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A cloth hung from the side covering a area of the wall, you walk over to it and raise the cloth revealing a hole in the wall which lead to a bucket.

Mono watches the ground focusing on a little pebble and seeing how slowly it becomes smaller and smaller, he looks back seeing you pull on a rope, lifting you both from the ground, he follows the rope looking up at the high ceiling seeing a pulley, "pretty cool huh? I made it myself. There was this one time where I got stuck on top of an elevator and I started studying how it worked" you respond, Mono looks back at your face raising an eyebrow, "how'd you get out of the elevator" you stop pulling on the rope looking at him "what happens in the elevator stays in the elevator" you reply nonchalantly looking at Mono straight in the eyes, Mono simply nods at your response. despite your sense of humor having become one of the weirdest his come across, there was an odd charm to it, it made him feel like he was safe, as stupid as it may sound in the twisted world they lived in. suddenly his thoughts were cut off by a small thud and your voice saying that you both had arrived.

You pulled the cloth from the entrance, "welcome to my paradise" you jokingly say as you walk inside.

Mono looks around theirs a fireplace to his right and by the side of the fireplace there was a bed. There was couch on the left, and he could see a hallway on the right that's when his eyes caught on the big windows. You put your jacket on the bed and go over to the fireplace, as you're putting in some logs, you hear Mono 'wow' at the view from the window. "How?" Mono asks as you get up on the chest next to him "scavenging and surviving pay off sometimes" you respond, "and a butt ton of luck", you get down from the chest and open it, taking out somethings. 

Mono hears glass and cloth, he looks back as you place somethings on top of your bed, "what are you doing?" he asks "fixing your hand remember", you point to the couch, he gets the signal and jumps off the desk sitting down on the couch, he watches you walk off to the hallway and come back with a bucket and a small jar of water, "hand" you state putting your hand out, Mono takes a minute and slowly reaches out his hand, "come on I don't bite" you reply with a chuckle as you gently take his hand pouring water over it to clean off the dirt and blood. As you reach back grabbing the disinfectant, you take a minute and study his face again, now in the more decent lighting of the fire, you watch as his eyes are glued to your hand holding his, the light of the flames danced on his face, his eyes connect with yours, "sorry couldn't help it, I haven't seen anyone in such a long time" you softly reply "its ok, I understand", you finish bandaging Mono's hand when he suddenly tugged on your wrist before you could pull away, " what about yours?" he questions "pardon?" "Your hands" you look down at your hands remembering the wounds from a couple of hours ago "oh, I'll just wash them don't worry" you reply, he begrudgingly let go of your wrist as he watches you walk away with the bucket and jar back into the hall, he sits back on the couch watching the flames, when was the last time he had felt this calm.

You emerge back from the hallway shaking your hands, you walk over to the chest and pull out something that's wrapped in a cloth. Mono watches you unfold the cloth revealing a loaf of bread, he watches you split it in half as you walk over to him, "here" you say as you hand him the bread, you walk back over to the chest pulling on one the stools that were beside it, you use it to get up on the chest and sit on the window seal, you look back at Mono and motion for him to come and pat the space beside you, he follows and sits beside you nibling on the bread.

He watches you pull out a notebook and write something down and put it away, you continue eating, "so why where you at the signal tower" this time you ask Mono, you see him almost choke on the bread and look at you, he gulps down the lump of bread on his throat " I can't remember" he replies he watches your face seeing a little bit disappointed, "it's ok" you reply as you turn back to the window. 

Mono is about to say something when you are both caught off by the sound of something tapping on the window, you both look down at the bottom of the right window seeing a crow tapping on the glass. Mono watches as you open the window and drop some breadcrumbs below, "that's cool" he replies "yeah they always come around this time" soon Mono hears tapping on his side of the glass as two more crows gather in front of it, he takes some breadcrumbs and throws them out the window.

However, both of you fail to realize, theirs a figure watching both of you from the building across.

As the soft light of the sun shone through the thin curtains, Mono lets out a groan from the annoying wake up call. He gets up not recognizing his surrounding, it takes him a minute to realize before finally looking for you in the last place you were. You're not on your bed, mono gets off the couch to look for you, seeing as you weren't anywhere around him, it led him to go through the hallway which he had yet to explore. He can hear some clinking and decides to follow it. As he walks down the hall, he sees to his left a bathroom and to the other side there were some bookcases he eventually finds the door where he hears the sound coming from, placing his hand gently on the door he pushes it open revealing a horrifying site, you tinkering with a TV set.

"What are you doing?" he asks a little hint of appall in his voice, "well good afternoon to you too" you reply a little startled "anyways if it ain't obvious I'm fixing this thing", "yes but why?" Mono asks a little forcibly "well I need to get this channel where I can find some coordinates", you can see the clear  confusion on Mono's face, you let out a sigh "theirs this group of survivors called The Hope, they are constantly moving around and they always leave coordinates for their next locations so others can join them", Mono crosses his arms looking at you "and you don't think they are lying?" this time it's your turn to be confused "why would they need to lie about something like that?" Mono huffs "what if it's a trap?" he asks, "it isn't a trap" " but what if they are-" "No!" Mono gets cut off by your shout and the sound of things falling over, he hears you sigh deeply "it isn't a trap, I know it" you softly reply standing up. Mono takes a step back letting you walk out the room, he rubs his arm while following you with his eyes down the hallway, he looks back at the TV, a shiver runs down his spine as he turns around stopping when he spots the previous bookcase now on the ground.

Mono finds you looking down at the chest looking for something, "is everything o-" he gets cut off by you " I need to go out and look for more supplies" you state as you get off the ground shutting the chest as you make your way to grab your jacket "You can stay if you want, just make sure not to go through any windows tha-" " I'm coming with you" Mono firmly answers.

Mono helps you hop off the train platform.
You both start making your way to the exit, when you stop to hear a rumbling noise. you both dodge down under a cart, as you can see in the distance a train cart starts to move. "That doesn't make any sense the train station has been shut off for years" you whisper, you both start to get out from under the cart when suddenly mono pushes you back down under "what?" he makes a shushing noise when you finally hear it.

The pattering of someone running towards you. Looking behind you, you can see small feet running towards the now Moving cart in the distance, you and mono quickly look at each other before you slip out of Mono's hand, which you hadn't realize had been holding yours, you roll out from under the cart to chase after the figure
"what the heck are you doing?" you hear mono whisper behind you as he chases after you. 

You arrive too late. Seeing the figure jump on the cart you hear Mono stop beside you panting heavily, "What were you thinking-", Mono gets cut off by something smacking  his face you look back to see it was some kind of rag but return your gaze quickly towards the now leaving cart seeing the small figure press their hands against the back window. "Look its some kind of cloak?" you hear Mono say as you look back seeing what he was holding, a gasp is cut on your throat.
It's the symbol of The Hope.

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