The Haunting

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A/N:  Sorry everyone for the late release of these chapters.  I had the worst week of Halloween ever; I spent the entire week studying for and taking exams, spending my Halloween night in a review session/study group (and the exam I took the next day was awful).

Anyways, I hope everyone had a happier Halloween than me (pretty sure most people did) and enjoy our final 3 chapters of the silverthornes's annual Monster Bash!

Also, if anyone knows a good Nordic ghost picture, I would be happy to use that instead of this.

Requested by Marianna


"Remind me again why we are going into this house, aru?"  China asked, making England snort.

"Because America is too chicken to go in."  He said.

"A-am not!"  America said.

"So why do you want to go in?"  Finland asked.

"Cause we - zhe awezome trio members Denmark and zhe awezome Prussia - dared him to!"  Prussia said, putting his arm around a laughing Denmark.

"Yeah, we triple-dog dared him to go in this supposedly haunted house!"  Denmark said as he and Prussia went back to snickering.

"Then why you bother rest of us?"  Russia asked, a dark aura emanating from him as he held his metal pipe.

"B-because,"  America said.  "I... ugh... I have to show you how much of a Hero I am!   Yeah!  That's it!"  He said.

"America... jou are such a..."  Germany just groaned as Italy clung to him.  "Fine, let's just go and get zhis over vith since zhere are no such zhings as ghosts."

With that, Germany led the group into the rundown house.

"See?  Zhere is nothing here."  Germany said.

"Mmm... G'rm'ny 's r'ght [Germany is right],"  Sweden said gazing around the house.

"Yeah, it's-a just a stupido run-a down house."  Lovino said.

"WhAt DiD yOu JuSt SaY?!"  Serveral creepy voices said as the building seemed to shake.

The countries watched as white wisps flew into the room.

"YoU tHiNk YoU hAvE a BeTtEr HoUsE?!"  The voices said.  "ThEn PrOvE iT!"

And that's how the countries started getting haunted by various ghosts.

Let's see how that's going!


You giggled as you watched a frantic Mattias searching through his house.

"[name]!"  He yelled.  "Where did you hide my hair gel?!  I can't be a proper king without it!"

You popped in through the wall while laughing at Mattias's dropping hair.

"But I don't wanna tell you where it is,"  You said, making Mattias turn to you.

"Then you forced my hand,"  He said, making you raise an eyebrow.  "Heh... I knew the day would come when you'd cause me too much trouble so I allied with Alfred to do some research."

"Research?"  You questioned, tilting your head.  Mattias put his hands on his hips.

"Yes, that's right; research on how to banish ghosts!"  He declared, sounding confident, but you had a feeling that whatever he would try wouldn't work.

'After all, only priests or exorcists can banish me,'  You thought.  'Actually, just someone with a lot of faith and holy energy.'

"So how do you plan to banish me?"  You asked, feeling a bit amused.

"With this: my ultimate weapon!"  He yelled, bringing out a clove of garlic from inside his coat.  You burst out laughing, clutching your sides as you rolled around in the air while Mattias just stared at you with a confused look.

"Why aren't you gone?!"  He whined, thrusting the garlic towards you, just making you laugh more.  Just then, Mattias's house phone rang, both of you letting the call go to the answering machine which played out the message.

"Yo Mattias dude,"  Alfred said.  "Listen, I just found out that the garlic thing doesn't work on ghosts so we'll have to go back to the drawing board."

The room was silent as the answering machine let out a beep, signalling that the message was over.  A few seconds pass before-

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"  You continued to laugh as Mattias went pale.

"Alfred!  You said it would work!"  He yelled at no one in particular while you just continued your laughing spree.


"Roll over Hana, roll over Cocoa,"  You said, floating in front of the two.  They both wagged their tails and rolled over.

"Good job!"  You said, clapping your hands along with Tino.

"I think someone deserves a treat~"  Tino said, pulling out two treats from his pocket.  He gave one to Hana and then turned to give the other to Cocoa, only for it to go through the little ghost pup and lang right on the ground in a gooey mess.

"Oh my god!"  Tino screeched, freaking out, thinking he had done something wrong.

"Calm down Tino, nothing's wrong,"  You said.  "Ghosts can't eat food, so when we try to it just goes through us like that,"  You said, pointing to the treat.  Tino calmed down.

"Sorry [name], sorry Cocoa,"  Tino said.  Cocoa just barked happily towards Tino.

"It's fine, it's normal to panic,"  You said.

