Exotic Naga On The Loose

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"Now then, this mission for you, our countries' representatives, is incredibly important."  A world leader said, staring down at the collection of nations.

"As you know, we have just discovered a group of demi-humans, or more specifically, Nagas, and we want you to host some of them."  Another world leader said.  The nations murmured among themselves.

"There are of course some rules and regulations that you must follow, but first and foremost, please try to properly educate these ambassadors on our human culture and also be on good relationships with them."  A final leader said, their eyes glancing over the nations.

"Now then, if you all please proceed back to your respective countries, your guest will arrive soon."  The first leader said, allowing the countries to leave, all of them wondering how this will all work out in the end.

Let's see how this exchange is going!


"No, gimme the remote!"  You whined as Mattias held the remote away from you.

"Not gonna!"  He said.

"But [favorite TV show] isss going to ssstart any minute now!"  You whined.

"So is my favorite TV show!"  Mattias said.

"Give it!"  You said, pushing Mattias to the ground as the two of you began wrestling around for the remote.

"You're sssuposssed to be a hossst, you gotta treat your guessstsss well!"

"And guests are supposed to be nice and let the host have their way!"  He said.

"No, they aren't."

"Yes they are,"  Mattias countered.  You puffed your cheeks out as you looked at the remote in Mattias's hand.

'If only I could pin him down... Wait a second,'  You thought to yourself, a grin coming onto your face.

"[name], what's with that-?!"  You cut Mattias off by putting your heavy tail over his upper body, effectively trapping Mattias on the ground.

"Gah!  Get it off!"  Mattias yelled.

"Nope!"  You said, snatching the remote and sitting on the couch, your heavy tail still on Mattias.

"No!  I wanted to watch my show!"  Mattias yelled, squirming around.

"Yeah, but we're watching mine inssstead~"  You said playfully as you changed the channel, sitting back to watch your show.


"Hana!  Hana!  Where are you sweetheart?!"  Tino called.

"Sssomething up Tino?"  You asked.

"I can't find Hana anywhere,"  Tino said.  "Have you seen her?"

"No, I haven't,"  You said, shaking your head.  "Would you like me to help you look for her?"

"Yes please, that is, if you can?"  Tino said, making you giggle.

"Of courssse I can,"  You said.  "Nagasss are great huntersss and trackersss becaussse we have a great sssenssse of sssmell."

"Oh!  Then please help me!"  Tino said cheerfully.  You giggled and flicked your tongue in the air, moving about the room for a bit.

"Hmm... ssseemsss Hana isss nearby,"  You said, slithering off, Tino following you.  You slithered down the stairs and into the laundry room where you peeked behind the dryer.

"Found her,"  You said, moving so Tino could see.

"Ah!  Hana!  No, don't chew on that!"  Tino said, pulling Hana out from behind the dryer where she was chewing on a shoe.

"Bad puppy,"  Tino said, scolding Hana as he carried her back upstairs, you following behind.

'Man I'm glad I don't have to wear shoes,'  You thought to yourself.  'If I did, I'd have to be worried about having a puppy chew on it.'


You groaned as you rolled over in bed, your stomach growling.

"I'm hungry..."  You mumbled, getting out of bed.  You yawned as you slithered out of the bedroom and down to the kitchen, using your nose to guide you to the kitchen.

"Mmm... Naw, too lazy to turn on the lightsss..."  You mumbled sleepily, heading over to the fridge.  You took out some food and stood before the counter and began eating.

"What are you-?!"

"Aahh!"  You screeched, getting another yell from Emil.

"Jeez!  What's with you?!"  Emil yelled.  "It's like 2 in the morning!"

"Sssorry, I can't sssee in the dark.  Poor night visssion."  You said.  "Ssso I kind of panicked."

"Okay, okay, I got it,"  Emil said.  "My bad, just don't panic like that again."

"I'll try,"  You said.  "But it'sss not easssy, it'sss inssstinct to react."

"Yeah, I get it,"  Emil said, going into the fridge and grabbing some food, joining you in a midnight snack.

"So, why didn't you turn on the light?"

"Umm... Conssserve power?"  You said, making Emil roll his eyes.

"Whatever,"  He said, eating his snack.


You sat patiently on the stool in the corner of Lukas's magic room, patiently waiting for Lukas to finish his spell so that you guys could go have dinner.

'It's a little chilly down here,'  You thought to yourself, rubbing your arms a bit as you watched Lukas working.

"Umm... Are you-"

"In another 10 minutes,"  Lukas said simply.

"O-okay,"  You said, not wanting to disturb him.  Your arm rubbing slowed as you tried hard to keep your eyes open.

It seemed as though you closed your eyes for just a second before you felt something being put on you, causing you to open your eyes to see Lukas standing before you with a blanket, making you blush a bit.

"You should tell me if it's too cold for you."  He said bluntly.

"S-sssorry,"  You said.  "I d-didn't want to bother you..."  You said.

"You should tell me if you aren't adjusting well to life here."  Lukas said, getting a nod from you.

Lukas sighed and mumbled something, waving his hand over you and the blanket, making the blanket heat up.  You instinctively pulled it closer to you, warming up.

"Now just give me another minute and we can go,"  Lukas said, heading back to work as you snuggled in the blanket.


You sat with Berwald at the dinner table, enjoying the scent of the steak that Berwald was just finishing cooking.

"Here, I'll-"


You stopped talking when you heard the soft but unmistakably sound of something ripping.  You glanced down, a blush coming to your face as you saw a piece of your skin peeling off.

'My shedding season started early?!'  You mentally yelled.  'I thought in new environments it gets delayed!'

"S'm'th'ng wr'ng? [Something wrong?]"  Berwald asked, turning to you as he walked over with the plates of food.

"..."  You stayed silent in the chair as Berwald placed the plates down, raising an eyebrow at you.

"[name]?"  He questioned.

"... I... I jussst lossst my appetite isss all..."  You mumbled, getting a frown from Berwald.

"Mmm... Sh'dd'ng s's'n? [Shedding season?]"  He questioned, making you blush more as you looked up.

"How did you know about that?"  You asked, sounding embarrassed.

"I d'd r's'rch 'b'ut sn'kes b'f're y' 'rr'ved [I did research about snakes before you arrived],"  Berwald said.  "'cc'rd'ng t' th' 'nt'rn't, sn'kes l'se th'r 'pp't'te wh'n sh'dd'ng [According to the internet, snakes lose their appetite when shedding]"

You were silent but nodded.

"... Yesss, that'sss right,"  You said after a while.

"W'nt t' h've s'me pr'v'cy? [Want to have some privacy?]"  Berwald asked.

"Yesss pleassse,"  You said, getting up from the table.  Berwald nodded and started storing your portion of dinner as you went off to shed.

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