Chapter Eight: The Chocolate Room

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Previously on 'Braedey Martin and the Chocolate Factory'...

"Ladies and gentlemen..." Mr. Wonka puts away the piano, then looked to his guests. "...boys and girls... the Chocolate Room." He announced, as a large door began to open.


A large black steel door began to swing slowly open. Everyone, now standing upright, soon walk out from behind the door, and saw what was right before them, as they stood on a concrete balcony.

Right before them, there was a magical land, all of which was made completely out of candy. From the grass to the trees, and the plants to the small odd-shaped fruits. It seemed to go on for miles around them, while there was a large flowing river of what could be thick melted chocolate going through the area.

Braedey and Valka's eyes widen in shock and awe, the two of them unable to come up with words as to what to say about this candyland. They, along with everyone, were witnessing something they could only imagine in their wildest dreams.

"Hold your breath. Make a wish. Count to three." Mr. Wonka spoke quietly to everyone.

Come with me
And you'll be
In a world of pure imagination
Take a look

And you'll see
Into your imagination
We'll begin with a spin
Traveling into the world of my creation

What we'll see will defy
If you want to view paradise
Simply look around and view it

Anything you want to do, do it
Want to change the world
There's nothing to it

Mr. Wonka lead his guests down a set of stairs from the balcony, then gave a small bow, and everyone soon scattered around the area to witness the wonders of the Chocolate Room. It was like something they had all seen in a dream. Only, it's real and they're all really there. They can do anything they want!

"Hurry up, Violet!" Mr. Beauregarde told his daughter.

"Come on, Mum!" Braedey called, running up to a lollipop tree while his mother was alongside him. "Let's check over here."

Everyone was enjoying themselves immensely within this candy wonderland. The melons had wobbly jelly inside them, while some had small candy rocks within them, while some lollipops were easy pull-away swirls, and there were even pink/white marshmallow trees. The ferns, grass, along with some small flower-like plants were all made of candy or even chocolate.

There is no life I know
To compare with pure imagination
Living there
You'll be free

If you truly wish to be
If you want to view paradise
Simply look around and view it
Anything you want to do, do it

Braedey soon found what could be some candy fruit on a yellow fern. He began to pull on it, only to realise it was stuck. He began to pull it a bit more, bending the fruit's stem back, but to no avail. Valka then walked up, but before she could ask what Braedey was up to, the candy slipped from Braedey's hand, making it swing forward, slide off the stem it was stuck to, and it smacked into Valka's face, splattering her with red jelly!

Braedey froze on the spot, now afraid as to what his mother might say to her. Valka was very quiet for a moment, but then, she began to lightly giggle, then it became full-out laughter. Braedey raised an eyebrow to this, unsure as to why she was even laughing.

"Mum, are you okay?" He asked. 

"Of course I'm okay!" Valka laughed, wiping some of the jelly away from her eyes, nose and mouth. She gave the jelly a small lick, as smiled. "This is cherry-apple flavour jelly." She smiled, and Braedey, curiosity getting to him, wiped some jelly off his mother's chin, and gave a small taste. He smiled to her mother, as she pulled out a piece of cloth to wipe away the jelly off her face. "At least I won't be feeling sticky later."

"That's good news." Braedey nodded, then the two go on to take a look around the candy wonderland of the Chocolate Room.

Want to change the world
There's nothing to it
There is nothing in life I know
To compare to pure imagination

Living there
You'll be free
If you truly
Wish to be

Mr. Wonka finished his small music number, sitting down on a candy mushroom nearby, as he sipped chocolate milk from his cup. After another sip, he took a bite out of the cup, since its made out of chocolate or some sort of candy.

Soon, everyone gathered at a part of the room, where they were looking at a river flowing through the Chocolate Room. It was a rich brown colour, while it was being smooth and gently flowing downstream.

"What a disgusting, dirty river." Mrs. Gloop wrinkled her nose in disgust.

"It's industrial waste that."Mr. Salt added, then looked to Mr. Wonka. "You've ruined your watershed, Wonka. It's polluted."

"It's chocolate." Willy confirmed to his guests, making them look back at the river.

"That's chocolate?!" Veruca asked, feeling disgusted.

"Holy moly. That is all chocolate." Braedey added in amazement.

"A chocolate river!" Violet sounded astonished.

