Chapter Seven: Welcome to The Factory

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The next morning, here was a large crowd around the front gates of Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. Camera crews were also at the gates, awaiting to see the candyman himself after years of being locked in his factory. There was also a brass band playing nearby to celebrate the upcoming moment.

In the centre of the crowds, there was a set of steps for the five contest winners to sit at until Mr. Wonka arrives. Braedey was there with his mother alongside him. The former was wearing a cobalt blue shirt with a black jacket overtop, a pair of blue denim jeans, and white sneakers. Valka was wearing a blue long-sleeve shirt with a black vest overtop, along with a knee-length dark blue pencil skirt, with a pair of leggings, and a set of blue Mary Jane shoes.

Braedey looked around and saw the other children around him who look younger than him. To his right, there was the tubby German boy, Augustus Gloop, accompanied by his mother, the two of them wearing rather expensive black outfits. Next to them, there was the spoiled little British brat, Veruca Salt, wearing a red suit and skirt with a white fur coat on her, topped with a matching hat, with her wish granting father, wearing a brownish suit. On the far side of the steps was the competitive gym-chewing brunette Violet Beauregarde, wearing a button down blue shirt, a pair of blue bell-bottom pants, a nice red belt with a silver colour buckle around her waist, and flat black shoes, with her nervous looking father, in his regular suit. On Braedey's left side, there was Mike TeeVee, wearing his cowboy outfit, who was looking hazy eyed from the results of endless television with his mother, Mrs. TeeVee, looking like she was just as quirky.

"You guys ready?" A reporter asked one of the camera technicians, standing in front of a camera, preparing to announce the event.

"You're on." The cameraman nodded, as the reporter got into position.

"This is the big day." The reporter announced to the viewing world. "The day Willy Wonka will open his gates, and shower gifts on the 5 lucky winners. From over the globe, people have gathered, waiting for the hour... to see that legendary magician, Mr. Willy Wonka."


In Coolsville, at Mystery Inc. headquarters, the gang were watching the announcement for the Chocolate Factory, and wishing to see who this Willy Wonka might be. They were also amazed, overjoyed, proud, and beyond themselves when they heard Braedey had won the official fifth Golden Ticket.

"Like, there's our little champ right there!" Shaggy pointed to the screen, as it shows Braedey with the four other winners alongside him. "Man, he looks good in that outfit."

"Reah." Scooby nodded. "Rit is a good look."

Daphne smiled to herself, seeing Braedey on screen, as he waved to the camera crew, then looked back to the factory. "I knew he would find it." She sighed. "I have had my faith in him for a while now."

"So, what do you think this Mr. Wonka might look like?" Velma wondered.

"Don't know, but this will be the day we have all of our questions answered to us." Fred announced to the gang, as they all look to the large TV screen.


There was only five minutes to go until the time is right. Thousand were all waiting for the man of the moment to come forth, but everyone who won the Golden Tickets were more than amped to see him.

"Hi, friends!" Sam Beauregarde called out to the cameras. "Don't forget to visit Beauregarde's Auto Mart..."

"Cut it out, Dad!" Violet snapped to her father. "This is my show!" She then smirked at the camera. "Hi, Cornelia! I've still got it. How's this for a stretch?" She mocked, pulling out and stretching the gum.

"I want to go in first before anybody." Veruca demanded to her father.

"Anything you say, sweetheart." Mt. Salt replied.

"Save some room for later, Augustus liebling." Mrs. Gloop told her son, taking a cupcake her son had been eating away.

"This is gonna be some crazy experience." Braedey whispered to his mother, holding her hand. "We are about to see something beyond our own wildest dreams."

"You see right about that." Valka agreed, holding her son's hand. The two look over to see Charlie with his mother alongside him within the crowds, and gave a small wave to them, to which they waved back.

At that moment, everyone's chatters were quieted once the clock reached 10 o' clock, the bell rolling ten times to alert them all it was time to go to the factory. Everyone's eyes locked onto the doors as they waited for the whimsical candy man with the five lucky others to go inside. Braedey and Valka looked on closely as the glass doors opened to reveal Mr. Wonka to the public.

Braedey and Valka's eyes widen as they saw Mr. Wonka for the first time. Willy Wonka wore brown beige pants with brown shoes, a bright purple coat with a brightly-colour pink shirt underneath, with a bow tie, and a brown top hat over his frizzy auburn curly hair, and he had a cane in his hand, and looking like he had aged with his factory business.

