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A Part Of Me Will Always Belong To You

Reyna's burden had been brought to the surface, and with it came a sweeping relief. She knew everyone she had befriended in both Central City and Starling had to be disappointed in her, even hurt, but with a long, personal explanation, everything had been sorted out.

Well, sort of.

As for everyone in Central City, meaning Cisco, Barry, Caitlyn, and Wells; they hadn't spoken to her in some time. But, everyone in Starling City, was much more understanding. Particularly, John Diggle, who she had only met a few times.

Oliver had tried to make her feel better, telling her stories of his own experiences in Lian Yu, and how much of a hustling bitch Waller was. They had been beyond accepting, and Reyna could feel herself being put back together.

Christmas was quiet, but Felicity had let her move into her apartment and sleep in her spare bedroom. Reyna had extra cash to give upfront to help with rent and food, and Felicity was practically hysterical. She'd been bouncing around jobs since Oliver's company had booted her, and making ends meet had been difficult.

The extra money she'd made working at The Central City Bank came in handy too, allowing her to buy gifts for her new friends.

It was after new years, before a deep snow was forecasted to roll in, that she had gotten an unexpected call.

Reyna was underneath the Dance Club that Oliver and his younger sister owned, and the more time she spent with Oliver, the more she could be herself.

Hand on hand training was her favorite, and although Diggle was also in ARGUS, Oliver was by far more fun to spar with. They normally couldn't last more than thirty minutes. Recently, an ancient organization had been seeking his assistance in some kind of, leader succession. The League of Assassins was a fairytale, a myth amongst the ranks in Argus. It was something you'd hear in a local bar, in a mountain lodge lost somewhere in the Himalayas. Not in the basement of a Club in Starling City.

Reyna healing abilities had gotten a little better, but she had agreed when sparing with him, that she wouldn't use her meta powers. She'd gotten a little rusty, hanging out with Cisco and Barry, but being around Oliver for just a month and a half had incredibly improved her hand coordination.

Reyna's body was drenched in sweat, her legs and hips were aching from Oliver's constant knockdowns and landing kicks. She had dyed her hair dark again, feeling comfortable enough to go back to her natural hair color. For now, it was tied up in a loose ponytail, and she had on some training clothes.

Both of their breathing had become heavily labored, but they still circled one another, waiting to counter the other's move.

" You guys are still going at it, how are they not tired!? " Felicity's upbeat tone was mocked by Diggle's, as they both entered from the stairs of the club, and into the base.

" Come eat something, we need to start planning how we're going to figure this Merlin problem out.."

Diggle's stern tone made both Reyna and Oliver drop their arms. Both were finally done and ready for a break.

Reyna playfully smacked his arm and Oliver flinched, pretending to be in pain.

" You're a real asshole, you know that. My legs are killing me.." Reyna groaned, rubbing her thighs and walking towards Felicity and Diggle.

" You need to work on your counter attacks and blocking, you've gotten too comfortable with getting hit and healing.. Eventually you're going to hurt yourself. "

Oliver tried to act stern, but Reyna just sighed and ignored him. It was a few seconds later that she got a phone call.

Everyone in the room paused what the were doing to see who it was, anyone who had tried to contact Reyna was in the room.

Reyna picked up her phone and stared at everyone, she brought up a free hand and made a 'shoo away' motion.

She answered it without looking at the ID, and the moment she heard his voice she felt her body temporarily weaken.

She kept her voice quiet and walked towards the edge of the room. Taking a few deep breaths she listened to him speak.

" Reyna?.. Hello? "

Reyna was breathing heavily into the phone, her body was winded from the workout, and getting a call from Cisco, was making her nerves get the best of her. With a rattled, breathless voice she finally answered him.

" Cisco? "


She asked him to hold on a minute and quickly found a sweatshirt to pull over her bare arms and abdomen. Her calves and part of her thighs were also showing, but talking to him would be worth the cold.

Reyna held her phone close and rushed up the stairs and from the club.

It wasn't too cold out, but later in the evening, it was supposed to get pretty cold before the storm hit. Reyna took a few, deep, chilling breaths before she had gotten the nerve to speak to him. For now, her phone was clutched tightly to her chest, she was almost too nervous to move.

" Hey.." Reyna's voice sounded a little damaged and cracked when she spoke, but her upbeat attitude shined through. She had been thinking about him so much, maybe he'd finally felt it too.

" I'm not going to drag this out, but Barry doesn't know I'm talking to you.."

The light that was beginning to warm in Reyna's heart dimmed a little. Barry was still mad at her, and so probably was everyone else. She could see where the conversation was going.

