A Chibitalia Halloween Special

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A/N:  Happy Halloween everyone!

With this, silverthornes's third annual Monster Bash Challenge comes to an end for another year.  I had a ton of fun writing all these scenarios as I always do, and I'm so happy that a lot of people enjoyed it too and made requests for more monsters and Halloween-themed chapters for next year.

Anyways, onto the last chapter of the challenge; it's a nonlinear Human AU where you guys happen to be chibis together who go trick-or-treating on Halloween night.  So just to clear some things up now; you guys do have parents and families and so do they, just like in a normal Human AU.


"Trick-or-treat!"  You and Mattias said as the local dentist arrived at the door.

"Well aren't you two scary tonight, but not as scary as tooth decay!"  He said, handing you both a tooth brush before shutting the door.

"Hey, this isn't a treat!"  Mattias said, holding the tooth brush up as you two walked away from the door.  "You can't even eat these!"

"What can we do Mattias, he's free to give out whatever he wants, and he is a dentist,"  You said.  Mattias on the other hand had an evil grin appear on his face.

"Well... since he didn't give us treats, it is our right to fulfill our threat."

"Threat?  When did we threaten Mr. Dentist?"  You asked.

"[name], it's 'trick-or-treat', meaning, give us a treat, or we'll play a trick on you."  He said.

"Okay... so what are you thinking of doing?"  You asked.  Mattias just giggled to himself as he pulled some rolls of toilet paper from inside his pillowcase bag.

"We're teepee his house!"  He said.

"I really don't think that's a good-"  You were cut off by Mattias ignoring you to throw the toilet paper at the house.

"Hey you kids!  What are you doing?!"  An adult yelled from down the block.  You grabbed Mattias's hand and started running.

"You're gonna get us in trouble if we don't manage to get away!"  You yelled.


"No buts!"


"Come on Tino, we gotta go now or else we're gonna miss out on all the candy!"  You said, waiting beside the front door.

"Just a second!"  Tino said.  "I'm almost done!"

You rolled your eyes and crossed your hands as you waited for Tino who came back.

"Look at this [name],"  He said with a smile.  "Hana! Cocoa! Come here!"  He said. Soon the two puppies raced into the room.

"Oh my god!  They're so cute!"  You squealed, gushing over the two;

Tino had dressed Hana and Cocoa in dog costumes that made them look like a tomato and an eggplant.  Both also had little jack-o-lantern candy baskets in their mouths.

"I wonder if people will give them candy?"  You asked as you two started heading out.

"I hope so, but we have to be careful not to let them have any chocolate."  Tino said as you guys approached the first house.

"Trick-or-treat!"  You guys said as a lady came to the door.

"Oh how cute."  She said, giving you both a piece of candy when Hana and Cocoa came in front of you two, sitting down with their baskets in front of them and barking up at the lady.

"Oh! What sweet little puppies!"  The lady cooed.  "Can I give them some candy too?"

"Sure,"  Tino said.  "For every piece they get, we'll give them a dog treat at home."  He chirped.

"Them I'll be happy to help."  The lady said, putting a treat in Hana's and Cocoa's baskets.  The two yipped and picked the baskets back up, dragging you and Tino along to the next house.

"They really are treat motivated,"  You said with a giggle, making Tino giggle too.

"Yep, and we get lots of candy from this too. It's a win-win!"  He said.


"Okay, now that we're back from trick-or-treating, it's time for candy sorting!"  You said.

"Yeah, let's do it in my room,"  Emil said, wanting to avoid his big brother.

"Okie-dokie!"  You said, going with Emil up to his room where you two dumped out your candy.

"Hey [name], check this out!"  Emil said, showing you a jumbo chocolate bar.

"Emil, wanna trade for it?"  You said, really wanting that chocolate bar.

"Hmm... I don't know... What do you have?"  He asked.  You started going through your candy.

"I have this big lollipop."

"Naw, I don't want that,"  Emil said, hugging the chocolate bar close to his little chibi chest.

"What about this bag of gummy worms?"  You asked.

"Nope, don't want that either."  He said.

"Well... I don't really have any other big things."  You said, sounding frustrated. Emil just snickered.

"Then I guess this candy bar's all mine."  He said, making you look down when you spotted something.

You coughed into your hand and tried hard to hide your grin.

"I guess you do then.  Well... I guess I'll start eating all this licorice I got instead of that candy bar."  You said, grabbing a fist-full of licorice.  You picked one up and held it up near your mouth.

"Wait!"  Emil said, making you stop.  "I-I'm feeling generous so I'll give you this candy bar in exchange for all of your licorice."  He said, his cheeks turning pink.

"Hmm... I don't know..."  You said, pretending to think about the deal.  "But I guess since it's Halloween I'll do it."  You said.

Emil was quick to shove the jumbo candy bar into your hands as he grabbed all the licorice you had and started eating it.

'So easy,'  You thought to yourself, opening the chocolate bar and eating it, letting out a satisfied hum.


"C-can we stop at one more house?"  You asked Lukas.  Lukas just nodded as you guys walked to the next house; a very spooky looking (to a kid) house.

"Uh..."  You shivered and hid behind Lukas who sighed and started walking to the front door.

"W-wait for me,"  You said, hurrying over to Lukas, not wanting to be left alone.

You two soon arrived near the front door when the bushes started rustling and a big teen jumped out of the bush with a scary mask on.

"Boo!"  He yelled.

"Wah!"  You wailed, beginning to cry as the teen laughed. Lukas, on the other hand, narrowed his eyes, obviously mad.  Lukas waved his hand in the air as he mumbled something.

Out of nowhere, a bucket of water was dumped on the teen's head, bucket included as an adult comes out from inside the house.

"Son!  What on earth are you thinking?!"  The adult yelled.  "Making little kids cry, you're grounded! Now get inside!"  He yelled.  The teen trudged in as the man turned to your guys.

"Sorry about him, here's some extra candy,"  He said, giving you both extra candy before Lukas led you two away, you clinging to his arm as you still sniffled a little.


You and Berwald walked away from another house after getting some treats when a thought occurred to you.

"H-hey Berwald,"  You said, getting his attention.


"Why d-don't you say 'trick-or-treat' when w-we go to the houses?  S-so far, you just stay s-silent,"  You said.  Berwald averted his gaze, his cheeks turning a touch pink.


Soon you arrived at the next house, where you rang the doorbell and a man came with a bowl of candy.

"Trick-or-treat!"  You said, holding out your candy pale.

"How cute,"  The man said with a smile, dropping a piece of candy into your pale.  He then turned to Berwald.

"... Trick-or-treat..."  Berwald says in a low voice, trying to smile at the guy but the smile turned out to be-

"Ahh!"  The guys screamed, dropping some candy into Berwald's bag and then slamming the door shut.

"... scary..."  You mumbled as Berwald seemed depressed, walking away from the house.  You ran up to him.

"Umm... here,"  You said, taking out a big round lollipop and giving it to Berwald, trying to cheer him up.

"Mmm, th'nks,"  Berwald said, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards as he took the lollipop.  Thus you guys continued to trick-or-treat, just without Berwald saying anything.

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