted and looked up at Berwald.

"Ber,"  You said.  It was then that you noticed that Berwald had fallen asleep, glasses still on, arms still around you.  You blushed slightly and settled back into your spot, Berwald's arms tightening around you, making your blush worse.

'I guess this is... okay,'  You thought, feeling shy, but a bit happy.

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