The Beginning

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Before I continue with the story of Bravesinger, I just want to note that this is my own fantasy world about the sandbox game Minecraft and my in-game character, I one day wish that I can make an entire YouTube series on this story but I'm working up to it, and I wanted to add that this is one of my first stories on Wattpad, so it might be weird, since I'm still new to the app. Also, please no hate, I don't want to get any hate comments on my first Minecraft story. And thank you for reading my story, I appreciate it. Thank you.

"Ugh. Another day has started. Man, I wish I could stay in bed and not worry about life." Bravesinger started her day as usual, trying to get out of bed. She lives in a small village that is only one out of 5 other villages living under a monarchy. A really bad one to be exact. The royal blood has been lost forever and just about anyone can take over.

...Hmph, I'm sure I can definitely take over as queen if I wanted to, but meh, it's too much work... if dealing with a small village where you're pretty much hated is too much, I wouldn't stand a chance to rule five villages just like this one...
thought Bravesinger as she rubs her eyes still lying in bed.

"BRAVESINGER!! What in the world are you doing?!?! I've been waiting for you FOREVER!!" yells a woman from Bravesinger's door.

She gets out of bed. "Yeah, yeah, I heard you. What do you want now?" yelled back Bravesinger sticking her head out her bedside window.

"You said you'd build me a new stall in the market for me." said the woman as if it were a command.

"Umm, 1.) I never said anything about building you anything today, and 2.)You are capable of building it yourself. Stairs, wool, and fences. Simple as that. You don't need me to build it."

"But you're the village carpenter!!"

Bravesinger face palmed in frustration. "I never said I was the village carpenter, god, people need to understand that, especially you Mrs.Jenkins."

"But you always build everything for everyone else in the village. Heck, look at your house, it's at the top of a hill with 2 stories. 2 STORIES!!!"

"Yeah, I built the plaza and the library because they were real orders from the actual Lord of the village. Not from you nagging and begging. My house was also built in my extra time. I wanted a real place to stay. Not living a household for one. I also got paid. You say you'll pay me back later for your sheep pen and your back plot, but it looks like now you owe me, hmm... 5 diamonds."


"Woah, chill out lady, the day I stepped in this village, I was a refugee. Keep in mind, I was only 6 years old and no one would take me in, just because I was 'a trouble maker' back then, I'm not responsible for what I 'supposedly' did to your farm, and I'm not responsible for what you ask me to build either." Bravesinger knew that a simple 'no' won't  get Mrs.Jenkins to go away, so she had to come up with something to get her to leave.

"I, um, I'm busy anyways today... yeah, busy..." said Bravesinger in a weird tone.

"Oh really?" said the woman. Bravesinger could tell she's not convinced. "Tell me then, why are you so, 'busy' today, Bravesinger?"

"Well, I'm... I'm adding a third layer to my house. Yeah, that's what I'm doing!!"

"Why would you need a third layer  to your house, huh? You already have 2 stories, when what most villagers have is just a one-story house." she complained even more.

"Well, I've had issues with mobs roaming around my house at night, which is keeping me up at night, so I'm going to build me a training rink at the top of my house. I can practice my fighting skills, since the guards won't let me use their practice dummies. Also, if I have to, I can defend my home with a bow and arrow, I'll have a shooting range from a top my house." said Bravesinger hoping that the woman would fall for it, at the same time thinking that it was a pretty good idea.

"Hmm, well then. If you are to build yourself a training rink, why haven't you started? I want to see you build it."

"Well I, um, need more supplies. I'm going to get some more materials now." said Bravesinger nervously as she tried to remember if she had any diamonds left.

"Well then, I guess I'll see you in the village in a few minutes then." The woman walked away and into the local market with a stride of frustration. Once she was out of sight, Bravesinger started to search her house for diamonds so she can actually get supplies.

"Oh come on, I KNOW I have some somewhere. Damn it!  I actually needed more wood and cobble, and if I plan to build that new rink, I need double. Ugh, I should have gotten that witch to pay me back with building materials instead of money she claims to not have. I also can't just leave and go get building materials myself in the outskirts of the village without getting in trouble. Ugh. I'm gonna have to risk it then, don't I?"

Bravesinger searched her house one last time again to look for any diamonds that are hidden. She only found 3.

"No, come on. I'm going to need way more than just 3 diamonds...., I'm going to have to go get the wood and stone myself, don't I? But if I get caught, the Lord will question me for suspicious doing, and he'll even have Mrs.Jenkins on his side. All she wants is for me to leave."

Bravesinger pondered to herself.
"Well I have the tools to go mine myself, but then there's the risk of getting caught, and I'm not on the guards' good side. There's also Mrs.Jenkins and she's expecting to see me at the market. Hmm, I can maybe go into the forest and my secret cave, then to the market and socialize. I know one person that will help me in a sticky situation."

Bravesinger then packed her stuff to go off into the wilderness. She snuck out from the back of her house so no one will see her. After, Bravesinger ran into the woods.