"That's the most fantastic thing I've ever seen." Valka spoke out with utter delight.

"10,000 gallons an hour." Mr. Wonka now gestured to the waterfall nearby some pipework. "And look at my waterfall. That's the most important thing. It's mixing my chocolate. It's actually churning my chocolate. You know, no other factory in the world mixes its chocolate by waterfall."

Mr. Salt glanced at him in annoyance.

"But it's the only way if want it done just right." Mr. Wonka concluded, whispering the last part in Mr. Salt's ear.

Braedey then noticed something on the other side of the chocolate rice. There was a group of small men with orange skin and green hair in odd-style fashion, all of them wearing white aprons, shirts, gloves, and boots, and they were working with some sugar bags. "Hey, look at that!" He called out, getting everyone's attention. "There's a group of small workers over by the river!"

Everyone watch on in question and curiosity as to who or what these small men might be, and in question as to why they were even here to begin with.

"I never saw anybody with an orange face before." Mike commented.

"Funny looking people." Violet added.

"They are rather unusual." Valka commented, and Braedey nodded his head in agreement with his mother.

"What are they doing?" Mrs. TeeVee asked.

"It must be creaming and sugaring time." Mr. Wonka deduced for his guests.

"They can't be real people." Mike countered.

"Of course, they're real people." Mr. Wonka stated.

"Stuff and nonsense!" Mt. Salt scoffed.

"No, they're Oompa Loompas." Mr. Wonka clarified for the guests, making them spin around to face the candyman

"What-Loompas?" Braedey asked in confusion. He, along with the kids, were in confusion and interest as to who these small beings were, and why they were here in the factory.

"From Loompaland." Mr. Wonka added.

"Loompaland? There's no such place!" Mrs. TeeVee called out with a scoff.

"Excuse me, dear lady..." Mr. Wonka spoke.

"Mr. Wonka, I teach geography." Mrs. TeeVee clarified for the candyman.

"Then you know all about it. And what a terrible country it is." Mr. Wonka soon told about this place called Loompaland,along with the Oompa Loompas. "Nothing but desolate wastes and fierce beasts. The poor little Oompa Loompas were so small and helpless, they would get gobbled up. A Wangdoodle would eat ten of them for breakfast. And so I said... "Come and live with me in peace and safety, away from all the Wangdoodles, and Hornswogglers, and Snozzwangers, and rotten Vermicious Knids"."

"Snozzwangers? Vermicious Knids?" Mr. Salt scoffed. "What kind of rubbish is that?

"I'm sorry, questions must be submitted in writing. So, in the greatest of secrecy, I transported the entire population of Oompa Loompas here to this very factory." Mr. Wonka finished his history lesson on how these small men are in the factory.

"Wow. That's some history." Braedey commented.

"Hey Daddy." Veruca spoke to her father, making both Braedey and Valka roll their eyes. "I want an Oompa Loompa! I want you to get me an Oompa Loompa right away!"

"Alright Veruca, alright." Mr. Salt gave in easily to his spoiled brat. "I'll get you one before the day is out."

"I want a Oompa Loompa NOW!" Veruca whined.

"Can it, ya nit!" Violet spat, and Veruca narrowed her eyes in anger at the gum-chewer.

"Mmm... This stuff is terrific." Augustus said.

Everyone turned to see Augustus kneeling over the precious chocolate river, and touching the chocolate to feed himself.

"Aw, man. What is that kid doing?" Braedey groaned in annoyance.

"Don't worry, Braedey." Valka whispered in her son's ear. "Just watch on and you shall see."

"Augustus, sweetheart, save some room for later." Mrs. Gloop told her son, walking up to him.

Willy suddenly grew tense. "Augustus, please, don't do that. My chocolate must never be touched by human hands. Please, don't do that! You're contaminating my entire river! Please, I beg you, Augustus!"

Augustus either couldn't hear him or wasn't paying attention. He kept gobbling up the chocolate river, but then slipped in from the chocolate dripping all around him. The others screamed in a panic.

"Man overboard!" Mike called.

"My chocolate!" Mr. Wonka panicked in horror.

"Help!" Augustus cried, trying to make his way back over to the ledge.

"My chocolate!" Willy showed no concern for the misbehaved boy. "My beautiful chocolate!"

"Don't just stand there, do something!" Mrs. Gloop scolded the factory owner.

