Valentine's Special

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"Mattias, can I open my eyes yet?"  You asked, waiting on the couch, eyes closed.

"Not yet elsker,"  Mattias said.  You sighed, listening as Mattias moved around till finally he was right in front of you.  "Okay, now."

You opened your eyes and gasped. Mattias held a giant box of chocolates.  You squealed and thanked him, taking the box as Mattias grinned.  You opened it up and ate a piece of chocolate.

"Mmm!  This is so good!"  You said.  Mattias nodded and held out his hand expectantly.  You giggled.

"Nope~  This is my chocolate~"  You said teasingly.  Mattias pouted, making you laugh as you took out your own chocolates.

"But these are for you~"  You said, tossing him the box.  Mattias caught the box and looked inside before releasing a shout of joy.

"Chocolates shaped like legos!"  He said.  He put the box down and hugged you tight.  "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"No problem, now go enjoy them."  You said, already digging into your box.  Mattias followed suit, enjoying his chocolates a lot.


"Oh rakas, you didn't have to do all this,"  Tino said, looking at the table filled with all sorts of chocolate desserts from chocolate-dipped strawberries, chocolate cake, chocolate pudding, and all sorts of little bite-sized pieces of chocolate of every color imaginable.

"But I wanted to, after all, I do love to make pastries."  You said.  "Now let's dig in!"  You said.  Tino nodded, happily taking all sorts of chocolates and eating them.

~Time Skip to 2 hours later~

"Ugh... rakas... I don't feel so good..."  Tino moaned from across the table, slumped over.  You just groaned in response.

"I know... oh, my stomach is telling me that right now..."  You groaned out, holding your stomach.  You tried to get out of your chair, only to slump down onto the floor, lying down on you side.

"Rakas... you alright...?"  Tino asked.

"Ugh... I... I don't think I can make it..."  You said, clutching your stomach.  Tino looked over the table at you.

"Make it... to what...?"

"To the kitchen..."  You said.


"To... to get the mousse..."  You said.  Tino groaned and put his head on the table.

"Rakas... please don't give me anymore chocolate..."  Tino said, feeling very ill.


You were busy in the kitchen, preparing the last of the chocolate strawberries when you heard noise coming from the front of the house.  You wiped your hands and walked over to the front of the house, putting your ear on the door.

"-but this is so embarrassing,"  You heard the ever familiar voice of your boyfriend Emil say.

"But ya gotta,"  Mr Puffin said.  "It be a man's duty to give his girl something sweet for Valentine's day."  Mr Puffin said.  You heard Emil fidgeting a bit, making you feel bad for the poor guy.  So you opened the door, spooking both of them.

"Hey,"  You said, leaning on the door frame.  Emil blushed.

"Y-you - how l-long-"

"A while,"  You said, making his blush worsen.  You gave him a sympathetic smile.  "Wanna come in and have chocolate?"  You asked.  Emil continued to sputter nonsense as Mr Puffin rolled his eyes and landed on Emil's shoulder, slapping his wing over Emil's mouth.

"We'd be delighted."  He said.  He glanced at Emil and gave him a nudge, getting Emil to hand over a small box of licorice covered chocolates.  You smiled and accepted them before letting the other two in.


Knock.  Knock.  Knock.

You yawned, rubbing your eyes before rolling over and looking at the clock.

'8:30 am... who's knocking?'  You wondered, getting out of your warm bed.  You opened the door of your bedroom, only to find a little red box with a pink ribbon on top.  Confused, you picked it up and closed the door, heading back to your bed.  You read the little card attached to it.

"Open me"  It said.  You tilted your head but decided to follow the instructions.

You pulled the ribbon and opened the box, watching as sparks flew out, wisps of magic flying out, flying around, making shapes.  You watched in awe as unicorns, fairies, flowers, butterflies, and hearts appeared all around you.  For how long it lasted, you weren't sure, but soon it stopped, all the sparks going back into the box, the top and ribbon putting themselves back on.

You stood there for a few moments before hearing a knock on the door again.  You went over and opened it to find Lukas holding a tray with chocolate chip pancakes, juice, syrup, and a rose in a small vase.

"Oh Lukas,"  You said, blushing lightly.  Lukas let himself in and placed the tray onto the nightstand before guiding you back to your bed.

"This is so sweet,"  You said softly, sitting on the bed.  The corners of Lukas's lips twitched upwards as he sat before you with the tray, holding up a fork with a piece of the pancake.

"Lukas,"  You said, feeling you heart flutter.  You ate the piece and smiled.  "Delicious."  You leaned forward and planted a kiss on Lukas's lips.  "Thank you."


You had just finished setting out a box of chocolates when the doorbell rang.  You went over and were greeted by Berwald, who walked inside, something hidden in a box.  He sat on the couch and motioned for you to sit beside him.

"Th's 's f'r y' [This is for you]."  He said, a light blush on his face as he held out the box.  You thanked him and took it, opening it to find that it was a handmade heart-shaped picture frame.

"Oh Berwald, I love it,"  You said, standing up to give him a peck on the check before going off to get a picture of you two.  You placed it in the frame and put it on the table.

"There,"  You said, going back to sitting with Berwald.  Berwald looked at it and nodded.

"Mmm."  He said.  You then took up the box of chocolates.

"I hope you like them."  You said, looking down with a blush.  Berwald hummed and patted your head, comforting you before opening the box and taking out a chocolate.

"Mmm."  He said, making you smile at the fact that he liked the chocolate.

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