"Well, hopefully I get back in one piece, I'm not going to want to get into a fight..." said Bravesinger to herself as she headed to her secret resource cave. "Ah, there you are sweet old pal" said Bravesinger when she approached the cave. Once inside the familiar darkness, Bravesinger got to work. She spent half an hour getting the needed materials. Once she left the cave, she went on the search for oak trees. Once she spent an hour out in the forest, she headed back to her house on the hill.

Her Cairn Terrier, Tadavo, was waiting for her at the door.

"Well, look at who finally woke up. You were getting more sleep without me, eh?" said Bravesinger as she placed down her pickaxe. Bravesinger then put all her stuff away and grabbed her three diamonds and headed to the village with Todavo.

There, she headed into the plaza which was crowded with merchants and villagers. Mrs.Jenkins was nowhere to be seen, which relieved Bravesinger, but at the same time made her worry a bit.

She could have seen me come back from the woods and she could be telling the Lord where I've been....

Bravesinger was soon brought out of her thoughts when she heard a friendly voice.

"Hey Bravesinger!!" yelled Night Star, Bravesinger's best friend. Bravesinger started to head her way to Night Star's market stall. She was cooking something and it smelled delicious.

Oh man, I was so focused on getting out and back in the village without no one noticing, I completely forgot about breakfast.

Bravesinger's stomach grumbled. Todavo looked hungry too.

"Hey Brave, how are you? And how about you Todavo?" said Night Star with a spatula at hand.

"We're starving. I couldn't help but notice you were cooking that lamb we got from that merchant in the village of Ramlett. Oh my lord,  I must have..." blurted out Bravesinger before she could realize what she said.

"Oh, sorry, I'm just really hungry and I just, blacked out for a second. Sorry, I know I should... yeah..." apologized Bravesinger looking at her feet.

Night Star chuckled. "You don't have to apologize. I understand that you react like that when your hungry."

"Hey, I don't 'react' in any way possible at alll.... oh wait, I'm doing it right now, am I?" said Bravesinger in embarrassment.

"Yep, but hey, I can't be mad at you. We're best friends." replied Night Star as she started to take out some plates. "In fact, I'm pretty hungry too. Wanna join me on my lunch break?" asked Night Star as she started to place some cooked lamb on each plate.

"Lunch? But it's only 11:37 a.m." said Bravesinger as she giggled at her friend.

"Yeah, let's just call it breakfast." said Night Star with a big smile on her face.

Bravesinger helped Night Star take the plates to a near by picnic table in the middle of the plaza. They ate together and had a good time just talking. Todavo would often bug the girls at their feet so they would give him bits of food.

"Oh Todavo, here, you can have this piece." said Bravesinger as she cut off a small piece of cooked lamb and placed it on the ground next to the hungry Cairn Terrier.

"I don't know if I asked before, but why did you name your dog 'Todavo'?" asked Night Star as she pointed to the small black dog.

"Well, since he's a Cairn Terrier, and he kinda matched Toto's description from 'Wizard of Oz,' but also, I have a friend that whenever I think of Toto, I think of him. So I combined their names. To-dav-o. I put the first three letters in my friend's name in the middle of Toto." explained Bravesinger.

(A/N this is a true story, no, I don't have a Cairn Terrier, but when ever I think of Wizard of Oz, I think about my friend. Long story short, I think he might have played a character named Toto in a play we were in together. The play was sort of based around Wizard of Oz, well, name wise at least... it had nothing to do with Wizard of Oz now that I think of it...)

"That's cool." said Night Star, "Oh no, looks like we got company..." said Night Star in a ticked off voice, as she pointed to Mrs.Jenkins walking towards them.

"Night Star, Bravesinger. Good day. Bravesinger, I suppose you started on your house." said Mrs.Jenkins in a snotty attitude.

"Not yet, but I'm consulting ideas with Night Star." said Bravesinger as she looked over to meet with Night Star's eyes.

"Wait, um..." replied Night Star in confusion over what's going on. Night Star saw Bravesinger look her into the eyes.

Help me. Follow along. Please...

Night Star did as she was told.

"Yeah, hey, I just thought of an idea, what if you dedicate a room in the middle of the floor to the weapons and armor while the rest, the outer part, is your shooting range. Yeah?"

Night Star covered her mouth as if she just said a swear word.

Bravesinger's eyes widened in surprise.

Wow, I mean, I was basically asking a favor with my eyes, but I never told her anything about me building a shooting range. That was oddly specific...

"That's a great idea, you know what, you wanna come over so you can show me the dimensions? I think I should ask you about all that, because, honestly, I wouldn't have thought of that." said Bravesinger as she started to speak with her eyes again.

How did you know that??

Night Star stayed quiet about Bravesinger's question, but she did say, "Sure, I'd love to come over. You can ask me anything you want."

