Beach Time!

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A/N:  Happy winter holidays everyone! It feels so good to finally be on vacation and not have exams or labs or projects to do anymore!  Anyways, just a quick announcement for people who are wondering; I will not be doing a "prepping for Christmas," "Christmas Eve," "Christmas day," or "New Year's" chapter because I've already done all those before.

Anyways, enjoy this chapter that'll hopefully help everyone feel warm!

Requested by kanon


"Hey [name]~!"  You heard Mattias call.  You turned around only to get splashed by him.

"Mattias!"  You whined, wiping away the salty water from your eyes as Mattias laughed.

"I'm the king of the rock!"  He declared as he climbed a nearby boulder, looking down on you.

"Mattias, you're gonna fall and hurt yourself."  You said, looking at him sitting on the rock.  He just puffed out his chest and pounded his fist against it.

"No I won't.  I'm the king of the rock!"  He said, not noticing the crab nearby.


"And as the king, this rock wouldn't dare-"


"-send anything to harm mmmmmeeeee!"  He screamed as the crab used it's claw to pinch him right on the thigh.  Mattias stood up quickly, wiggling around as the crab clung to him.

"GET IT OFF!"  Mattias yelled, trying to pry the crab off with his hand, only for it to clamp down on his finger.

"YYYOOOOWWWCCCCHHHH!"  He yelled as he started swinging his arm about wildly.

"Mattias look out!"  You yelled, just as he slipped on the rock and fell into the water.  He was quick to come back up, coughing up water and flailing his arms about.

"Ack!  I'm drowning!"  He yelled as you watched with a blank face.

"... Mattias... the water here is about five feet deep, you can just stand..."  You said, making Mattias stop flailing and screaming as he stood up, the water barely above his chest.

"I-I knew it all a-along."  He said, puffing his chest out as you just sighed.

'I wonder when he would've realized it?'  You mentally questioned.


"I think we're almost done with the sandcastle."  You said as you positioned another bucket of sand.  Tino nodded.

"Yep, just need some things to decorate."  Tino said.  "Hana!  Cocoa!"  Tino called.  Immediately the two puppies ran over, stopping in front of Tino, tongue out and tails wagging.

"Go out and find us some seaweed and sea shells to decorate."  Tino said.  The two pups barked and ran off.

"Good idea Tino, now we can finish the castle faster."  You said.  Tino nodded.

"Yep, I just hope they get back-"

Tino was cut off by Hana and Cocoa running towards you guys, tugging on a long piece of seaweed between them as they crashed into the sandcastle.

"-soon..."  Tino finished, looking crestfallen as the two puppies stood triumphantly on the mount of sand that was the sandcastle.

"Bad puppies!"  Both you and Tino said, each of you picking up a puppy.  You both turned them towards the mound of sand.

"Look at what you did!"  Tino said.  "Bad puppies!"

"Yeah, that's not nice at all."  You said.

All you two got in response when you turned the puppies to face you was a happy bark and a lick on the face as they wagged their tails.  You both sighed.

'I don't think they got the message.'


"Hmm... What do you think about this shell, Emil?"  You asked, not looking back at Emil.

"... It's fine..."  He said.  You clicked your tongue and dropped the shell.

"No, not pretty enough for my collection."  You said, continuing to walk till you found another seashell.

"What about this one?"  You asked, turning to Emil when you raised your eyebrow at him.

"What?"  He asked.

"Umm, Emil... Did you put sunscreen on?  Your skin is kinda red,"  You said, looking over at your normally pale boyfriend who was turning red.


"You feeling okay?"  You asked, stepping closer to him, placing a hand on his forehead, noticing how hot he was.

"... Not really..."  He mumbled.

"Oh boy, I think we should go to the shade,"  You said, guiding a probably heat sick Emil back to your umbrella covered towels where you had him sit.

"Here, drink some water."  You said.  "I think you're getting a bit of heat stroke."

"..."  Emil was silent as he took a few sips of water, stopping for a bit before starting up again.

"Maybe we should head home."  You said.  "I don't want you to get worse."

Emil just nodded and got up, you quickly packing things up to take to the car as Emil followed behind you.


"Fwah, it's hot out."  You said softly as you sat down on the towel beside Lukas.

Lukas just glanced at you and then back to his book.  You looked at him and noticed that there wasn't even a bead of sweat on him.

"Lukas, how are you able to stay so comfortable and cool in this heat?"  You asked.  All around you people were lying in the shade, drinking cold drinks, as all of them were wet with sweat.

"Magic,"  Lukas said with a shrug, making you tilt your head.

"Elaborate, please?"

Lukas just waved his hand and mumbled something and you immediately felt yourself be covered in a cool layer of air.

"Hah... That feels so good~"  You said, relaxing a bit as you leaned on Lukas's shoulder.  Lukas just nodded and went back to his book as you continued to relax with him under the umbrella.


You took the hotdogs out of the cooler and walked over to Berwald who had the barbecue going.

"H-here are the hotdogs."  You said, handing them over to Berwald.

"Mmm, tack [thanks],"  Berwald said, taking out a few hotdogs and putting them on the barbecue.

"I-I'll get the buns,"  You said, heading back over to your backpack.

"Hey, what's up?"  A tanned guy said, walking up to you.

"Umm... Hi..."  You said, sounding a bit unsure.

"I see you got some nice buns, if you know what I mean~"  He said, wiggling his eyebrows as he looked over his shades.

"Umm... Thanks?"  You said, feeling rather uncomfortable.

"So, me and my buds are over there having a party, you coming?"  He asked, pointing over his shoulder.

"I-I'd really rather not,"  You said softly but the guy didn't really give up.

Berwald looked over and frowned, walking over to you guys with the spatula, his shadow being cast over you and the other guy.

"Hey, what's casting a shadow?"  The guy asked, turning around.


"Berwald,"  You said, running over to him, getting behind him as he put his arm around you while staring at the guy with a frown.

"A-ack,"  The guy said, unable to bare Berwald's glare.  He was quick to run away as you snuggled into Berwald's side.

"T-thanks Berwald,"  You said.  Berwald glanced down at you.

"Mmm,"  He hummed, patting your head as he led you back over to the barbecue.

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