You Turn Him On~

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A/N:  This is told from his point of view, and I recommend not reading this with other people present in the room.  Enjoy~

Also big thanks to Hell'sBlade and Thai-Thai_Tiger who helped with this (especially Hell'sBlade)!  And also, as with the other "You Turn Him On~" chapter in the original boyfriend scenarios book, at the end of the chapter, I posted the three of us just commenting about this chapter we worked on.

Requested by @NYO_Germany & RoseKirkland & Marianna & ally & @APH_Canadian


"[name], are you like done yet?"  I asked, standing outside the dressing room.

"Mattias, I want to be sure that I'm buying the right things,"  She said through the door.

"But I'm hungry elsker,"  I whined.  "And at the food court will get busy soon."

"Well you'll just have to wait~"  She said in a sing song voice.

"Elsker,"  I whined.

"Mattias, just tell me what you think of this outfit,"  She said, opening the door.  She stepped out in an outfit that was hugging her curves nicely.

"So, what do you think?"  She asked, doing a turn for me.

"I... ugh..."  As I tried to get my thoughts together to respond (and not look at the places I really shouldn't be looking), I heard a few voices.

"Damn, she looks good."

"Wish I had her as my girl."

'Those bastards!'  I mentally yelled as I looked at them.

"I think you should not get it!"  I said, pushing her into the changing room.

"Really?  But I thought you'd-"

"Nope, don't like it!"  I said, shoving her into the changing room and shutting the door.

'Dead kittens, dead kittens, dead kittens,'  I kept chanting in my head, hoping to stop a certain thing before it got more noticeable.


"Hah~  This sauna feels wonderful~"  I said as I relaxed back.

"Mmm, you said it Tino,"  [name] said.  "It feels great after spending a cold day outside."

"Yep,"  I said.  I opened my eyes and noticed that the steam was dissipating.

"Hey [name], should I add some more water onto the hot rocks?"  I asked.  [name] shook her head.

"I'll do it, don't worry,"  She said.  She stood up and went near the rocks with some water, bending over to pour the water. It was while she was pouring it, I noticed something;

[name]'s towel was slipping.


"Hmm?  Tino?  Something up?"  [name] asked, turning to me, not noticing her towel at all.

"N-no, nothing w-wrong,"  I said, making her come closer to me.

"You sure?  Your face is really red,"  She said, placing her hand on my forehead, bring her chest at eye level with me.

"I-I... I'm just hot!"  I yelled, getting up, surprising her.  "J-just really hot!"

With that I ran out of the sauna, leaving [name] behind as I had to get myself out of this no long relaxing situation.


'No way in hell I'm going to be home when trouble arrives,'  I thought to myself as I arrived at [name]'s house.  I fished out the extra key from my pocket and opened the door.

"Hey [name], I came here to escape my brother,"  I said walking into the house, but I didn't get a response.

"[name]!  You in here?"  I called out.  Still no response but I heard something coming from deeper in the house.

'I should probably check it out,'  I thought to myself.  With a shrug, I walked into the next room where I saw [name] with her back to me, washing the windows as she listened to music through her headphones.

'And that's why she couldn't hear me,'  I thought to myself as I watched [name] sway about to whatever she was listening to.

'Never realized it but she's a pretty good dancer,'  I thought to myself as she moved, then starting to do a dance that was a bit more...

... a bit more...

... more...


'... I'd better back away now,'  I thought to myself as a problem began manifesting itself.

I quickly hurried off outside and looked around, noticing the snow where I quickly fell face first onto it.

'That's cold but it's the only option,'  I thought as my teeth chattered.

"Emil?"  I heard [name] says as she opened the window.  "What are you doing?"

"... Making a snow angel,"  I mumbled loud enough for her to hear me.

"Okay, but shouldn't you do that on your back?"

"... I felt like being different."  I said, making her shrug.

"Whatever, just come in before you catch a chill,"  She said, turning away.

'I think that'll take a little while,'  I thought to myself.


I just walked into my house when I heard Mattias snickering in kitchen.  I walked in and saw [name] with him.

"Hello Lukas,"  She said before going back to licking a cylinder ice pop.

"H-hey Lukas,"  Mattias said, trying to hold back his laughter at something.

"What's wrong with you?"  I asked, not really caring.

"Nothing,"  Mattias said, still laughing.  I shrugged and walked over to the fridge, grabbing a drink and turning back to the kitchen table where Mattias was still snickering.

"Hey [name], how's the ice pop?"  He asked, making me raise my eyebrow.

"It's good, just kind of big,"  [name] said, making me realize what Mattias was up to.

"Yeah but if you don't fit it all in, it'll-"

I cut Mattias off by throwing my drink at him, knocking him from his seat.  I then walked over to [name] and took the ice pop.


"Don't eat that,"  I said, tossing it into the trash as I walked over to Mattias and grabbed him by his tie.

"Don't.  You.  Dare.  Do.  Something.  Like.  That.  To.  My.  Dyrebare."  I said, tightening the neck tie with each word as Mattias flailed helplessly on the ground.

"Lukas, his face is turning blue,"  [name] said.  "Shouldn't you, um, stop?"

"No,"  I said, a dark look on my face.  "Not till Mattias learns his lesson and the problem he started has stopped."

Mattias just spluttered in response as I continued to choke him and make sure he learns his lesson.


I was sitting in the kitchen chopping some vegetables for [name] as she cooked when she turned to me.

