He Has A Nightmare

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A/N:  Here's part 2 and also the 50th chapter of this book!

Requested by @cranberry_otaku & I gave Konoha control of my account


"...!"  You woke up, struggling to breathe as Mattias was squeezing you to death in his sleep.

"M-Mattias,"  You struggled to say, wiggling around in his grasp, which only seemed to make Mattias squeeze you tighter like a cobra.  Though you stopped struggling when you felt Mattias's crying into your shoulder.

"Mattias!"  You cried out loud, giving him a kick with your leg, managing to jolt him awake, though when he jolted awake, he took you with him since he still was gripping you tightly.

"Elsker?"  He asked, in a blubbery voice.  "Is that really you?"

"Yes Mattias, so could you-"

"Oh elsker!"  Mattias blubbered, squeezing you tighter as he began to cry more.  "I thought I'd killed you and I was in a bar and I yelled at the others and-"

"Can't breathe..."  You said, getting him to loosen his grip on you.  You quickly gulped down some much needed air before turning to Mattias.

"Okay Mattias, what happened?"  You asked, brushing away a tear.

"I had a bad dream where I was drunk driving and killed you!"  He wailed, you hugging him tightly.

"Mattias, it was just that; a dream."  You said, holding his face in your hands so that he would see yours.  "Besides, you know that whenever we go out to the bar or club, that I'm always the one who stays sober enough to drive us home."


You scrunched your face up as you felt paws pressing against your chest, along with two pups pulling at your pajamas.

"Alright, alright, I'm up, I'm up,"  You mumbled, sitting up.  You squinted as you heard Hana and Cocoa whimpering, along with the sounds of someone crying softly.  Confused, you reached over and turned on a lamp, showing Hana and Cocoa surrounding Tino who was crying in his sleep.

"Tino, wake up,"  You said, shaking him. Tino bolted straight up and screamed, giving you a heart-attack.

"Jeez Tino, there's no need to scream."  You said, rubbing your ears as Tino whipped around and grasped your arms.

"Rakas, you're not hurt?  No cut, no scrap, no-"

"I'm fine Tino, calm down,"  You said carefully since Tino honestly sounded like he was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.  "Take a few deep breaths, and calm down."


"No buts,"  You said calmly, rubbing Tino's back.  "Everything's okay Tino.  We're all fine, we're all safe."  You said comfortingly.

"Y-You sure?"  He asked, stuttering a bit.

"Of course Tino,"  You said soothingly, placing a kiss on his forehead.  "Now how about some milk and cookie?"  You asked.

"Yes please."


You groaned as you rolled over onto a cold spot in the bed where Emil's body should have been.  You opened your eyes and glanced at the clock.

'3 am... where's Emil then?'  You thought to yourself, distinctly remembering going to be with Emil around midnight after that movie.  With a yawn you got up and walked down the stairs of the Nordic house, stopping when you heard Mr. Puffin talking in the kitchen.

"-you sure you don't want to wake her up?"  He asked.

"No,"  Emil said, sounding tired, and like his mouth was filled with licorice.  "I just want eat."  He said, confirming your thoughts.

"Ya just had a nightmare about losing the love of your life and you don't want her to hold you?"  Mr. Puffin asked with a huff.  "Damn it boy, you-"

"You had a nightmare about losing me?"  You asked, poking your head into the kitchen, only for Emil to start coughing since your surprise appearance made him choke on his licorice.

"..."  Emil, once he recovered he remained quiet, as though hoping he could sink into the chair.  You walked forward and cupped Emil's face, forcing him to look you in the eyes.

"Is it true?"  You asked.  Emil gulped and averted his eyes.

"... yes..."  He mumbled, making you coo softly.

"Well I'm not going anywhere,"  You said sitting beside him, holding a piece of licorice for Emil to eat, making his blush worsen.  And Mr. Puffin wasn't helping when he winked at Emil and gave him a thumbs up.


You woke up slowly to the sound of pages being turned.  You opened your eyes, blinking a bit at the light coming from the desk in the room where you saw Lukas looking desperately through a few books at once.

"Lukas?"  You asked softly.  He glanced back at you before turning back to his books.

"Go back to sleep dyrebare."  He said softly.  You sat up and rubbed one of your eyes.

"What are you doing so late at night?"  You asked innocently.

"..."  Lukas remained silent and motionless, save turning a page in a book.

"Is something wrong?"  You asked, getting up from the bed, dragging the blanket with you.

"No,"  He said.  "It's nothing."  He said.  You shook your head as you put your arms around his neck.

"If it was nothing, then you wouldn't be up searching for whatever it is you seem to need.  Now please tell me, what's wrong?"  You asked softly.  Lukas was once more silent as his hand gently grasped your arm.

"... Let's just say I had a dream that made me realize something I had forgotten,"  He said.

"What had you forgotten?"  You asked gently, not wanting to push him.  Lukas let out a long exhale.

"Simply how precious life can be."  He said simply before turning to you.  He stood from the chair and led you back to bed, tucking you in while laying down beside you.  You snuggled closer to him, his arms around you holding you close as you fell back asleep, though Lukas stayed awake a little longer to simply watch you sleep peacefully.


You yawned as you walked into the bedroom with a glass of water, surprised to see Berwald sitting up in the bed with a troubled look on his face.

"Ber-bear?"  You asked, making him look up in your direction, squinting his eyes since he didn't have his glasses.  "What's wrong?"  Berwald just beckoned you over, so you walked over, putting the glass down.  You then turned to him, only to have Berwald pull you onto his lap.

"Berwald?"  You asked as Berwald brought his hand up to your face, running it gently over your cheek, as if trying to imprint your features on his mind through touch only.

"... n' b'rns... [no burns]"  Berwald mumbles.

"No burns?"  You question, wondering why he thought you'd be burned.  You then raise your hands up to his face and place them on his cheeks, gently running your thumbs across them.

"You don't have any burns either Berwald."  You said, getting the corners of Berwald's mouth to twitch upwards.

"Mmm."  He hummed.  You giggled and bopped his nose playfully.

"You ready to go back to bed Berwald?"  You asked.  Berwald hummed again.

"Mmm, 'n a m'n'te [in a minute],"  He said, going back to petting you, not that you really minded.

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