How You Meet

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A/N:   I AM SO HAPPY!!!  I finally feel like I can release this and I am so happy!  Remember that there is also my other boyfriend scenarios that has the Axis, Allies, Spain, Romano, and, of course, zhe awezome Prussia.  So please check that out too.

Feel free to make requests for scenarios, but know that there are no character requests because I've hit my limit >.<

Also for those who want other characters like Switzerland, Austria, Romania, etc, they will have their own book, but that is still under construction, so no requesting them please.

And if people can help me with translations I would really appreciate it.


You were out on a girls' night out with your friends when they decided to go to a club for a bit.

The music was loud, the people there were dancing, talking, drinking, and just having fun.  It was a blast for you and your friends.

As you were dancing, this guy with gravity defying came over and started dancing with you.  And to be honest, it was a lot of fun dancing with this guy, because some of his moves were great and some were just goofy.

"Hey you're good!"  He yelled over the music.  You smiled.


You two danced for a little while more before your friends came over to try and take you away.  But before they did, the guy with the great hair gave you a card with his number, sending you a wink, making you laugh a bit.


You were out walking in town, humming a nice song when it started snowing.  Seeking shelter, you went into a cute cafe nearby.

After grabbing a nice cup of hot cocoa, you sat down in a nice cozy armchair by the fire, watching the flames dancing when you heard a kind voice.

"Excuse me, but is this seat taken?"  You looked to see a cute guy with violet eyes and light blond hair.  You shook your head, still humming tune that you had stuck in your head.  The guy smiled and thanked you, taking the seat, and drinking his own warm drink.

"So, what do you think of the snow?"  The guy asked with a friendly smile.

"Well, besides being really cold, I think it's really pretty and fun to play in."  You replied, receiving a giggle from him.

From this point on the two of you talked for an hour before you some tall guy with gravity defying hair came and dragged his "buddy Fin" away, leaving you to wonder if you would ever see your cute new friend again.


You had been at home relaxing when you heard a tap at your window.  Looking towards it, you found a puffin trying to get in.  Raising an eyebrow, you let it in.  It flew in and settled on your desk.

"Well hello their kiddo."   The puffin said - wait... Puffins can't talk.  Seeing your confused expression the puffin continued.

"Hey, I can talk, I just need your help finding someone."  He said.  You thought for a second and then gave a small nod.

"Fine,"  You said.  You then walked to the door, grabbed your coat, and followed the puffin out.

~Time Skip~

You two had been looking for an hour for a "white haired grumpy licorice eating kid" as the puffin described him.  Eventually while in a park you spotted the boy and pointed him out to the puffin who flew towards him.

You watched for a moment as the boy and puffin, mostly the puffin, enjoyed a happy reunion.  You turned and walked home, just as the two started looking for you.


It was one of those dull, quiet days where you had nothing planned, so you decided to go to the library in search of a good book.

Once you arrived, you started wandering through the rows of books, looking something eye-catching.  As you searched, you got this eerie feeling that you weren't alone, but brushed it off as soon as you found a book.

You went off and found a comfy chair, and started reading the book that was apparently about magical creatures.  After an hour, you got that eerie feeling again.

You looked up from your book and caught sight of someone with blond hair and a blue sailor suit retreating behind one of the bookshelves, but you could tell they had been the one watching you.

You shook your head and got up, deciding to check the book out and head home, still wondering about the mystery person.

Sweden [A/N: I will attempt to do his accent]

You were currently sitting in the waiting room of the vet's office, simply here for your pet hedgehog's, Pocki, yearly check-up.  You were just reading a magazine when you heard the door open.  When you looked up you saw a very intimidating and tall man, holding a small white puppy.

After he checked in with the receptionist, he walked over and sat beside you.  You just decided to go back to reading your magazine.

After a while, you felt like you were being stared at.  You tried your hardest to ignore it, but that really is hard.  Thankfully, the vet came and called you.

You got up with Pocki and went with the vet.  Once you two were in the room the vet, an old buddy of yours said,

"I see Berwald has an interest in you~"

"Huh?"  You said, blushing.

The rest of the visit, the vet teased you as you really wanted to do what Pocki was doing; curl up in a ball and hide.

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