"B-Berwald, you done?"  She asked.


"G-good job,"  She said, taking a look at the vegetables I cut.  "Can you p-put them in the p-pot?  I n-need to find the b-broth."

"Mmm,"  I said as I nodded.  I stood up from the kitchen island and took the vegetables over to the pot, emptying them into it as I looked inside the pot.

"Wh'r' 're th' c'rr'ts?  [Where are the carrots?]"  I asked, turning to [name] who was bent over looking into the cabinet.

"I-it's in the fridge,"  She said, not turning to me, and also not noticing that her pants were slipping a bit to reveal...

'... Th'y'r' l'cy... b't r'lly c'te...  [They're lacy... but really cute],'  I thought with a blush, quickly turning to the fridge, grabbing the carrots.  I set them beside the pot and kept my body turned away from [name].

"B-Ber-bear?  Something wrong?"

"No,"  I said simply, walking out of the room.


~After Writing & Editing~

Silverthornes:  I gotta, I had fun writing this chapter.  Probably because unlike the last time, I didn't have any images ruined for me by Hell'sBlade (ice pops were already ruined by him).

Hell'sBlade:  [Clicking his tongue]  For shame, I have lost my touch if I have been unable to make you squirm.  But on the brightside, it now means I've corrupted you enough that-

Silverthornes:  [slaps Hell'sBlade while blushing]  S-shut it! (>M<)/

Thai-Thai_Tiger:  And here is where I step in and start off our conversation.  Let's start with Denmark's scenario.

Hell'sBlade:  There's nothing like flattering clothing, especially on someone who has a nice amount of curve.

Silverthornes:  I agree.  I like clothing that shows a bit but not too much.

Hell'sBlade:  Exactly!  Letting your imagination fill in the blanks is always the best.

Thai-Thai_Tiger:  Alright, how about Finland next.

Silverthornes & Hell'sBlade:  The sauna situation was obvious.

Silverthornes:  I won't lie, that one and Sweden's were hard because I didn't picture them to really ever try to look anywhere or seek anything really out.

Hell'sBlade:  Yeah... Finland can be kind of oblivious and innocent (at times), and Sweden is just a gentleman​​.

Silverthornes:  That's why I decided to go with a more accidental situation with the towel slipping for Finland, because he's not going to actively sexualize someone.

Thai-Thai_Tiger:  I agree, now let's move onto Iceland.

Hell'sBlade:  I gotta say, I loved this one, it was pretty damn funny how we just followed his train of thought like that.  And then the part where he goes to take care of his problem by falling onto the snow was great.

Silverthornes:  Yeah, and the cherry on top was his excuse to the reader about making a snow angel!

Hell'sBlade:  [laughing while clutching gut]  Silver, you outdid yourself here!

Silverthornes:  [bows]  Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week.

Hell'sBlade:  And now we move onto Norway, where Iceland mentioned something was going to happen.  A lovely bit of foreshadowing if I may add.

Silverthornes:  Thank you.  And let's face it; Norway's whole scenario was exactly what everyone knew would happen.

Hell'sBlade:  Oh yeah, no arguments there.  Like Sweden and Finland, he isn't particularly active in trying to sexualize someone, and Silver writes him in a semi-yandere light where he seems to be a knight in shining armor who wants to cherish and protect his beloved.

Silverthornes:  I love that imagery you used to describe him as that is exactly how I picture Norway as a lover.

Hell'sBlade:  Well, you have hinted at that before.  Remember in the "How He Feels About You" chapter?  You put that bit where he's looking for a love spell/potion and plans to make a love potion (which appeared after he confessed his love to the reader) to use in case the reader rejected him.

Thai-Thai_Tiger:  That is a highly yandere thing to do.

Hell'sBlade:  But it fits Norway.

Silverthornes:  Yep, hence why Denmark came into the picture with his prank.  Plus, let's face it; we needed a scenario where someone was trying to cause mischief like this and Denmark & Norway have that dynamic going for them.

Hell'sBlade:  Oh yeah, a real slap-stick with the choking bit.  Although, I can't help but wonder if that's some sort of fetish of Norway's as he said he was going to choke Denmark till his problem went away and that could mean he-

Thai-Thai_Tiger:  And now onto Sweden.

Silverthornes:  Thank you Thai-Thai_Tiger.

Hell'sBlade:  [clicks his tongue and leans back in his chair]  You guys can be such killjoys.

Silverthornes:  Nope.  Just people not wanting to hear about things we never even considered.  So now, what are your thoughts on Sweden's?

Hell'sBlade:  Sexy underwear is always a turn-on.  Plus, like we've been saying this whole time, you managed to write this in an innocent way because, again, Sweden is a gentleman.

Silverthornes:  Yeah, he really is a gentle giant and I don't think anyone wants to picture him with a predatory look as members of the BTT have been pictured sporting.

Hell'sBlade:  Oh boy, that sounds terrifying when I try to picture that hungry wolf look on his face.  I think it would be like the "He (Attempts) To Be Sexy" chapter where Germany came onto the reader in a scary bdsm way which caused the reader to faint.

Silverthornes:  See why I didn't go for it?  Anyways, thanks again Thai-Thai_Tiger and Hell'sBlade for your help with this chapter.

Thai-Thai_Tiger:  No problem.

Hell'sBlade:  Always a pleasure~

Silverthornes:  With this, this chapter is over and I will hopefully publish another chapter soon!  See you later everyone!​​​

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