Mrs.Jenkins was giving the two girls a look. Bravesinger looked into her eyes and could read her eyes.

I'll be watching you two...

Mrs.Jenkins walked away from the Bravesinger and Night Star. Todavo looked up while chewing on his last piece of cooked lamb, clueless about the conversation that just took place.

"Should we get headed to your place now?" asked Night Star with wide eyes. Bravesinger saw the tension in Night Star's eyes.

What's wrong? You look like you just saw a ghost...


Everyone in the market looked at them. They were the center of attention. Soon, all the eyes left the scene one by one.

"Let's just go, okay?" said Night Star blushing at her actions.

Bravesinger took the plates back to Night Star's market stall as Night Star started to pack her things up. She put a sign up that read, and I quote: Out Fishing, Be Back Soon

The girls and Todavo walked to Bravesinger's house on the hill. Bravesinger thought of what happened in the village.

What just happened? I get that apparently my puppy eyes worked, but from what I understand is that it worked... too well...?

Bravesinger looked up from the ground, only to see that Night Star was still looking at her feet.

"So, um, if you don't mind me asking, what the heck happened back there?!?" asked Bravesinger once they were away from any villagers who could eavesdrop on their conversation.

"I-I don't... k-know..." stuttered Night Star.

"My first question is, how did you know I was building a shooting range in the first place? Yeah, I gave you the eyes, but I never even mentioned a shooting range."

"W-Well, y-your e-eyes t-told me ever-ything..."

"I've never heard you stutter before. What's wrong, and how did I tell you with my eyes?"

"I looked to your eyes and, they were changing color, and-"

"Wait, changing color??"

"No, it's was changing in between different shades of purple, anyways, it was, like you were speaking to me..."

"I mean, well I was trying to give you puppy eyes without causing too much attention, but all I asked was to follow my lead, but where the hell did you get 'shooting range' from?!?"

"Well, I, don't know... I felt like as if I lost control of my mouth. I never knew you were building a shooting range of some kind, until that moment. I also now know that your doing this to get Mrs.Jenkins of your tail, right?"

"Do you have telekinesis powers? Are you hiding something from me?" asked Bravesinger starting to form a smile on her face, waiting for a childish response from Night Star.

"No, but are you hiding ANYTHING AT ALL from ME!?!" said Night Star raising her voice and stopping in her tracks.

"What the hell are you taking about?"

"You. Can. Speak. With. Your. Eyes.
Since when?"

"Speak with my eyes?

"I swear. It's like I could hear you speaking to me. You said, 'Help me. Follow along. Please...' and I automatically knew, like as if you told me a million times before, that you wanted to get Mrs.Jenkins off of your back, so you lied about building a third floor to your house. Also...[she gasps] y-you, you left the village! Just for oak wood?!?"

"Okay, now you are freaking me out..."

"Bravesinger, y-your eyes..." Night Star stuttered even more, looking into Bravesinger's eyes.

"What? WHAT'S WRONG?!?"

"Let's get to your house, NOW!!"

Night Star grabbed Bravesinger's wrist and pulled her up to her house on the hill. It was starting to get dark outside.

Wait, it's gettingdark already?? I thought it was only noon... I swear, time is zooming by...

The girls and Tadavo ran up the hill and rushed into the house. Once they were in, Night Star closed the door shut and placed a block in front of it.

"Night Star, what the hell?!?! Don't just push me into my own house and block off the door. Tell me. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG?!?!" exclaimed Bravesinger.

"Bravesinger, I've known you forever, but when did you ever think about telling me?" asked Night Star sounding like a mother.

"Tell you what?!? I have no clue what you're taking about!"

"Bravesinger... your hands..."

Bravesinger looked down at her hands.

They were turning pitch black...

It's here!! Bravesinger: The Story Behind The Name is finally here!! I'm so proud that I finally got it out (though probably what I'm going to do is not post it until I got part 2 written). I've been writing for over a week now. I've been thinking about this story for such a long time now, and thanks to GavinsWorld, I found Wattpad. Without her, I would still be thinking about how I want to find another way to share mine and Bravesinger's story.

So just a few stuff before I go to start writing part 2, I just wanted to reassure that part 2 isn't going to be as long as this part. I guess that's what happens when you're a big mouth. You write a lot too...  (I wrote just over 3000 words, including any of my notes... yeah)
Anyways, I'll try to make part 2 shorter, I just wanted to get as much information and story detail out in part 1.

Also, if it seems to have gotten weird anywhere in there, I'm sorry, I just had a writer's block. There was school and I also just couldn't sleep at all. But now that I got the rest I needed, I managed  to finish part 1.

I'm just proud of this, I finally get to share my creative side and stories in another way without being scared of the thoughts of people. I know that the community here is great, or it might be the communities I've seen. Meh, anyways, I'm glad to finally get this out.

Hope you guys enjoyed. Make sure to keep a heads up for future parts and chapters. Thank you once again and I'll see you all soon. Ciao!! :D

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