It's Reader-chan's Birthday

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A/N:  So as you can guess, my birthday was today and what did I do on it?  Took finals and studied for more T-T
So, I decided to make this the next chapter, enjoy~


You and Mattias had been out, just enjoying a nice walk, when suddenly he pulled you over to a karaoke place.

"Come on Elsker, it'll be fun!"  He said.  You laughed and decided to go with it.  When you two went inside, you were surprised that even though there were a bunch of people ahead of you guys, you didn't have to wait at all.

You watched as Mattias just went up to the worker, whispered something, and then bam!  Here you are being guided to a private room.  As soon as you opened the door, your friends on the other side yelled,

"SURPRISE!!!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!"  Your boyfriend the loudest of them all.  They all came over and hugged you as the worker brought in the cake.  Mattias pushed you towards the cake, telling you to make a wish, so you did.

After the cake, you guys all had fun singing and watching Mattias dance and do impressions.  So all in all, it was a pretty fun party.


You were sitting at home when you got a text from Tino.

'[name] sorry to ask but could you pick up a new teething toy for Hana, I can't right now :('

'Sure, any preference?'  You texted back, wanting to help Tino because you know how troublesome a teething puppy can be without a chew toy.  After getting the details, you grabbed Cocoa and went to nearby pet store.

You went in and bought not only the chew toy for Hana but also a chew toy for Cocoa as well.  After that you went over to Tino's house to drop the toy off.

You knocked, but got no response, not even barking.  Cocoa pawed on the door and somehow it opened up.  Feeling worried, you walked inside, turning on the light, only to be tackled by Tino and Hana.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"  Tino yelled.  He let you out of his death grip as both Hana and Cocoa yipped happily.  You smiled.

"Thanks Tino but you didn't need to do all this."  You said.  He shook his head and handed you an expertly wrapped present.

"Nonsense!  What kind of boyfriend doesn't do these sorts of things?"  He said dramatically with a pout.  You giggled and took the gift, happy to find out that it was a cute new hat.  You gave Tino a kiss as you let Cocoa and Hana have their new chew toys.


You were honestly not expecting Emil to do anything for your birthday, especially since you didn't tell him, so suffice to say you were not expecting this;  Emil, trying to hold a box with a cake in it, a present, and a bouquet of flowers.

You grabbed the cake and let him inside, the puffin following behind with ribbons and decorations.

"Umm, Emil, what's going on?"  You asked, a bit confused.  He blushed and mumbled something.  Knowing that you couldn't understand him, Mr Puffin spoke up.

"We came ta celebrate your birthday kiddo."  You raised an eyebrow.

"How did you know it was my birthday?"  You asked, because you do not remember ever telling either.  Emil spoke this time, but was still trying to keep his blush down.

"... internet..."  He said.  Now that made sense.  You smiled and gave Emil a peck on the cheek.

"Thanks, this is really sweet."  You said.  His blush exploded full force as Mr Puffin snickered in the background.  After having the cake and putting the flowers in a vase, you were allowed to open the gift.  It was a cute stuffed puffin with the icelandic flag wrapped around it.  You smiled as you thought it was the perfect gift and hugged Emil.


The second Lukas found out when your birthday was was the second he started formulating a plan that he knew would be best.

It started out with him treating you to lunch at a nice yet casual restaurant.  Afterwards the two of you walked around the town a bit, going into a few shops here and there, like the bookstore.  Late in the afternoon, Lukas suggested going out for a stroll in the nearby park.  You agreed.

Soon the two of you were out strolling, Lukas having an arm around you as you snuggled into his side.  Soon he began leading you down a secret path that led into the woods.  You got closer to his side as the light outside became dimmer and dimmer.

"Hey, Lukas, shouldn't we be getting back, it's getting dark."  You said, feeling a bit nervous.  He looked at you and shook his head.

"We're almost there."  He said softly, trying to soothe your nerves.  You calmed a bit but were still a bit on edge.

Finally the two of you arrived at a beautiful field covered in elaborate ice sculptures.  It was amazing to see them sparkle in the moonlight.

"Wow Lukas..."  You said in an awe filled voice.  "Who did all this?"  You heard a slight chuckle, followed by arms wrapping around your waist.

"I did."  Lukas said.  You turned to face him, only to receive a kiss.  You melted into it as Lukas tightened his grip around you.  Once he let go, you felt something drop onto your chest.  Looking down you saw it was a snowflake pendent.

"Happy birthday dyrebare."  Lukas said.  You smiled brightly at him.

"Thanks Lukas."


It was your birthday and you were pretty much bouncing off the walls with happiness.  You couldn't wait to have your cake, never mind the presents.

"Älskade?"  You heard Berwald say.  You bounded over to him and hugged him.

"Hey Ber-bear."  You said, making him crack a small smile at the cute nickname.  He hugged you but eventually let go.  He then held out a box with a delicious [favorite flavor] cake.

"Yay!"  You cheered.  As you got the ice cream, Berwald cut the cake and set the movie up.  The two of you then settled on the couch, each with a piece of cake and some ice cream, along with some ice cream toppings.

"Sho'ld I st'rt 't?"  Berwald asked.  You gave a shy smile and snuggled into his side.  He let out an 'mmm' and started the movie.  Berwald payed more attention to you eating the cake and ice cream rather than the movie.

'... c'te...'  Was all Berwald thought as he ate some of his sweets.  After the movie was over, Berwald tried to get up, but found you fast asleep, snuggled into his side.

'... too c'te...'  Berwald thought, deciding against moving and waking you up.  Instead, he covered you two in a blanket and held you close, letting you sleep with a happy smile.

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