Qibli Pov

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"Hey Qibli, can you go collect the mail," asks Thorn as there a knock at the door.

Qibli walks towards the door and receives a box full of mail.

"Here Thorn," he says.

She starts sorting the mail.

"25 fan mail, 6 community improvement, 1 assassination attempt failed, some newspaper and oh Qibli, this one's for you, it says Winter on the front," said Thorn

For some reason he flelt his heart jump at the name Winter.

Awwww! I think I miss my idiot clawmate. Or....is it something more. Do I....have a crush on Winter.

Nahhhh! Qibli, stop being so stupid. He slapped himself on the head. Then he opened the letter.

Dear Qibli,

I miss you.

I miss everything. 

My house got burned down, my scavenger sanctuary closed.

I have nothing left for me in this life. Except you. Can I ...stay with you for a while.

Then it went on and on about all these other thing but it was that line 'Except you' that got him thinking. Did Winter like Him back? He clutched the letter and squealed.

"Since when did you become a fan girl. What is in that letter," asked an amused Thorn.

Qibli blushed and ran out of the room.

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