" We're having a big problem here, and I know he's too proud to ask for your or Oliver's help, and frankly I don't feel comfortable talking about it over the phone... I need your help.."

Reyna pressed the phone tightly against her ear, her feet shifting often, as the sweat on her skin began to freeze.

" So you're coming to visit? " Reyna said allowed to herself. Not realizing Cisco hadn't spoke of any plans yet.

Reyna could hear a quiet laugh from him as his voice got lower and softer.

" Something's up with Wells, a lot has happened since you've been gone and I feel like I need to explain it in person.."

Reyna's feet moved faster as her heart began to flutter irregularly in her chest, she cleared her throat and asked when.

" Sometime tonight, and hey are you okay.. You, uh.. sound out of breath.."

" Oh.. Yeah.." Reyna spoke, her body was still recovering from training, and her labored breaths had made her words inconsistent and jumbled.

" Oliver's been really putting a pounding on me.."

" Wait-what? He's beating you-"

Reyna interrupted Cisco and put her empty hand into her face. She couldn't believe how stupid she got around him.

" No-no-no, he's been sparing with me, actually everyone's been super nice.."

Reyna tried to control her breathing as she spoke, as a result, she sounded more composed and Cisco stopped asking questions.

" So five thirty? " Reyna swallowed hard, her teeth were beginning to chatter from the deep set-in chill. The cold air had officially gotten to her, and she was frozen to the bone.

" I'll be there.."

There was a large, contagious smile on her face as she said goodbye to Cisco. After she hung up, she quickly bolted back into the building before she lost feeling in her hands.

" That's a pretty big smile you have there.."

Felicity spoke with a smug smirk on her face, and Reyna just playfully glared at her, trying to force herself not to smile anymore.

" Who was that? "

Oliver spoke from across the room to Reyna, and her hesitance to answer made everyone look at her.

" It was Cisco, wasn't it? "

Diggle has the same smirk that Felicity had on her face, and Reyna immediately looked away from everyone and focused on cleaning some of the weapons that were in front of her.

Oliver walked past Diggle, questioning on how he knew, before walking to Reyna to confirm.

" A girl only smiles like that when she's talking to someone she loves. "

Diggle flashed another smirk at Felicity, and she had to contain her laughter.

" Kind of like the smile you get, when Oliver-"

Felicity interrupted Reyna, turning off the section of lights in the room, where she was standing.

Reyna laughed quietly to herself and explained what had happened before Oliver had a chance to ask.

" So I guess something bad is going down in Central City, but Barry's being too stubborn to ask for help.. Especially from me, and Cisco said he wanted to stop out to speak to me privately about it.. I guess he didn't feel safe talking over the phone."

Oliver glanced over at Diggle, who shot a nervous look back at him.

" Look I got this if its too serious I'll put a big light in the sky to signal you. "

Reyna mocked Oliver, but his guard dropped and he smiled at her, before nodding and walking away.

" Felicity.. " Reyna spoke over to her, and when she looked at Reyna, Reyna pointed up at the lights.

" Right."

The lights flickered on moments later, and Reyna began to finish her small task.

" Wait, how long is he staying for? " Felicity adjusted the glasses on her face and peeked over her computer at Reyna.

" Like, a few hours, maybe? " Reyna paused, she looked over to her. " Why? "

" Well that huge snow storm is coming in tonight, so he might want to come in a few days, it's supposed to be bad." Felicity and Reyna stared at one another for a moment before Reyna made a sour look at her.

A few moments later she got out her phone and texted him. He replied within a few minutes and said he was already on the train.

" Listen, we were supposed to follow Merlin tonight, and The League of Assassins, but this seems more pressing.."

Oliver's serious tone was shot off by Reyna's sour, snotty one.

She smiled sarcastically at him, " More important than catching the man that killed your father, kidnapped your sister and is trying to destroy the City.."

Oliver was caught off guard and cleared his throat.

" Listen, if Central City needs your help, you should do it... We're only doing some recon stuff tonight.. Take a night off. "

Oliver smirked at her and Reyna loudly scoffed at him. He was acting like she wasn't an important member of their team.

" Listen, I-"

Oliver was interrupted by Diggle, who stepped up to speak for Oliver.

" I think what Oliver is trying to say is, that you've been on the streets every night since you moved here.. take a night off, it's okay, we got this.."

Reyna was quiet for a few moments before she spoke up.

" You promise you'll call if any of you get hurt, or if you need help? " Reyna briefly made eye contact with everyone in the room before all three of them nodded.

Reyna grinned silently to herself, ecstatic that she was finally going to get a night off, and it was with Cisco.

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