"Thanks rakas, I - Hana!  No!"   Tino yelled, grabbing Hana who was trying to go after the goo-covered treat.

"Bad Hana,"  Tino said, waving his finger at her.  "Do not eat the ectoplasm-covered treat."  He said, putting her down.  But it was all in vain.

As soon as he put her down, she made a beeline for the treat, this time being stopped by you who levitated her off the ground with your ghost powers.

"Tino, I'm going to put Hana outside.  I think you may want to clean the treat up."  You said.  "I don't think living creatures should eat ectoplasm."

"Will do,"  Tino said, giving you a salute as you took Hana away, Cocoa trailing behind you.


You floated near the couch, watching some boring show with Emil and Mr. Puffin when Emil sighed.

"When are you going to stop haunting us?"  He asked blankly.  You glanced at him and yawned.

"Not sure,"  You said.  "To be honest, living here is way better than my old house, so I guess when this place becomes worse than my old house."

"Ugh... and when'll that be?"  Emil asked.  You shrugged.

"Whoa now lad,"  Mr. Puffin said.  "I think we just gotta help this lassie move on in order to be rid of her."

"And how do you plan to do that?"  Emil asked, giving the puffin an annoyed look.

"You two do realize I'm right here?"  You said, floating in front of them.

"So how did you die?"  Mr. Puffin asked.  "If we know what your regrets were, maybe we can set ya free?"  He said.  You shrugged.

"Let's see... In life I was a rich heiress and-"

"Someone murdered you?"  Emil asked.

"Not quite,"  You said.  "You see, I was at another rich person's house when-"

"Oh!  Your fiance decided to kill your lover!"  Mr. Puffin declared.

"No, I didn't have a lover or a fiance,"  You said, sounding annoyed.  "Now stop interrupting me."

"Sorry,"  The two said in unison.  You cleared your throat.

"Now where was I... oh yes, I was at this other rich guy's house for a party but the kitchen caught on fire and then the whole place burned to the ground. I just was unlucky enough to get caught in a dead end hall and was trapped and burned to death."

"Wow... that's a bad way to go,"  Emil said.

"Thanks for the sympathy,"  You said, yawning a bit.  "Anyways, the cook and I both died, but in the end it was just an accident that happened because that rich guy wasn't very good about preventing accidents."

"So what happened to the cook?  Did they become a ghost?"  Emil asked.

"Yep, and she haunted that guy and his family for a while."  You said.  "I didn't really care enough to be bothered."


'How are we supposed to get rid of her then?'  Emil and Mr. Puffin wondered as you went back to watching TV.


"Why are you haunting me?"  Lukas asked one day, turning to you.  You thought for a moment.

"I'm not too sure myself..."  You said.  "I just felt something strange emanating from you."

"This?"  Lukas asked, using some magic in front of you.  You nodded.

"Yes that,"  You said.  "I've never really felt it on other humans before."

"It's my magic,"  Lukas said.  "What about you?  What magic do you have?"

"Umm..."  You licked your lips as you thought about it.  "Well... I can making things levitate and I can pass through stuff... and I can possess some things."

"Like what?  A doll?"  Lukas asked.  You wore an uncomfortable look.

"I could possess a doll but,"  You stopped and shivered before shaking your head.  "That sounds too creepy to do."

"... Yes... a moving doll in this day and age is perceived as creepy,"  Lukas said as you shivered again at the thought.

'This is one of the reasons I try not to possess stuff,'  You thought to yourself.  'It's way too creepy.'


You hummed quietly to yourself as you sat in the corner of Berwald's workshop, trying to stay out of his way as you watched him work on something.

"Wh't 're y' h'mm'ng? [What are you humming?]"  Berwald asked, turning to you.  You squeaked in surprise at the suddenness of his questioned but you still answered.

"I-it's an old lullaby t-that I remember,"  You said softly.


"I can s-stop if you want,"  You offered.  Berwald was still for a moment before shaking his hand.

"D'n't [Don't],"  He said, turning back to his work as you continued to hum.

After a while, Berwald stopped working and turned to you, raising his hand and beckoning you towards him.

You floated towards him as he moved aside to let you see what he was making; it was a music box.

Berwald reached his hand out and opened the box, showing a little ballerina who twirled as a song started to play.


"Mmm,"  Berwald responded.

You had recognized the song as the lullaby you had been humming earlier.

"T-thank you,"  You said softly as you gazed at the box with wide eyes.  Berwald nodded as he let out another hum, turning his gaze to the music box the continued to play the simple tune.

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