Mr. Wonka paused for a moment. "Help, police, murder." He said, uncaringly.

Braedey rushed over to one end, picked up a lollipop branch, and rushed to help Augustus. "Here, Augustus! Grab on!" He called.

The fat boy tried to grab it, but he was just too slippery to get a grip, and then sunk below the chocolate. Braedey puts the branch down to his left side, and walked back to his mother, everyone watching on.

"W-What's happening to him?" Mrs. TeeVee sounded gratefully concerned.

"It looks like he's drowning." Mr. Salt replied.

"Dive in! Save him!" Mrs. Gloop cried.

"Oh, it's too late." Mr. Wonka told her.

"Too late?" Mrs. Gloop asked him like he was crazy.

"Oh, he's had it now, the suction's got him." Mr. Wonka clarified for the guests.

"What suction?" Mr. Salt asked.

"Augustus, come back!" Mrs. Gloop was heartbroken. "Where is he?"

"Watch the pipe." Mr. Wonka replied, as the fat boy was being sucked up towards a giant tube that was sucking up the chocolate from the river.

"How long is going to stay down, Daddy?" Veruca asked.

"He can't swim!" Mrs. Gloop whined.

"There's no better time to learn." Mr. Wonka replied.

"There's his coat going up the pipe!" Mike pointed out, as the German boy's coat was seen through the pipe.

"Call a plumber." Mr. Beauregarde suggested out loud.

"He's stuck in the pipe there, isn't he, Wonka?" Mr. Salt demanded with a small smirk. "It's his stomach that's done that."

At that moment, everyone saw the pipe was no longer sucking up chocolate, and there was the chocolate-soaked Augustus, stuck inside the pipe, and unable to move.

"He's blocking all the chocolate!" Violet added.

"Mr. Wonka, is he gonna be okay? What's happening?" Braedey asked in concern.

"Oh, the pressure'll get him out." Mr. Wonka replied to him. "Terrific pressure is building up behind the blockage."

"I wonder how long it's gonna take to push him through." Mr. Salt wondered.

"The suspense is terrible." Mr. Wonka smirked. "I hope it'll last."

"He'll never get out." Valka muttered in worry for Augustus.

"Yes, he will." Braedey wrapped his arm behind his mother's back, and pointed to the pipe the poor German boy was stuck in. "Now, watch closely, Mum. In a few moments, the pressure from within that pipe is gonna shoot Augustus straight up that pipe like he was a bullet shooting out of the barrel of a gun."

A second goes by, then suddenly, Augustus shoots up the pipe like a rocket, disappearing from sight!

"He's gone!" Mrs. Gloop cried. "He'll be made into marshmallows in five seconds!"

"Impossible, my dear lady, that's absurd, unthinkable!" Mr. Wonka feigned astonishment.

"Why?" Mrs. Gloop asked.

"Because that pipe doesn't go to the marshmallow room." Mr. Wonka retorted. "It goes to the fudge room!"

"You terrible man!" Mrs. Gloop growled at him.

"What're you gonna do, sir?" Braedey asked.

"Don't worry, I have my ways." Willy told him, and took out a little flute. He blew a little tune, and an Oompa Loompa came over as if on cue. "Take Mrs. Gloop straight to the fudge room. But look sharp! Or her little boy is liable to get poured into the boiler." The candyman said to the small man.

"You boiled him up, I know it!" Mrs. Gloop cried as she was taken away by the strange creature.

"Nihil desperandum, dear lady." Mr. Wonka spoke German to her, as she was waved off. "Across the desert lies a promised land. Goodbye, Mrs. Gloop. Adieu! Auf weidersehen! Gesundheit! Farewell!"

Oompa Loompa Doompa Dee Do
I've got a perfect puzzle for you
Oompa Loompa Doompa Dee Dee
If you are wise, you'll listen to me

What do you get when you guzzle down sweets?
Eating as much as an elephant eats
What are you at getting terribly fat?
What do you think will come of that?

I don't like the look of it

Oompa Loompa Doompa Dee Da
If you're not greedy, you will go far
You will live in happiness too
Like the Oompa Loompa
Doompa Dee Do

Doompa Dee Do

After they finished their little singing section, the group of Oompa Loompas who were working head off to a section of wall open like a door, and it closed up behind them, leaving a flushed wall.

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