Mr. Wonka walked over to the public with his cane. Everyone was very quiet as he came forward. Braedey bit his fist as Mr. Wonka suddenly dropped his cane, the cane sticking out of the ground. The man suddenly stopped, fell forward, but he performed a roll on the ground in front of the children and adults, and everyone in the crowds gave an uproar to the candyman. Braedey cheered out with the others in clapping, and Valka clapped in modesty.

"Thank you, thank you." Mr. Wonka thanked the crowd numerous times with a charming smile, giving a small bow to them, as he came closer to the gate to let the winners inside. "Welcome, my friends. Welcome to my chocolate factory. Would you come forward, please?" He asked the winners.

All at once, Veruca, Augustus, Violet, Mike, and Braedey head off towards the front gate, with the people staying out of their way. The parents follow after their children, as they arrive at the gate.

"Welcome. It's nice to have you here. I'm so glad you could come. This is going to be such an exciting day." Mr. Wonka told the winners. "I hope you enjoy it. I think you will. Please show me your Golden tickets."

"I'm Veruca Salt." Veruca announced, showing her ticket to the candyman, and handing it to him.

"Dear Veruca, what a pleasure! You look pretty in that mink coat!" Mr. Wonka commented to Veruca's fur coat.

"I've got three others at home." Veruca commented.

"Overjoyed to see you, sir." Mr. Wonka nodded to Mr. Salt. "Would you just step over there?" He gestured to over to the red carpet.

"Augustus Gloop." The German boy walked up, pulling out his ticket.

"Augustus, my dear boy! Good to see you, and in such fine shape!" Mr. Wonka looked to Augustus' mother with a nod. "This must be the radiant Mrs. Gloop. Over there, dear lady." He gestured to the Salts, as the Gloops walked over.

"Violet Beauregarde." The gum-chewer handed her Golden Ticket to the candyman.

"Darling child! Welcome to Wonka's." Mr. Wonka greeted the brunette girl with a smile on his face.

"What kind of gum you got?" Violet asked cheekily.

"Charming!" Mr. Wonka was then greeted by Sam.

"Sam Beauregarde here! What a genuine pleasure." Sam told Mr. Wonka with a smile on his face. "Any automotive needs, call. Phone number's on the card. "With Sam B., it's a guarantee!"" He handed Mr. Wonka the card, as both Beauregardes walked over to the Salts and Gloops.

"I'm Mike Teevee. Wham, you're dead!" Mike joked, whipping out his toy gun, and pretending to strike Mr. Wonka, who faked being shot, then laughed with Mike.

"Wonderful to meet you!" Mr. Wonka then turned to Mike's mother. "Mrs. Teevee, how do you do? What an adorable boy you have."

"Thank you." Mrs. TeeVee thanked, as she and Mike walked away to the group.

Braedey finally walked up to the candyman, handing him the Golden Ticket. "Braedey Martin." He introduced himself with a nod.

"Well, well. The lucky number 5 winner." Mr. Wonka nodded his head to the brunette. "I've read all about you in the papers. I'm so happy for you. And who might this be?" He gestured to Braedey's Mother.

"My mother, Valka. Valka Martin." Braedey introduced.

"We are part of the Mystery Inc. gang." Valka added, shaking Mr. Wonka's hand. "A pleasure to meet you."

"A pair of paranormalists. Delighted to meet you both." Mr. Wonka nodded his head to the two, then they walked up to the group, as Mr. Wonka placed the Golden Tickets in his jacket pocket, and closed the gate. "Overjoyed. Enraptured. Entranced. Are we ready? Yes! Good! In with you!"

With that, the fanfare began, as Mr. Wonka walked up to his cane, picking it up, as the five contest winners followed after the candyman, entering the chocolate factory, as Mr. Wonka stood by the door. Once the five families entered the building, Mr. Wonka gave one last bow to the cheering crowds, then he entered the building, the door closing behind him.


Inside the start of the building, the hallways were frost white and rather bland like that of a mental hospital room. Braedey looked around with his hands to his side, not wanting to stain the walls, as the other kids and parents were alongside him and Valka.

