Winter Pov

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Winter walked across stony pathways, towards his cottage house. 

Uhhh! Why is the walk so long to get to my house.

He turns the corner to see smoke in the distance.

Huh? What the hell! My house is that way!?!

He started running. It was getting harder and harder to breath.  Bits of rusted smoky metal were flying through the air.

"Coff coff," a small dragon was coffing in the distance. Winter ran up to see a small Skywing curled up. He was burnt badly from the fire. A piece of burned metal has fallen on his leg. Winter ripped the metal off. The kid just sat there and stared at him.

"What the heck are you doing- GET OUT OF HERE," He yelled.

The dragonet looked startled but got up and ran. Winter pushed forwards to see his whole district on fire-including his house.

"No...all my belongings," he whispered.

(Time skip to the next day)

Winter got up. Tired and restless from the night before. He looked around him. He had stayed in Riptide's house for the night.

"Hey winter, are you alright," asked Riptide as he walked into the room.

"I'm fine.... It's none of your business anyway," snapped Winter as he ran out of the room. Riptide just shrugged and rolled his eyes.

I can take care of myself. I don't need some idiot looking after me. I don't need my house, I still have my-

He stopped as he got to his scavenger sanctuary. There was a yellow notice on the door. 

This Establishment Has Been Put Under Notice By The Protection Of Humans Association

By order of the council all humans must be removed by 16/7/23. If not they must be removed by force.

This is under decree by Lapis, deputy chief of the association.

Oh crap. Not the stupid human hippies. They are fine here. They need me. No...thats a lie. I need them.

He sighed and unlocked the gate, letting them all run free. One tear dripped down his snout.

They were all I I have nothing. Maybe....I can write to my friends. Moon, Qibli, kinkajou, Turtle even.... peril.

He walked to a local store and bought a blank scroll and ink.

*sigh* now to begin my letter...

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