Meeting Again

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A few days had passed since that night you had danced with that guy with the gravity defying hair, so you decided to call.

"Hello?!"  You heard a loud voice say on the other side of the line.

"Hi,"  You said.  You heard something crash on the other side.

"Hey you're the hot girl from that club I danced with!"  He yelled.

"Yep, that's me.  I'm [name] [lastname].  You?"  You said with a smile.

"I am the King of Scandinavia, Mattias Køhler!"  He boasted proudly over the phone.  You giggled.  "Say, you wanna meet up at another club?"  He asked.

"Sure!"  You said happily.


It had been a week since you met your cute new friend and you were once more back in the same cafe, enjoying another cup of hot cocoa.

"Hei!  [Hello]"  You heard a familiar voice say.  You looked over and saw your friend from before.  You smiled and waved him over.

"Hi."  You said.  He smiled.

"It's good to see you again."  He said.  You smiled sheepishly.

"Same, also, I never got your name."  You said.

"Ah!  I can't believe I forgot!"  He said.  He then extended his hand to you.  "I'm Tino Väinämöinen."  He said cheerfully.  You took his hand.

"I'm [name] [lastname]."  You said.  You two then talked for a bit before he had to go, but were sure to this time get each other's numbers.


It had been a week since you had helped the strange puffin and right now you were out in town, enjoying a cool day.  As you were walking, you noticed a candy store and decided to treat yourself a bit.

As soon as you walked in you were air tackled by the same puffin.

"There ya are!"  It said.   It settled on your head and turned to the boy who was hurrying over.  "This be the lass who helped me out."  The puffin declared.  The boy gave the bird an annoyed glare before turning to you.

"... Thanks for helping Mr Puffin..."  He said.  You shook your head saying it was fine.  The puffin snorted.

"Hey, introduce yourselves kiddos."  Mr Puffin said.  The boy looked annoyed.

"... Emil Steilsson..."  He said quietly.

"[name] [lastname],"  You said, feeling a bit shy.  After that the puffin somehow managed to get your number and give you Emil's too, before you all went your separate ways.


A week after your last visit to the library, you once more found yourself there, this time returning the book.  You decided to be nice to the old librarian and put the book back yourself.

Going down to that particular section, you found that strange blond-haired man standing right where you got the book.  You walked up to him and cleared your throat.

"Excuse me, but could you move so I could put this back?"  You asked politely.  He gave you a dull look and nodded, moving out of the way, allowing you to put the book away.  You were just about to leave when you heard him ask,

"How was it?"  You looked at him.  "How was the book?"  He asked again.

"Pretty good,"  You answered.  "I really like [random magical creature]'s description."  He nodded and the two of you began discussing the book till it was time for the library to close, being sure to exchange names and numbers.  It was then that you found out his name was Lukas Bondevik.


It had been a week since your visit to the vet, and now you and Pocki were at the park.  You were letting Pocki play in the grass when you heard someone call your name.

"[name]!"  Turning, you found it to be your friend [f/n], the vet.  She came over, dragging someone behind her that you recognized as the guy from before.

"[name],"  [f/n] said.  "I want you to meet my buddy Berwald Oxenstierna. Berwald, this is my friend [name] [lastname]."  You two shook hands.

With coaxing from your friend, the two of you somewhat began to talk, but it was mostly your friend.

After an hour, your friend had to go, and so did Berwald.  But before the two left you, [f/n] managed to get you and Berwald to exchange numbers.  

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