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Snow Flurries

By the time Reyna left the Club, the snow had already begun to fall.

Dark, looming clouds hung heavily over Starling City, and Reyna couldn't help but feel overly elated. She loved the snow, and storm clouds even more. Within the hour Cisco would be in Starling City and Reyna wanted to leave to meet him at the train station. She clung to the sidewalk, and put a free hand into the air, motioning over any free taxi.

The ride was quick and cold, but well worth it. Cisco arrived about ten minutes late, but Reyna didn't mind.

" I like your hair! "

Cisco's first words off the train made Reyna's chest tighten as she briefly glanced at the dark hair, that was off to the side of her face.

" Yeah, I needed to do something different.."

Cisco had his hair tucked behind his ears and a small winter hat pulled over his head. He was dressed for the weather, and had a small backpack with him.

" Are you hungry? " Reyna posed a question to him before he got too comfortable in the warmth of the station.

" I could eat."

Cisco smiled warmly at her, which caused Reyna to bite her bottom lip and look away beaming.

They had taken a cab to a busy café that was getting ready to close. They arrived in time to get some hot coffee and sandwiches.

" Sorry I didn't give you much notice, this was a spur-of-the-moment, kind of thing.."

" It's nice to have the company.. Felicity works a lot with Oliver, and I spend a lot of time alone. "

Reyna's words made Cisco stop in his tracks, and a sudden "squeak" from his wet shoes, against the dry tiles of the café, made her double take.

The expression on his face was painful to see. His normally optimistic, and bubbly smile was gone and he looked troubled.

" Stop, you know what I mean.. Besides, I like keeping to myself."

Cisco looked upset, like Reyna had insulted him in some way.

" You don't have to do that anymore, Reyna you have friends-you have people who care about you.."

Cisco's furrowed brow and mature tone set her back, but she quickly reclaimed her composure.

" I know.."

They were interrupted by the barista, who told them they were closing early because of the storm.

" I promised Oliver I'd relax at home, but after we eat, we can scour through the Arrow lair while no ones there.."

Reyna's proposition brought the light back into Cisco's expression, as he agreed and they left the café.

The home that her and Felicity were sharing was ten minutes from the café, and Reyna offered to have them eat there and rest for a minute before the storm really kicked through.

" It's really great that Felicity let you move in.."

Cisco released a sigh of relief, as he took off his wet had and ran a hand through his hair.

" I pay most of the rent for now, so I'd say she's very happy I moved in."

Cisco looked at Reyna impressed and shook his head, looking around their apartment.

It was pretty spacious, two bedrooms and a large living room and dining area. She didn't think she'd like sharing a space with someone else, but Felicity was an introvert like her, and had a similar crude sense of humor, so they clicked pretty well.

They took off their shoes and Reyna started to drink her coffee on the couch and take some of her food from the paper bag that the barista had made for her.

" Alright, so.." Cisco trailed off, and Reyna continued to eat and drink, as he left his coffee and food unattended, searching through his backpack for specific items.

" A lot has happened since you've been gone.. Barry changed the time line, Wells turned out to be the man in yellow, and tried to kill me, and apparently, I might be a metahuman. "

Reyna's confused, repulsive expression, made Cisco burst out laughing. She had stopped drinking her coffee and eating to let him finish.

" I don't think you were affected, but Barry ran so fast, he broke the Space-Time-Continuum, which was awesome! "

Cisco paused for affect, but Reyna was still staring at him, with a cold, dark expression.

" We found out very, very recently that there is a 98% chance that Wells is the man in yellow.. and Barry is being super weird about it. "

The man in yellow, was a person that had just briefly came into her world before she had left. He had been seen only once, taunting Barry. Reyna listened carefully to what Cisco was saying, because she had been suspicious of Wells from the start.

" In the other time line, uh.. " Cisco paused, losing focus for a moment, trying to figure out a way to articulate his thoughts. " I was killed by Wells for figuring out his secret, and when Barry reset the time line, I still had memories of him killing me.. Visions.. or vibes.. "

Reyna's facial expression softened and she swallowed what she had in her mouth. She had been gone almost two months, and so much had happened, she felt guilty for not being there to help protect him.

