Chapter 3: Repayment

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Dipper and Pacifica headed in afterwards, when the sun fell beyond the line of visible sight. Pacifica went about her own business, while Dipper headed back upstairs into his room. He was spending so much with with Pacifica, he nearly forgot about his research on the Journals.

Dipper opened the door to her room, and saw his Twin Sister laying on her bed. She looked up, and when she saw Dipper she immediately sat up, smiling brightly.

"Hey, Mabel. You have a good day?" Dipper asked, grabbing the Journal.

Mabel nodded, "Yeah, yeah, but let's talk about your day. From what I 'Heard', you spent a lot of time with Pacifica!"

"Oh, yeah. Recently, she's just seemed less... awful than she normally is." Dipper stated, flipping through the Journal passively.

"Oh, yeah? You suuuure that's not because of any specific reason?" Mabel asked in a singsong manner.

"It's probably because I've never actually interacted with Pacifica this personally before. In fact, she's pretty unique for who she is." Dipper explained.

"Ooooooohhh..." Mabel said while rising slowly from behind Dipper.

"What? Why're you saying that?" Dipper asked, seeming confused.

"I think Someone is in looooooove!" Mabel exclaimed.

"WHAT? No! I don't love Pacifica... I mean, sure, she could be a great friend, but..." Dipper tried to defend himself, but Mabel could read through him like an open book.

"Oh, Dipper, it's alright if you're not ready to admit it yet. But could you PLEEEEEASE not ruin this Summer Romance? All of mine failed, I don't want my bro-bro to go through that heartbreak." Mabel pleaded, pulling out her scrapbook of Summer Romances.

"Ugh... Fine, I won't 'Ruin' it. Despite it not really being there in the first place." Dipper accepted, only doing so because he knew her Sister wouldn't let him hear the end of it if he declined.

"YAAAAY!" Mabel cheered, and hugged Dipper, "Thanks, 'Dip'!"

"D-Dip?" Dipper repeated, hearing that word for a second time.

"I heard Pacifica call you that earlier today, I thought that was your new Nickname." Mabel explained.

"Well, don't call me that. Just call me Dipper." Dipper stated firmly, before he went back to studying the Journal.

Pacifica had to sleep on the uncomfortable couch once more, since there weren't any other rooms for Pacifica to sleep in.

She couldn't sleep. Not just because of the scratchy, cold and hard cushions of the couch, or the constant hum of the Vending Machine just in the other room, but her mind was elsewhere. She had her mind on the future, she knew she couldn't stay here forever. She would return to her parents eventually, and she'd go back to being "Pacifica the Perfect Child". It's not the life she wanted.

She envied the life of Dipper. Not having to worry about such trivial things as their hair, how they dressed, their reputation with the entire town and only having a few friends instead of followers who only liked you for your good looks.

Sometimes, she even wished that she had Mabel's life. It felt like there was nobody closer to Dipper than his Twin Sister.

While she was in her state of panic, she heard the constant click of a pen. It seemed to be coming from upstairs, and the only one who'd be up this late would either be that Goat, or Dipper.

Pacifica sighed, and sneaked her way upstairs to go see Dipper.

Dipper was studying the journal for ciphers and codes, to discover it's secrets. Ford was always so busy during the day, it was difficult to get some one-on-one time with him about these books. So, Dipper put it on himself to solve the Journal's mysteries alone.

He got little sleep, but he didn't let it bother him. It was a necessary sacrifice, as he would put it.

As he was clicking his pen, he heard the stairs creak. Someone was coming upstairs, a strange, new event. Dipper was normally the only one up this late, who could be coming up now at this hour?

Dipper jumped off from his chair, and took out a Flashlight. He slowly turned open the door, and shone the light on Pacifica's face.

"Aaugh! Wait! Stop! It's me!" Pacifica whisper yelled, trying not to wake anyone up.

"Oh, sorry, Pacifica." Dipper said, turning the Flashlight to a dimmer setting, "What're you doing up here this late?"

"I, uh... Well, I could ask you the same thing." Pacifica stated.

"You wouldn't understand, but let's just say it's REALLY important." Dipper explained.

"Dipper, I've seen little Golf Ball People and a Lumberjack Ghost. I think I can understand whatever Midnight Project you're doing." Pacifica reminded Dipper.

"...Alright, fine." Dipper caved in, and gestured for Pacifica to enter his room.

There was a single light illuminating three Journals on a desk, paper with theories and crazy patterns and codes written all over the table.

"You've finally gone mad, haven't you?" Pacifica joked, laughing playfully.

"No, these are the other Journals. I've been studying them for weeks, trying to decipher their secrets." Dipper explained, "I've been up for weeks, but I feel like..."

"For weeks? How do you have any energy to do... anything?" Pacifica wondered.

"Pure willpowe.. Power... " Dipper yawns, but then slaps himself awake, "I'm up! I'm up."

Pacifica felt so bad for Dipper. He got so worked up over these Journals, his own personal health was at stake. Dipper helped her in the past, and now it was time for her to repay the favor.

"Dipper," Pacifica said, closing the Journal he had his head glued in, "You're going crazy over nothing. You need to get your rest."

"Rest is for the weak, Pacifica. The more I stay up, the more... The more I..." Dipper tried to finish his sentence, but was cut off by his yawn.

Pacifica smiled, finding his stubbornness a bit cute. She took Dipper by the shoulders, and guided him to his bed.

Dipper got into bed without much of a struggle, his sleep-deprived mind not even truly registering the situation.

"Goodnight, Dipper." Pacifica said, as Dipper immediately fell into a deep sleep, his body was well needing of one.

She went to turn off the light on Dipper's desk and head back downstairs, but then she saw Dipper sleeping there so peacefully.

She smiled, and as she turned off the light, she laid down on the edge of Dipper's bed. It was much more comfortable than what she was sleeping on downstairs, and getting to sleep alongside Dipper was just icing on the cake.

At this moment, Pacifica's feelings for Dipper were rock-solid. She liked being with Dipper more than anyone she's ever met in her life, and only wanted to spend more time with him.

The next day, the sun rose and Dipper was the first to wake up. He looked around and saw Mabel, still sleeping calmly in her own bed.

But when he saw Pacifica sleeping on the edge of the bed where he was sleeping, while at first he was a bit surprised, he soon flopped over to be facing Pacifica, his head resting on his hands. He kept a steady distance from Pacifica, so he wasn't all up in her face, but so that he would be the first thing she saw when she woke up.

And that's exactly what happened, she woke up to see Dipper's face, fully-rested, eyes half-open and smiling.

"Oh, M-morning, Dipper. Hope you didn't mind me sleeping here, it's just the couch is so uncomfortable and..." Pacifica started to explain, but Dipper stopped her mid-sentence.

"Pacifica...." Dipper began.

"Yeah?" Pacifica replied.

"...Thank you."

Pacifica smiled, and toppled over to give Dipper a big hug. Her returned the gesture, and it was probably the best morning either of them ever had.

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