The Backyard Naga

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A/N:  Just for clarification here are a few facts about Nagas:

- They smell by tasting the air

- They do hiss on the letter 's'

- They are cold-intolerant


'[name], to you my relative, I leave this cabin that is on the edge of the woods.  Please be careful and take good care of the cabin.'  The will said.  And with that, you decided to move to your now dead relative's cabin that they left you in their will.

But as soon as you moved there, you couldn't help but feel as though you were being watched.

You tried to brush off this feeling, but it just seemed to become ever more present as time passed till one day you walked outside and saw it;

A being that half human, with a long snake-like tail, with eyes staring right at you.

And of course, your first thought is;

'A rather handsome Naga, isn't he?'

And with that, an interesting, and odd relationship, incomprehensible to normal humans, began.

Let's see how this goes...


Sleep.  A most wondrous thing.  But like all good things, someone comes to interrupt it.

"Hey [name], hey [name],"  You heard Mattias say, feeling him poke your cheek.  You groaned and opened your eyes.

"Mattias... don't wake me up super early just because I let you stay overnight,"  You said, putting your arm over your eyes.  Mattias just pulled your arm away.

"But it sssnowed!"  Mattias said, wiggling his tail like a happy dog.


"I've never ssseen sssnow before!"  He exclaimed.  "It looksss ssso pretty!"

"Why have you never seen snow before?"  You asked, watching him bounce about the room.

"Caussse when winter would come my parentsss would make me go hibernate."  Mattias said.  "I never got the chance to go outssside when it sssnowed."

"... I see... so you woke me up because...?"  You asked.

"I'm gonna go out and play!"  Mattias said, sounding like a kid.  He quickly slithered out of the room, leaving you sitting in bed.

"Out to play huh?"  You said aloud.  "Wait a second... oh sh*t!"  You yelled, springing out of bed.

'Nagas can't stand the cold!'  You mentally screamed as you peeked out the kitchen window only to see Mattias frozen on the ground, probably starting to sleep.

"Mattias you idiot!  Stay awake!"  You yelled, getting your winter gear on so you could go rescue him.


You were sitting in the dining room, watching Tino's back as he cooked in your kitchen, having insisted on you letting him cook for you.

'Is this really okay?'  You wondered.  'Can he actually cook?'

"All done~"  Tino said in a sing-song voice as he brought over a bowl of... something over to you, placing it down in front of you.

"... So what is it?"  You asked, poking the dark brown soup with your spoon.

"Chicken noodle sssoup,"  Tino chirped.


'This really looks more like death than anything,'  You thought to yourself as you started at the ominous dish.

"... Why don't you try a bite first?"  You said, making Tino tilt his head.

"If you sssay ssso,"  He said.  He took the spoon from you and ate a spoonful, seemingly fine afterwards as he pushed it towards you.  "Eat up~"

'Okay... he ate it and he seems fine, so it's probably edible,'  You thought, taking a spoonful in, only to spit it out.

"That tasted terrible!"  You yelled, still sputtering on the bad taste, making Tino cock his head to the side.

"Really?  All the other nagasss sssay it tassstesss pretty good."  He said.

'Ugh, maybe the taste is a naga thing,'  You thought to yourself before pausing.

"Wait a second, there are other nagas out there?!"  You questioned aloud as more questions began filling your head.


You were just relaxing in your house when you heard the backdoor open.  You glanced over and saw Emil slither inside with some injured hands.

"What happened to your hands?"  You asked, already getting the first aid kit.  Emil just shook his head as you started patching his hands up.

"Ssstuff but that'sss not why I came,"  He said, a blush on his face.

"What's up?"  You asked.  Emil took a deep breathe.

"It'sss my... ssshedding ssseason,"  He said quietly, sounding embarrassed.

"Okay, and what does this have to do with me?"  You asked, making Emil blush more.

"I can't peel my ssskin off with my injured handsss,"  Emil said.

"So you want me to peel it for you?"  You asked, getting a nod from a flustered Emil.  "Okay, I'll try."

You grabbed a trash bag and had it open and put on some rubber gloves as you got to work trying to peel the skin off Emil's tail but it was... awkward to say the least as Emil began to groan.

You began to blush a bit as you move to the tip of his tail and started trying to peel it only for Emil to let out a big groan.

"Tip... sssensssitive..."  He mumbled.

"S-sorry,"  You said.  You tried again but stopped when Emil groaned.  You tried a few more times before stopping.

"Emil, I just can't, this is really just too uncomfortable,"  You said.  Emil nodded, not looking you in the eyes.

"Think how I feel..."  He mumbled.  "Anywaysss, it'sss fine,"  He said, honestly feeling pretty embarrassed himself.

After that an awkward silence fell over you two before Emil got up and left the house, probably off to somehow get his skin to be peeled off in some less embarrassing way.


You hummed as you placed some trash bags outside in the dark when you heard some rustling, followed by a hand being placed on your shoulder.

"Aaahhh!"  You screamed.

"It'sss me,"  You heard Lukas say.  You stopped screaming and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sorry, you just spooked me."  You said.  "By the way, how did you manage to get here in this darkness?"  You asked.  Lukas just shrugged.

"I usssed my sssenssse of sssmell to track you down,"  He said.

"Ah, yes, snakes have a good sense of smell,"  You said, getting a nod from Lukas who tried to move through the bushes, only to bump into another small bush.

"Huh?  How come you couldn't see that bush?"  You asked, helping Lukas around it.

"I don't have good night visssion,"  Lukas said simply.  "All sssnakesss and nagasss are like thisss."  He said.

"I see,"  You said, helping Lukas into the house.  "Well, why don't you stay the night Lukas?  I don't want you stumbling around outside and getting hurt."

Lukas shrugged, letting you know he was fine with staying so you led him to the guest room and helped make it comfy for him before going off to grab some ice for his fresh bumps.


You were sitting on the couch with Berwald watching a pretty good movie.  You were so wrapped up in it that before you knew it, it seemed that Berwald had coiled his tail around you and had been gradually moving his upper body closer to yours.

"Umm...  Berwald... w-why are you coiling around me?"  You asked.  Berwald glanced down at you.

"Mmm, b'c'se y' 're my äskade [because you are my äskade],"  He said, now pulling you into his lap (or maybe his tail?) and putting his arms around you.

"I s-still don't understand,"  You said, tilting your head as you looked up at Berwald.

"N'g's k'p m'tes s'fe 'nd w'rm [Nagas keep mates safe and warm],"  He said.

It took you a second to process what he had said before your face erupted in a brilliant blush, making you avert your gaze back to the movie as Berwald continued to hug and coil around you.

'Wait a minute, does this count as a proposal?'  You mentally questioned as more questions flooded into your mind.

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