"Coats, hats, galoshes over here." Mr. Wonka gestured his cane over to the coat hangers on the wall, which looked like golden hands jutting out of the wall. "Hurry, we have so much time, and so little to see. Wait a minute! Strike that. Reverse it. Thank you."

"When do I get my chocolate?" Violet asked.

"First, take off your coat, Violet." Sam told his daughter, as they took off their hats and coats.

"Boy, what weird coat hangers!" Mike commented about the hands out of the wall.

Valka watched Braedey take his jacket off with the girls, but as he held it in front of the hand, it suddenly grabbed it, along with the girls' coats, making them scream, while Braedey simply jumped back, along with Valka, in surprise of this.

"Surprises around every corner, but nothing dangerous! Don't be alarmed." Mr. Wonka reassured them all in a calm tone of voice. "As soon as your outer vestments are in hand, we'll begin."

Braedey eyes the hands in curiosity, then held a thumbs up to a hand that didn't have anything to hold, and it gave a thumbs-up back, much to his surprise, so he headed over to the others.

"Now, will the children kindly step up here." Mr. Wonka gestured his cane to a set of small steps, then walked over to a curtain, pulled it open, as a large rolled up paper unrolled itself, revealing a kind of a contract.

It was a rather long contract, and Braedey couldn't help but comment to himself that this contract was by far, one of the biggest and most thought out thing that this factory has, and yet, he and the others haven't even been in the main part of the factory.

"Accidents? What kind of accidents?" Mike questioned in confusion of this.

"I didn't know we had to sign anything." Veruca muttered to herself.

"Darn. I can't read what's right at the bottom." Braedey commented, trying to see what was right at the bottom of the contract, where there were five empty spaces, all of which for him and the kids to sign their names on.

"Violet, you first. Sign here." Mr. Wonka said to the gum-chewer.

"Hold it! Let me through, kids." Sam pushed his way up to talk to Mr. Wonka regarding the contract. "Don't sign anything. What's this about?" He asked.

"Standard form of contract." Mr. Wonka replied to the car salesman.

"Don't talk contracts, I use them myself. They're for suckers." Sam interjected to the candyman.

"You wouldn't begrudge me a little protection? A drop?" Mr. Wonka asked.

"I don't sign anything without my lawyer." Sam stated firmly.

"Veruca don't sign anything either!" Mr. Salt announced.

"Then she don't go in." Mr. Wonka stated calmly. "I'm sorry. House rules."

"I want to go in. Don't try to stop me!" Veruca snapped at her father, walking up as Violet finishes signing her name.

"I'm only trying to help." Mr. Salt said apologetically to his daughter.

"Give me that pen!" Veruca snatched the fear pen out of Violet's hand, the gum-chewer walking back to the others, as the British girl signed her name, then popped the feather back into the pot. "You're always making things difficult."

"Nicely handled." Wonka commented to Mr. Salt, as Augustus signed his name next.

"She's a girl who knows where she's going." Mr. Salt spoke up.

"What's all that small print, Wonka?" Sam asked the candyman.

"Any problems? Dial Information. Thanks for calling." Mr. Wonka replied.

"I assume there's an accident indemnity clause?" Sam asked.

"Never between friends." Mr. Wonka replied to him.

"Saw this in a movie once. A guy signed his wife's insurance policy. Then he bumped her off." Mike spoke out, signing his name, then popped the feather back in the pot.

"Clever." Mr. Wonka commented to the little cowboy.

"What about me, Mum?" Braedey asked.

"Sign away, Braedey! We've got nothing to lose." Valka replied, then Braedey began to sign his name on the paper.

"Let's go in! Come on!" Veruca called out impatiently to the American brunette.

"Impatience isn't a virtue." Braedey glared at Veruca, just as he finished writing his name down. "Maybe you should read into that."

"Braedey has a point." Mr. Wonka agreed with the brunette. "Patience, patience, little dear. Everything has to be in order. Everyone signed?" He saw all the names down, as Braedey walked back to his mother. "Yes? Good. On we go!"

Soon, everyone began to follow the candyman, as he does a small spin in his step, and walked over to some kind of elaborate steel/glass translucent door. Nobody could see inside the room, but since it had a specialised door lock on it, it must be pretty special.

"Ninety-nine... forty-four... one hundred percent pure." Mr. Wonka unlocked the door, and it swung open to reveal some kind of elaborate and optical illusional-like hallway in black and white. "Just through the other door, please." He said to his guests.

