The Pale City

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"ladies first" you jokingly say, Mono enters in and you can swear you heard him chuckle you enter behind him.

You take a look around the roof of the tower trying to find another way down, a couple of minutes ago you and mono exited the air vent and it had led you directly outside now you were both looking for a way down luckily no problems had arisen. You feel a presence behind you "so how did you get here?" Mono asks, "I took that wire from that building but it isn't exactly the safest route, look what it did to my hands" mono looks down at your hands seeing the fresh burn marks, you can here him make a small 'ouch' as he looks away and walks to another area,"Hey!" Mono caught your attention you headed over to where he was looking at what he was pointing was a broken cable making a perfect escape rope.

Halfway down the wire your hands started pounding you made a slight grunt which caught Mono's attention "you doing ok?" He yelled "fancy" you yelled back "don't worry we're almost down" you bit your lip holding back the pain as you continued climbing down, when you were almost at the ground you heard Mono get off the rope landing on something soft so you decided to try your luck and let go of the rope, "Hey the grounds surprisingly not that ba- WHAT ARE YOU-" you cut mono off as you landed next to him on your feet "and I stick the landing" "You are crazy" mono responds crossing his arms "tell me something I don't know, I once had to bite my way out of a box!" You respond, Mono laughs as he starts making his way down from the pile of clothes you following in tow.

"So which way is your shelter?" Mono asks
"Well i know that the fastest way to get there is through the ground and the nearest shortcut will be through the shops in the plaza then we can cut through he TV shop and that should leave us at-" Mono cuts you off "What about through the roofs, I mean wouldn't that be faster since we wouldn't have to sneak through anywhere?"
"Or that yeah we can try that sure!" You answer as you make your way on top of a pile of boxes. You don't realize that mono let out a sigh of relief.

"So, why where you at the signal tower?" Mono asks as you help him reach the lever to the gate, you both make your way towards the end of the roof "well I-" but suddenly you were cut off by the sound of metal breaking and a body falling from above "Shoot!" You yelped as you grab Mono's hand and duck behind a barrel and boxes, you take a peek seeing that a balcony on the next building was full to the brim of viewers falling over the now broken railing.

A TV that was hanging from a electrical wire had been turned on attracting the viewers from the balcony, some had made it on the roof you and mono were in while the unfortunate ones landed to their death.
"Who the heck could've turned on that TV?" You whisper to Mono, he responded with a shrug, you continue looking over seeing that a vent was on the building with the balcony only problem was it was closed in which then you would need to find something to open it with so you and mono could jump inside it. You look around spotting some clothing wires on the floor tiptoeing away from your hiding space you here Mono whispering "what are you doing?", you grab wire hanger and bended into the shape of a hook, you turn back to Mono and point at the vent in which he finally catches on to what you were doing he makes his way towards you quietly you both make your way towards the vent hooking the wire on  the door you both start pulling until, the TV had shut off grabbing the attention of the viewers towards the both of you, "HURRY!" Mono yells as you both pull harder on the hook eventually the door falls off as the both of you jump inside the vent, watching the viewers fall off the roof.

After exiting the vent you and Mono carefully slid down the roof landing safely on the ground "come on we're close" you reassure Mono as you see him taking a breather "yeah" he eventually answers straitening back up.

Catching up to you, you enter through hole on a brick wall "um so where are we?" Mono asks following behind you "the train station, it hasn't been in service for a long time"
"Oh" Mono replies as he climbs over the railroads keeping up with your step, eventually you both reach some train carts.

"C'mon I'll give ya a boost" you say as you approach a open train wagon. You proceed to put a knee on the ground making a improvised staircase, "you sure?" Mono asks "yeah come on, I'm already used to making a head start jump on to it", Mono goes ahead and uses your knee as a step and gets up on the cart, meanwhile you walk a little back taking a running start and leaping into the cart smacking into some suitcases behind Mono he lets out a small yelp "Shesh are you ok?" He quickly asks running up to you, you quickly stand up dusting yourself off "yeah why wouldn't I be?" Mono responds scrunching up his face "you just smacked into the suitcases like a dummy!" He says
"You're a dummy!" You answer as you run over to a stack of suitcases

Above the stack of suitcases was a open emergency door, you start climbing the side of the suitcases with Mono following behind. Climbing on top of the roof you walk over to the end of the cart, "so how far are we now" Mono asks trailing behind you "are you gonna ask every 5 minutes?" You ask
"Good cause we are here" Mono looks up at you "what?" You shake your head in response and point towards the wall.

A cloth hung from the side covering a area of the wall, you walk over to it and raise the cloth revealing a hole in the wall which lead to a bucket.

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