Chapter 2: Reevaluation

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Pacifica headed down the stairs, but heard Grunkle Stan and Dipper were discussing something between each other, and decided to eavesdrop.

She sat down on one of the steps, and listened to the two talk...

"We can't just send her back." Dipper spoke in a convincing manner, "Her parents would never let her hear the end of this."

"So what? That's not your problem, and she needs to fight her own battles. Not drag others into the fire." Grunkle Stan stated.

Pacifica felt worried. She didn't think she was that much of a burden on them, but she didn't want to go back with her parent's. On top of them being controlling, dictative and downright selfish, they weren't very forgiving either. If she went home, who knows what kind of punishment awaited her.

Dipper was also well aware of how controlling and dominant Pacifica's parents were over her, and he felt they would make a bad decision just to send her back to them.

"Can't we just... let her stay until Friday?" Dipper offered.

"Until Friday? I dunno..." Stan considered.

"I just want to help Pacifica." Dipper said.

"Help her? How?"

"However I can. She can't face her parents alone, and I'm not going to stand by as you send her back to a heartless family!"

Grunkle Stan sighed, "Fine, kid. She has until Friday, and then she's gone."

"Thanks, Grunkle Stan. I promise, she won't bug you too much."

Pacifica smiled. She had a feeling that Dipper didn't want her to leave for a different reason than he lead on. As Grunkle Stan finished his conversation with Preston Northwest on the other line, Pacifica strolled down with a smirk on her face.

"What're you so happy about?" Dipper asked.

"Oh, nothing, Dip-head." Pacifica stated playfully.

"Alright, well, I got some good news for you!" Dipper stated.

"What, that you convinced your 'Gruncle' to let me stay until Friday?" Pacifica said.

"Y-yeah, how'd you..." Dipper cut off his own sentence, deciding it wasn't very important, "Anyway, for the next week you're going to get in-touch with your inner personality, and I promise by the end of the week, you won't even recognize yourself in the mirror!"

"As if I'm not perfect already?" Pacifica gloated, whipping her hair back.

"Well, I wouldn't put it like that, but..." Dipper said, trying to formulate the best way in his head to say this without being insulting, but he was cut off anyway by Pacifica pulling his hat down over his eyes playfully.

"Let's just do this, come on!" Pacifica exclaimed, as she headed up the stairs.

Dipper followed close behind, but soon was stopped when Pacifica stopped and turned her head back to Dipper to say, "Oh, yeah, and Dipper?"

"Yeah, Pacifica?"

"Thanks for letting me stay." Pacifica said, and they both exchanged smiles.

Pacifica and Dipper headed back up to the Attic to prepare for the re-evaluation of Pacifica's Life.

"Alright, Pacifica. Let's go over the basics, what are you interested in?" Dipper asked, holding a clipboard with a piece of paper with "Pacifica" written on the top.

"Oh, a lot of stuff. Makeup, Fancy Dresses, Classical music..." Pacifica started rattling off, but was cut off by Dipper.

"Ooookay, what about some more specific things? Maybe, What's your favorite color?" Dipper asked.

"Favorite color? Whichever one is in-style right now, obviously." Pacifica answered.

"Alright, if it were up to you, what color would you pick to be 'In-style'?" Dipper asked.

"I... Don't know, I never thought about that. Maybe... Green? No, no, blue... No, red! Wait, I like green now..." Pacifica stumbled over her words as she tried to come up with answers.

"Okay, maybe we'll just put this aside for now," Dipper said, ripping off the paper he had on the Clipboard. "Let's move on to the next exercise to learning more about your personal identity."

They both head outside of the Mystery Shack, Dipper holding a Golf Ball in one hand and a putter in the other.

"So, how's Golf going to help me learn more about myself?" Pacifica asked.

"You'll see, just use the Putter to hit the ball onto the target." Dipper explained, pointing towards a bullseye target on the Totem Pole.

Pacifica nodded, despite not understanding what this is supposed to mean. She revs up her shot, and then, as hard as she could...


The Ball goes flying straight past the Totem Pole, barely even grazing the target.

"How'd I miss? I've had years of practice, I totally should've hit that!" Pacifica roared.

"What does it matter? The point of a game is to have fun, not to win." Dipper explained.

"It's not fun losing, though." Pacifica stated.

"You're thinking about it too much, even if you miss a million times, all that matters is the time you spend here. Who you spend it with, just have fun with it!" Dipper said, taking the putter and pulling another Golf Ball from his pocket. He strikes the ball with the putter aiming it nowhere near the Target.

Pacifica watched the ball ricochet off a tree, the roof of the Shack, the Golf Cart, and many other things until it finally hit the paper the Target was on.

"Woah... how'd you do that?" Pacifica wondered, with a look of awe.

"Oh, it was easy. Let me show you." Dipper said, going over to reclaim the two balls he brought. He returned shortly after, dropping the ball on the ground.

"You know how they say 'Keep your eyes on the prize'? Don't do that. Aim for that tree right behind the Pole." Dipper explained, pointing towards a large pine tree.

Pacifica, in a slight panic, hit the ball while barely registering where she was hitting it. The Ball followed a similar path that Dipper's ball went, but this time it only hit the area above the Target.

"That was awesome!" Pacifica cheered.

"You see? You didn't even hit the target, but that was still great!" Dipper said, "I'm gonna go get more balls."

The two spent the next few hours just hitting Golf Balls at the target, coming up with new ways of hitting and aiming.

After hours of hitting Balls and retrieving them, they both take a break. They both sit down, leaning against the Totem Pole.

"I never knew that game could be played for fun... I always played it so competitively, I guess I forgot how to really have fun." Pacifica admitted.

"Yeah..." Dipper said, yawning, "Man, how long were we doing that?" Dipper asked, looking up at the sky. It was a deep orange, signifying sunset.

"It's that late already?" Pacifica said, only now realizing the time, "Time sure does fly."

"Yeah..." Dipper said again.

Pacifica looked at Dipper, who seemed to be enjoying the sunset in the deep woods. Pacifica had to admit that the sunset inside the woods was much different, and even a bit more beautiful, than at her Family Manor.

Pacifica shifted closer to Dipper, and then Dipper shifted closer to Pacifica. They were side-by-side, shoulder to shoulder. Watching the sun set over the horizon.

Even though neither would admit it, both Dipper and Pacifica felt that that they were with each other made this moment even better.

But what neither noticed, was that there was an onlooker watching them from behind the bushes, who didn't want to ruin such a moment. It was Mabel Pines, who just now returned from hanging out with her friends. While she can say she was a bit surprised at first, she soon became excited and grinned very wide. She sat there and watched as the two 'Lovebirds' sat beside each other in silence.

Each and every one of Mabel's Summer Romances were a failure, but it would be a cold day in hell if she'd let Dipper lose this Summer Romance.

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