Everyone ran into the hallway, but they were immediately stopped when they realised it was a dead-end. Soon enough, everyone got cramped.

"Mr. Wonka, there's some mistake here." Mr. Salt proclaimed.

"There is no other door!" Mike whined out.

"There's no way out!" Veruca cried loudly.

"Braedey!" Valka called to her son, trying to see wherever Braedey had gone to. "Braedey, where are you?"

"I'm stuck between Mike and Violet!" Braedey yelled back from within the group. "Ow! Sorry about that, Mike."

"Well, I know there's a door here someplace." Mr. Wonka commented, sounding like a smart aleck.

"I don't like this, Wonka, I don't like this at all!" Mr. Beauregarde called, now sounding like a nervous wreck.

"Is this a trick or something, Wonka?" Mr. Salt demanded from the candyman.

"Mr. Wonka, I don't know how long we can last in here." Valka groaned from being squashed by Mrs. Gloop and Mr. Salt.

Mrs. Gloop screamed as she felt deathly claustrophobic. "Help! Mr. Wonka, help! I'm getting squashed! Save me!" She now screamed for dear life.

"How do you think I feel?" Braedey groaned. He then yelled out as someone stood on his left foot. "Oww! Who stood on my foot?!"

"Is it my soul that calls upon my name?" Mr. Wonka teased.

"Let me out or I'll scream!" Veruca shrieked out hypocritically.

"Somebody's touching me..." Mrs. TeeVee spoke out, awkwardly.

"Now look here, Wonka-" Mr. Salt growled.

"Question time will come at the end of the session. We must press on." Mr. Wonka cut him off, as he led the others to a door. "Come along, come along. Ah, here we are."

"Oh, don't be a darn fool, Wonka." Mr. Beauregarde growled to the candyman. "That's the way we came in!"

"It is?" Mr. Wonka asked, looking from the door, to the guests. "Are you sure?"

"We just came through there, sir." Braedey replied.

"Huh, how do you like that?" Mr. Wonka leaned against the door, just as it opened, and everyone was surprised to see they were looking at a regular hallway with brown wood and blue roof. "There we are..."

"What is this, Wonka?" Mr. Salt asked sarcastically. "Some kind of funhouse?"

Mr. Wonka turned to the guests. "Why? Having fun?" He asked them.

"I've had enough." Mrs. TeeVee groaned. "I'm not going in there."

"Come on, Violet, we're getting out of here." Mr. Beauregarde agreed, taking his daughter's hand, as they prepared to walk the other direction.

"You can't get out backwards." Mr. Wonka stated to them. "We have to go forwards to go back. Better press on." With that, he began to walk down the hall to the door at the end of the hallway. But, as he does so, everyone saw the room seemed to get smaller and smaller the closer and closer he got to the door.

"Holy crow. The room is getting smaller." Valka muttered in surprise.

"No, it's not! He's getting bigger." Violet spoke up.

"He's at it again." Mr. Salt grumbled, as everyone walked up to the door.

"Where's the chocolate?" Mike asked.

"I doubt if there is any." Mr. Beauregarde sighed.

"I doubt if any of us will get out alive." Mr. Salt agreed.

"Never doubt what nobody is sure about." Mr. Wonka stated to the adults.

"You're not squeezing me through that tiny door." Mrs. Gloop commented about the size of the tiny door.

"You're off your nut, Wonka. No one can get through there." Mr. Salt agreed with Mrs. Gloop.

"My dear friends, you are now about to enter the nerve centre to the entire Wonka factory." Mr. Wonka announced to the children and adults. "Inside this room, all of my dreams had become realities. And some of my realities had become dreams. And almost everything you'll see is eatable... edible. I mean, you can eat almost everything."

Augustus suddenly began to try and push everyone out of the way. "Let me in, I'm starving!" He complained.

"Don't get overexcited, Augustus. Don't lose your head." Mr. Wonka said to the German kid. "We wouldn't want to lose that. Yet. Now, the combination." He flipped down a part of the door, revealing a small piano keyboard. "This... is a musical lock." He then played a small tune.

"Rachmaninoff." Mrs. TeeVee guessed the tune.

"Ladies and gentlemen..." Mr. Wonka puts away the piano, then looked to his guests. "...boys and girls... the Chocolate Room." He announced, as a large door began to open.

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