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A/N: So I'm going to try to make part 2 shorter than part 1 of Bravesinger: The Story Behind The Name. I just kept on writing and writing, I didn't notice that I wrote over 3000 words. Anyways, hope you guys enjoy part 2.


Last time...

"What are you talking about?!?"

"Bravesinger... y-your hands..."

Bravesinger looked down at her hands.

They were pitch black...

Bravesinger started to freak out at the current situation

"What the... w-wha..."

Night Star grabbed Bravesinger's left hand and started examining it while Tadavo started to lick her right.

"Brave, do you have any idea what's going on?"

"I, uhh..." said Bravesinger as she slowly started looking up. She could see something out her window. They were particles of some kind.

"Brave, has this happened before?"

Bravesinger didn't respond. She was mesmerized with the light purple outside her window.

As she stared outside, her vision blurred. Soon, it came back, but instead of seeing her living room, she could see herself falling from a high spot, but suddenly landing on her feet in a grassy area.

"Bravesinger, I asked you a question... wait, your eyes, they're purple again..."

Bravesinger still didn't respond. She was standing there stiff, stuck in her own mind.

"Bravesinger snap out of it!"


Bravesinger felt a sharp pain on her cheek, for Night Star has slapped her on the face. It sure did get Bravesinger out of her trance, but the outcome was not as expected...

"What the actual hell?!? Why did you slap me? What did I ever do to you, huh? Huh? You don't want to see me angry now, do you?" said Bravesinger as she started to pin Night Star to the wall angrily. Todavo stated to bark like crazy. Soon, Bravesinger's entire arm started to turn pitch black, as her eyes raged in a strong purple.

"Woah, stop it!! You're out of control!!" yelled Night Star trying to get Bravesinger off of her. Night Star managed to push Bravesinger off of her. Bravesinger fell to the ground and started to rub her head as she moaned in pain. There was a stinging feel to her whole body. What Bravesinger didn't notice was that she was slowly turning back to her normal self. The pupils of the eyes went back to it's original shade of purple, while the sclera went back to its white color. (A/N: I had to search it up)

Bravesinger curled into a ball on the floor of her house. Light started to shine in through the windows. It was day again. Exactly noon.

Night Star walked over to Bravesinger and started to rub her back.

"Are you okay?" she asked in her friendly tone.

"No-ugh... I'm not okay..."

"Are you sure?"

"(I promise)"
(A/N: MCR reference. If you get it, you are officially awesome XD)

"Ugh... I have a horrible headache..." said Bravesinger painfully.

"I have something for that. I'll be back. Want me to get you into bed?" asked Night Star.

"No, I'm-ugh f-fine..."

Bravesinger started to get up from the cold floor, only to tumble back down and landing on her bum.

"Come on. Get up, I'll help you." said Night Star extending her hand to pull Bravesinger up on her feet.

They slowly walked up the stairs and into Bravesinger's bedroom. Todavo followed behind the girls. Once in her bedroom, Bravesinger sat down on the messy and un-done bed.

"T-thanks. I mean it..." said Bravesinger weakly.

"No problem. Now I'll be back with that special tea. You stay in bed." said Night Star with a big smile on her face. She then turned to the door and left, closing it quietly as if she were sneaking out.

Wow, Night Star is such a great friend... I'm lucky to have her, but I think she's too nice...
I raged at her, pinned her to the wall, yelled at her, got her in a stupid situation with Mrs.Jenkins without asking or even telling her, heck, I even ate lamb that wasn't cheap for free...
God, I'm a horrible friend...

As Bravesinger was drowning in her own thoughts, she slowly drifted off to sleep.

"Ahhh!!! What the... I'm, I'm falling?!?! But, what, from where??" yelled Bravesinger.

"Where am I?? I-I was in bed just a second ago, what just happened?"

Bravesinger talked to herself as she was falling for what seemed like an eternity. She pondered and wondered what was happening. Bravesinger realized that she was...

"Wait a minute, I'm dreaming! I have to be!
So I must be having a lucid dream!! No way, wait, that means I can do whatever I want...
YEAH!! I can fly to safety and not fall to my 'death.' I can't really die in a dream..."

Bravesinger then tried to fly in many ways as possible. Flapping her arms up and down, using her mind, and even shouting, 'Bravesinger, use FLY!!,' but nothing worked

"Hmm, I guess I can't control everything in a lucid dream... good to know, but can I stop myself from falling is the question now... Wait, I should really get started on that....." said Bravesinger, noticing that the distance between her and there ground was decreasing.

"Oh no. Oh no. Oh NO!!" started to yell Bravesinger as she got closer to the ground.

Then suddenly, as if nothing, Bravesinger thought of teleportation. She put her mind to it and curled up into a ball, ready for impact just in case teleportation didn't work either. She closed her eyes, but before she did, she saw purple particles form around her head. They were the same particles she saw 'earlier' in the day.

"Please work..." whispered Bravesinger

There we go! Part 2 is out!! I'm really glad that I'm finally sharing this story with you all!! Only problem is that I don't know how you guys will react to the story, because currently, I wrote this right after finishing part 1 and I haven't published it yet. I just wanted to have these parts written out in a kind of schedule that I'm still trying to figure out. I'll update you guys on it later, but anyways, I wanna ask, what do you guys think so far? Go ahead and tell me what you think so far in the comments below.

Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed. Make sure to keep a heads up for future parts and chapters. Thank you once again and I'll see you all soon. Ciao!!

1089 words... lol, I'll see you all later :D

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