" Barry wants to try and keep this tight-knit, but I know what Wells is capable of now, so I know we can't take any chances.."

" He's not going to let me come back.."

Reyna's eyes softened as she relaxed back onto the couch. She exhaled a deep breath and closed her eyes, letting her head rest back.

She didn't deserve to go back.

" That's not for him to decide, Reyna.."

Cisco's voice was sincere and stern. Reyna listened to him and smiled, still keeping her eyes closed.

She wasn't sure what she had done to deserve this impromptu visit, but it was turning out to be everything she had ever hoped for.

" Eat.." Reyna sat up slowly and motioned with a nod for Cisco to drink some of his Coffee and eat some food.

" .. before it gets too cold. "

The lights flickered for a moment and both Reyna and Cisco looked at one another suspiciously. It was almost eight pm and it was pitch black out, but the street lights from outside her apartment revealed that large snow flakes were still falling.

" You're going to have to stay the night.."

Reyna spoke without thinking, and almost immediately she could feel the tips of her cheeks begin to warm, she hoped he didn't take that the wrong way.

" I already checked into a hotel, no big deal.. "

Cisco's nonchalant attitude brought Reyna back down from the skies and to Earth, clearly she was the only one who was thinking impure thoughts.

Cisco continued to eat and Reyna relaxed back onto the couch, closing her eyes for just a moment, as a small smile crept over her face. Cisco continued to talk about what else was happening in Central City, and how everyone was.

Her heavy heart lifted some, as she listened to his voice and felt his presence next to her.

" Reyna.."

Cisco's voice was quiet and low, barely reaching above a whisper. Reyna wasn't sure if it was some type of longing in the back of her mind, calling to her, or who the voice belonged to.

" Reyna.."

The voice was louder this time, but still very quiet. She felt the sensation of someone pulling hair from her face, and whispering to her.

Brilliant green eyes fluttered open, as Reyna began to wake up from a light nap, that she'd someone allowed herself to fall into.

The room was dark, almost pitch black, but there was a faint glow that flooded the room, from the streetlight outside her apartment.

Her nose was cold and so were her cheeks and hands. Reyna didn't move, but knew almost immediately what was going on.

" The power just went out, I wasn't sure if you wanted me to try to wake you up or call the others.."

Cisco's voice was clear and warm in cool darkness of her living room.

Reyna sat up and groaned, the clocked on the wall said eight forty five.

" I'd let you sleep, but you'd freeze to death. " Cisco's sarcastic tone made Reyna smile and her foggy brain begin to clear.

" I'm sorry about that.." Reyna's voice was low and almost cracked as she spoke, she was more tired than she realized.

Cisco turned to face her and his hand abruptly came up and he touched her cheek, " You're really cold Reyna, we should get out of here before you-"

It was the atmosphere around them, or maybe it was the chilly weather, or the comfort and calmness he brought to her whenever he was standing next to her. There were thousands of reasons she had, all of which were reasons why he made her feel more like her, than when she was by herself.

Reyna grabbed Cisco's hand and pulled it away from her face, as she leaned up and forwards, kissing him in the darkness of her apartment.

Reyna only kissed Cisco for a few moments, before abruptly pulling away in a startled wave. Her eyes widened and she looked at him scared, not sure of what she had just done, or what she might have ruined.

There was an uncomfortable pause that Reyna was sure lasted hours, but within moments of pulling away from him, he pushed forwards towards her.

Reyna's eyes slowly closed as Cisco's lips delicately touched her own before he paused and pulled away.

There were no words between them, but that didn't mean they didn't have anything to say.

Without hesitation, they both leaned forwards and kissed again, Reyna could feel the small hairs on her neck and arms stand at attention, as their kiss deepened. One of Cisco's hands pulled up and his fingers ran carefully along her jaw line and to her neck.

Reyna once cold nose and cheeks were now flushed with warmth, as the moment Cisco's fingers touched her neck, she could feel her body light on fire.

