Chapter 14

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BrackenSnake had heard how fire clan had not come to the gathering and how 10 cats mysteriously disappeared from different clans with no trace.  An elder and apprentice of ours disappeared we held vigils for them though their bodies were not with us. What else became strange was that Fire Clan didn't show at the gathering. CrocodileStripe stuck his head into our den and snapped "border patrol along fire clan territory!" He nodded at GreyThorn NightFire IlluminatedHeart BrightLight and AnacaondaPelt. They got up and I found MorningPaw waiting for them as she was going on the patrol with them. I  asked LeopardFoot FoxTree and SageFur if they would like to go hunting with me. LeopardFoot and SageFur said they would come but FoxTree was training TawnyPaw. We set out onto the burning sands as it was always full of fish and crabs. I saw some sand shifting I dashed towards it and pounced on it like SageFur told me. I pulled out a crab and held it in my mouth. LeopardFoot congratulated me " nice catch BrackenSnake".  SageFur just nodded at me I went to a point in the burning sands to the dye towards camp were grass started to poke through and lay my crab down.  SageFur came to me two salmon dangling from his mouth and dropped them on top of my crab and sat down I got up and went hunting SageFur had told me to always guard you prey when hunting on burning sands. I saw some sand shifitng and dashed over to it then it kept on moving and finally I found my self staring at a nest full of large eggs. I rolled one over to SageFur with my nose and he said "Turtle" I groaned I sat down I wasn't allowed to hunt until someone caught something again. LeopardFoot came over with a lobster in her jaws. I bounced to my feet she sa down and lay her lobster down I dashed to the ocean feeling the salty spray in my whiskers I splashed around acting like a kit. SageFur looked over at me disapprovingly and I stood up in the water. I began looking for some fish. I wadded out a little further till I was swimming steadily. Then a salmon brushed my paws I flipped it out of the water catching it in my mouth I went to swim to the burning sands but suddenly a rush of water pushed me back I let my body freeze knowing not to fight it I waited till it carried me out and found my self staring at an island and the burning sands a line in the distance. I sighed and climbed onto the sand of this island it turned out to be a large island with a mini forest. I lay down knowing it would be long night after eating my salmon. I hoped that SageFur and LeopardFoot saw me being dragged out back by the pushing waters and went back to camp. I curled up and dreamt of my brother BlazePaw.

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