Chapter 15

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I opened my eyes finding a White cat with brown splotches on her I jumped to attack stance baring my teeth in a snarl. She tilted her head confused and copied me except crossing her eyes. I growled at her she giggled back. I snapped at her " who are you?" . She said " who are you?". I rolled my eyes annoyed at this crazy cats actions. I gave up sat down and said "BrackenSnake" . She rolled on her back and said " ooh sounds scary I'm WhisperFeather i don't get many visitors you know just one long ago who called me WhisperFeather".  I rolled my eyes "what clan are you from?". She rolled onto her belly "I don't think I have one" . I went to swat her on the ear to show my annoyance and I was fed up she rolled and bit my paw " don't attack me please". I was curious about this cat " come with me" I said I walked down to the sands and flicked my tail for her to follow. She shuddered " I have never tried to go through the deep blue". I rolled my eyes " well I'll teach you" I said. " first step come here" she gingerly walked towards the water. I nodded " now wade in their so your  belly fur touches the deep blue". She walked in and shivered I mewed " copy what I do". I dashed into the water when my feet didn't touch the sand I started paddling I breathed evenly " you just have paddle with your paws".  She swam out to me and started paddling her breaths were rough she was panicking. I pushed her back were she could stand " you have to breathe evenly or you will waste your energy there is nothing to panick about". We went back into the island she brought me back to voles she had stashed somewhere I mewed my thanks then said " we are leaving tomorrow I must get back to my clan". She nodded and curled up next to me once she ate her vole I Fell into a deep sleep. I woke up she was still Breathing next to me. I woke her up " com'n were going ". She bounced down to the shore " I'm excited to meet more cats" she jumped in and her performance was outstanding we paddled to the main shore by the time it moon rise.  I said " moon rise we better rest a little further in from the burning sands." We curled up and rested from our tiring journey. I woke up and saw the blazing sun of sun rise. I nudged her " I am bring you to my camp behave" she nodded. We set out to find the stream and I followed it back to our camp. I walked into the camp I slowly hissed to her " show them you are worthy don't act scared".  I walked into WhaleStar's den  and bowed my head in respect luckily WhisperFeather bowed her head to " WhaleStar I was pushed out by the pushing water and found an island I found WhisperFeather who demonstrated eagerness to learn and courage". WhaleStar nodded and spoke to WhisperFeather " do you have a clan?" She answered easily  " no". WhaleStar nodded " would you like to join ours?". She nodded excitedly " yes please" WhaleStar nodded " you are properly trained with fighting skills?".  She grinned " who isn't"  WhaleStar nodded " BrackenSnak will teach you the proper laws of the clan". WhisperFeather nodded " of course WhaleStar". 

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