Cisco's lips touched the side of Reyna's mouth and then her neck. and in the haste of the moment, Reyna pulled him close, the two of them beginning to breath harder the more they handled eachother.

There was a loud sound infront of them that caused both Cisco and Reyna to abruptly pull away from the other, neither one of them said a word, but the loud sound continued.

Reyna finally realized it was her cell phone, it had to of fallen out of her coat pocket and onto the floor. Once she realized what the sound was she acted quickly and picked up the call.

" We need you at 21st and Grace! "

Felicity's voice was frantic and short.


Reyna could hear Oliver screaming over the phone from a ways away, his voice was distant but clear.


Felicity's voice was much louder and clearer this time, and without hesitation, she hung up the phone.

" Get your coat.."

Reyna swallowed hard and looked over to Cisco, and cleared his throat and nodded to her.


There was already four inches of snow on the ground by the time they got outside, and most of the city appeared to have no power. Luckily, most of the street lights in the city were solar powered, so they would have some light on their way there.

" There aren't any cabs, we're going to have to get there on foot! "

Reyna finished zipping up her coat and pulled up her hood, before looking back at Cisco for confirmation.

Cisco nodded, pulling his hat over his head and a small hood over that.

They tried to run, but the snow made it too slick, so they were reduced to some kind of ugly, sliding jog. One that both of them enjoyed more than they liked to admit.

They arrived just in time for the end of the fight.

The League of Assasins was on a full assault of Starling City, and everyone they knew had shown up to try to fight.


Reyna angerly screamed over the mob of people fighting, hoping that Oliver had heard her.

" Find Felicity, try not to get killed. "

Reyna's words made Cisco smile briefly, causing her to smile back at him before turning to see the mess infront of her.

Oliver was accompanied by John Diggle, Laurel Lance and one of his young prodigy's. All of which were having some kind of trouble.

Reyna was quick, she didn't have the time to fight, and with nearly any of these League fighters were more skilled at hand to hand combat, not to mention they had arrows.

Any fighter she came into contact with her, she was thorough and quick, draining enough of their energy to make them faint before moving on to the next member, and eventually, they were called to back off and retreat. Reyna watched one of them point directly as her while they retreated.

Reyna's name was called and she immediately answered the call for help.

Oliver had sustained serious injuries and was bleeding out in the ally they were al standing in.

" Hold on another minute man! "

Reyna fell to her knees and pulled a sharp blade from a holster on her back.

" You'd better fucking listen to John, because if you die I can't save you.."

Reyna's tone was condescending, and she glanced up to notice that Diggle was bleeding through his cloths as well. He'd been hit on his ribcage some where.

Reyna took in a deep breath and paused for a moment, her mind beginning to clear and calm as crisp, white snowflakes touched Oliver's blood soaked body.

He was unresponsive, so Reyna assumed he'd be okay with her cutting his suit up.

She ran the sharp blade from the neck of the suit and down to his hips, allowing her full view of any injuries he'd sustained.

Someone was hysterical behind her, and she was sure someone was talking to her, but the voice were steadily becoming obscure, unrecognizable murmurs, as she put her bare palms onto his bleeding torso.

Larger injuries caused her to have an, out of body experience, so to speak. Her hands would emit a rolling, white energy, as she 'looked' into the hosts body and tried to heal any injuries. During this time, everyone and everything around her would become unclear and foggy. During deep sessions, ones requires large energy reserves, the iris's in her eyes would glow an angelic white.

This was one of those times.

Reyna could feel Oliver's body beginning to slow down, his circulatory system slowing down to a crawl, and his blood volume dropping to dangerous levels.

" Fucking Oliver.."

Reyna mumbled to himself. He put himself in extreme situations, always so sure he was going to get out alive. One of these times she wouldn't be around and his luck would run out.

She reattached tendons and ligaments that had been severed, reconnected larger blood vessels and gave the wounds an extra burst of what ever she had left to try and jumpstart them awake.

It was only a minute, maybe two, but when she finally came too, Reyna had to close her eyes and stay still.

Her other senses were alert while her eyes were closed. She knew if she tried to get up, she'd collapse. She had given a lot of energy in a very short amount of time, and her vision had become blurry.

