He Turns Into His Nyo Self

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  Requested by Turtle Wolf


We can all imagine how this whole thing happened but for comedy's sake, here's what happened;  Norway was busy perfecting a potion when Denmark came in.

"Hey!  Hey!  Hey Norge!"

"What?"  Norway replied sounding annoyed.  Denmark held up a vial with a pink liquid in it.

"What does this do?"  Denmark asked, about to open it.  Norway lunged.

"Don't you-"  At that moment a shatter was heard followed by a bright pink cloud engulfing the whole house.

"*cough* Stupid Dane,"  A female voice said in a very annoyed manner.

So how will you all handle this situation now?


You were supposed to meet Mattias at a club and had now been waiting for about half an hour.  Just when you were about to leave, someone caught you by the waist.

"Hey elsker, where are you going?"  An obnoxious female voice said.  You whipped around and peeled the tall female's hand off your waist.

"Sorry I don't swing that way and I was just stood up by my boyfriend."  You said in an annoyed huff.  The tall woman gasped and puffed her cheeks out.

"I didn't stand you up elsker, I was just busy trying to get away from Lukas and that crazy eye-pecking puffin."  You sighed, but then let your eyes go wide as you looked the female over.

Same coat, same style of gravity defying hair, same goofy grin, same mentioning of a grumpy Lukas and a puffin who likes to peck out people's eyes.

"Mattias?"  You questioned.  He nodded.  You placed your hand over your face.

"What did you do this time?"  You said.  He just gave his 'I might've messed with something I probably shouldn't have' looks.

"Potion."  He said, thinking it was best to say things simply.  You sighed a bit but grabbed his hand and led him to the dance floor.

"Fine, but you owe me extra cuddles and candy Mattias for being late."  You said.  He beamed at you and pulled you in for a dance, continuing to prove that it really was just him.


You were waiting at the park with a picnic basket when suddenly Cocoa got up and ran off.  You turned to find that Cocoa had run off to Hana and now the two were happily playing with each other.

"[name], sorry I'm late."  You heard a slightly higher pitched Tino say.

"No problem Tino."  You said.  After a few moments, you felt like something was off.  Tino shifted a bit under your gaze.

"Uhh... [name], what're you staring at?"  Tino asked.

"Sorry, it's just... I feel like something is off."  You said staring at Tino.  He shifted again and it was then that you realized what was off; his chest.



"Since when do you wear bras, or have I just never noticed?"  You asked bluntly.  He blushed and explained what happened with the potion.  You nodded afterwards.

"So, let me get this straight, my boyfriend is now my girlfriend till the potion wears off."  You said.  He - no she - hummed.

"Yep, so now can we eat?"  Tino asked, giving you puppy dog eyes.

"Sure, why else would I bring a picnic basket?"  You teased as the two of you began to eat.


You were walking down the street when all of a sudden a frazzled looking puffin crashed into you.

"Oh bother," The female puffin said, rubbing her head, "I don't have time for- oh lass, it be you!"  You gave the puffin a confused look as it began dragging you towards Emil's home.

"Umm, do I know you?"  You asked the puffin.  The puffin snorted.

"'Course ya do!  It's me, Mr Puffin."  The puffin said.

"Umm... not to be rude but wouldn't you be Ms Puffin now?"  You said.  The puffin just growled, and muttered something about pecking eyes.

Finally Mr - or now Ms - Puffin got you up to Emil's room and pretty much threw you in before shutting the door.  You then looked at the bed and noticed Emil, wrapped in a huge cocoon of blankets. You tentatively placed a hand on the cocoon.

"Emil,"  You said softly.  "Did you change too?"  You asked.  He shifted and popped out, revealing a girl who looked a lot like him, just with longer hair.  He - no she - nodded.


"How about this, why don't we go downstairs and watch a movie till this wears off?"  You said.  Emil looked at you.

"Can we have licorice?"  Emil asked.  You nodded and helped her out of bed and downstairs to the living room, only to have to help Emil contain Ms Puffin who was trying to peck out Mattias's eyes.


You had received a frantic text from Mattias asking for help, saying Lukas had gone mad.  Worried, you hurried over to find the scene before you;

A female looking a lot like Lukas, straddling another tall female who was on the ground and looked like Mattias, choking the taller one with a tie.

"You.  Stupid.  Dane."  The long haired female said.  The one being choked looked over to you and made a motion asking for help.  Feeling bad for the one being choked, you went over to the long haired one and tapped her shoulder.

"Excuse me, but could you please stop choking her?"  You asked politely.  The long haired woman whipped around and sent you a glare, making you flinch, but softened it.  She sighed and let the other woman go.  The tall one coughed.

"Thanks, *cough* [name] I owe ya one!"  She said in an obnoxious voice.  Before you could even question, the long haired female took you away to Lukas's room and had you sit on the bed.  It was then that you noticed the cross hair clip.

"... Lukas?"  You asked, feeling a bit unsure.  The long haired female nodded.

"Did Mattias mess something up?"  You asked, trying to piece together the puzzle.  Again, a sigh and a nod, followed by Lukas coming over to you and hugging you.  She then laid down with you in her arms.

"It's so frustrating dyrebare..."  Lukas said, sounding exhausted.  You nodded.  But you knew what would help; you cuddled right into Lukas, burying your face in the crook of her neck as she held you close, enjoying the cuddle session.

You two stayed cuddling together for the rest of the day, ignoring more of Mattias's pleas for help and the squawking of a bird.


You were at your home, humming a tune, when you heard a knock at the door.  You went over and found a tall woman with a stoic expression and long blond hair.  For a moment you thought she was Berwald's sister but those eyes said otherwise.

"Ber-bear?"  You asked, tilting your head.  Berwald nodded and engulfed you into a hug.  You couldn't help but squirm.

"Ber... can't... breathe..."  You said.  She loosened her grip but didn't let go.  You looked up at her and hummed.

"So how did this happen?"  You asked shyly, wondering if Berwald got a sex change operation or something.  Berwald's cheeks seemed to get a faint pink dusting on them but he shook his head a bit.

"M'tti's m'ss'ng w'th L'k's's th'ngs.  [Translation: Mattias messing with Lukas's things]"   She said.  You blushed a bit and nodded.  You barely registered Berwald taking you into your living room and sitting you on the couch.

"... So I'm assuming that Mattias is getting some sort of punishment right?"  You asked as Berwald sat in front of you on the floor.

"Mmm."  Was all she said before resting her head on your legs while you absentmindedly ran your fingers through her hair.

"Poor Mattias."  You said, already imagining what Lukas had in store for him.

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