She listened as Oliver coughed and wheezed, his body begging for oxygen as he was jumpstarted awake.

Cisco reached down to touch her, but Diggle was quick to grab his hand and warn him to stay away from Reyna for a few minutes.

Cisco seemed offended, but Diggle explained what had happened last time.

" She almost drained Oliver last time she healed me from a bad gunshot wound, you can't touch her after she'd done a big job.. I don't think she can help it, but to be safe.."

" Don't think I've forgotten about you.."

Reyna spoke quietly against the raised voices of the group, and Diggle laughed, standing next to her.

" Give me about forty five minutes.."

Reyna smiled, still sitting on her knees on the snowy, cold ground with her eyes cold.

" I could really use a juice box..."

Reyna spoke aloud to herself, and a low laugh came from everyone around her.

All of the lights were on at their base, and Reyna sat comfortably in Felicity's swivel chair, a small caprisun held up to her mouth.

" That was amazing.."

Cisco's flabbergaste voice was overlooked and ignored.

" Hello!? "

Oliver was examining his torso in a mirror, using a wet washcloth to wipe the blood off his skin.

" You need to get some blood into your body.." Reyna spoke from across the room and finished her juice box.

Cisco threw his arms up and Diggle finally answered him.

" Listen, she does this all the time. It's no big deal for us.."

He quieted Cisco down and pointed up at her.

" But that doesn't make us any less appreciative. "

Reyna scoffed at him and waved him off, not being one fond of compliments.

Cisco approached her and asked how she was doing. She felt much better, but was pretty hungry again.

She'd fixed Diggle's injury up, and to her surprise it was very superficial and required hardly any energy.

" You should go home and get some rest.."

Oliver spoke from across the room.

" Our power was out when I left. "

Reyna's words prompted Felicity to gawk at her, unhappy about coming home to a cold home.

" I have power at my house, go there.. "

Reyna threw up her hands to Oliver's request.

" And you'll go? "

" I'll be home in a few hours, there are some things I need to work on.." Oliver's short tone meant he was offering her his home and she was being a rude little shit for putting up a fight.

She eventually agreed and asked Cisco to join her. An offer he happily took.

The snow had slowed down, but hadn't let up. Reyna and Cisco were talking in almost half a foot of snow.

" Oliver's apartment is super nice.."

Reyna spoke with a relaxed sigh, her hot breath condensing into the air infront of her.

Cisco was pretty quiet, and Reyna was sure she knew why.

" Would it be okay if I go back with you? " Reyna's tone was upfront and honest, she sniffled a little from the cold, but was sure she got her question across.

" Y-yeah, definitely. "

Cisco's voice brought a calmness back to her, and she couldn't help but smile as they walked next to eachother.

Oliver's house had lights, heat and cable. All things that her apartment did not. It was large, and spacious, with two floors and an open floor plan. He sometimes shared it with his sister, but right now she was away.

Reyna hastily kicked off her wet boots and unzipped her coat, before throwing it on the ground and practically leaping into his living room and onto his dry couch.

Cisco laughed at her step-by-step progress, while he took his time to undress and hang his things up to dry.

Reyna fished around in the couch for the remote, and upon finding it, quickly turned on the TV.

The man on the news said the snow should slow down by early afternoon tomorrow, and that Central City would be under a state of emergency.

" We might have some trouble getting back to Central City.."

Reyna looked up to Cisco as she spoke, who let out a sigh of relief upon sitting down on the couch next to Reyna.

" Gives me more time to work on some new toys for Oliver. "

Reyna didn't reply to his comments, instead she smiled and kept to herself. The warm climate inside Oliver's apartment was beginning to get to her, and she could feel her body want to doze off.

Her head fell slowly down onto Cisco's shoulder, and the butterflies in her stomach began to act up as she waited for him to make a move.

Without hesitation, Cisco let his head rest down onto hers, as he brought his hand up and rested it onto hers, letting his fingers lace between hers.

She wanted to stay awake and enjoy more of their time together, but before she knew what was going on, they had fallen asleep leaning against one another.

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