part : 27

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After talking with Gauri Anika was about to leave their room when dadi called her inside.

"Jii dadi jii. Do you need anything?", Asked Anika softly. Dadi shooked her head and gave her one diary from the drawer. Anika looked toward dadi being confused as no one gives their diary to anyone like this

"This is written by Pinky. Shivaay's mother. She gave me this diary a day before her death.. their death was well planned by her but she asked me to give this to Shivaay's wife if she care about him. I know that you do so read it ", dadi said and caressed Anika's cheeks. Anika smiled and placed her hand on that diary softly

"This is for me? Why? ", Asked Anika

"Because Pinky wanted Shivaay to become a nice person. I know he is but at that time he was a child so she wrote this to make him understand how much his mother suffered. You don't know anything about his past so read it", replied dadi

Anika closed her eyes tightly when she remembered that day when Shivaay told her everything related to his past. If she was in his place then she would have killed herself too but he stayed strong And took care of Priyanka too

"Jii dadi I will read it today", Anika replied and went from there

Anika entered thier room and closed the door lightly because noise may disturb others. Anika turned to see him sleeping because of tiredness. His hands were holding his laptop and his shoes were still not opened. She smiled and placed the diary on the table and moved towards Shivaay. She placed the laptop aside on the table after taking it from his hands and opened his shoes. She was helping him to lay down when Shivaay opened his eyes

"W.. what are you doing?", asked Shivaay sitting back in his place with wide eyes. He made a safe distance between them and asked

"Are you fine", he asked. Anika nodded and covered him with a duvet.

"Nothing just helping you to sleep properly", replied Anika with a smile. Shivaay noticed that Anika arranged his shoes on the rack. After coming back she washed her hands and sat on the bed

"Why? You should have asked me to do the same ", questioned Shivaay. He didn't like when Anika placed his shoes on the rack which was his duty to do so. He thought he will open them after completing work but maybe due to tiredness he slept.

"How can I disturb you? ", Asked Anika while raising her eyebrows. Shivaay shooked his head immediately and answered

"You didn't. Instead, it's good that you woke me up. I have some work left I don't know how I slept", Shivaay said and searched his laptop near him but didn't find anything. He then looked towards the table and found his laptop safe there. He sighed in relief and was about to pick laptop but Anika stopped him

"Every time work is not important Shivaay. Watch your health too. You need rest so sleep. I will not let you do work. Do I have that right?", Asked Anika after placing her hand on the laptop to stop Shivaay from picking the laptop up. She understood from Omru's words that he always skip his meals and sleep due to work but now she will never let him do so. His health is her priority now

"Yes, you have. Ok, will do it in the morning. Can I? Or you will stop me to do that too?", asked Shivaay and layed on the bed again. His eyes are drowsy, he knows he needs sleep so he shrugged off the idea of arguing back 

"Great even I will read this in the morning", replied Anika after picking the diary up to keep it safe in the drawer. Shivaay recognised that diary with one glimpse as this diary was very special to his mother. She never let anyone open this but how can Anika get it then? He thought

"This is my mother's diary hana? Who gave you?", asked Shivaay surprised as he thought his family burnt this diary along with their bodies and other things but no this diary is safe. He walked towards Anika and snatched the diary from her hands. Everything related to his mother is very precious to him

"Dadi. She asked me to read it. It is for me. She was indirectly telling me your past", Anika giggled and tried taking the diary back but Shivaay didn't let her. Anika smiled when she noticed him hugging that diary feeling his mother with him. At least he has a few memories which he can cherish forever. She doesn't want to snatch those moments from him. She is happy that he is happy when he found his mother's diary. She never meet Pinky but she understood one thing from his words that she was a gem

"Hope you didn't tell her that you already know it", Shivaay asked and sat back in bed again. He doesn't want to stand for much time now. His sleep had already gone away when he noticed this precious diary which may contain many precious memories of Pinky

"No how can I but... I wanted your mother to see how her child is. I wish she could come and feel proud of her child", Anika said and sat beside him on the bed. She don't know how to calm him so she placed her hand on his shoulder.. they are married but still not that much comfortable like others to calm each other using closeness.

She thought to make him happy by talking about his character. She wants Pinky to see her child. Even if Pinky can't see him she needs to make Shivaay believe that he is not bad. He should believe that he is different from others

"Really?", asked Shivaay and turned towards Anika who is holding his shoulder. Her touch always gives him the strength to believe in himself. More than her words her actions and her presence make him trust himself. He knows he can be his real self in front of her. She will never feel pity for him

"Yes, Shivaay. Before I used to think that you are not the right person to marry but after knowing you deeply I don't Regret the decision to marry you. Here I can stay with a smile just because of you. If not for your support then I don't think I would have survived here. This environment, everything Is different but I can feel that this is my other family because of you all", said Anika and relaxed in bed. Shivaay smiled understanding the meaning of her words. Whenever she talks about his personality his self-confidence always boosts up. No one was that confident in him except her

"I will make sure you will never", he said

"Yes, I will never. Now sleep", Anika said and pushed him to sleep but Shivaay sat again

"No can I read this diary?", asked Shivaay softly. Anika rolled her eyes as she want to say no but his twinkling eyes asked her to say yes.

"Of course, you can Shivaay let's read it together", replied Anika and adjusted herself near him. She regrets saying yes as because of her he will not be able to sleep again. She thought to pull the diary but his innocent face came into her eyes. She can't stop him when it is his mother's diary

"Can we see this near the poolside? I want to ask you something too", asked Shivaay breaking Anika's thoughts. Anika nodded but immediately shooked her head when she recalled his words

"I am fine here... No need to go somewhere else... Ask anything here", stammered Anika staring pool which scared her. She is scared of water and she knows if she went there then her whole concentration would be on the water rather than on him

"Why?", Asked Shivaay as he noticed her nervous expression. Is she scared of water? He thought

"I am scared of water. I don't want to go there please and if possible we should change our rooms. What if one day our family found us drowning?", Asked Anika nervously. Shivaay was rubbing her back but when he heard about drowning he started laughing

"Haha, do you think you will drown here? In 4 feet of water?  C'mon even a child will walk here freely", Shivaay laughed teasing Anika who glared at him angrily

"One can die..", Anika tried arguing back when Shivaay interrupted her

"Yes but never when depth is just 4 feet", Shivaay laughed pointing his hand towards the poolside Anika slapped him on his shoulder lightly and turned to another side

"Here I told my phobia to you and you are making fun of my phobia. Leave it you will not understand", Anika said being irritated with him. She mostly hide her fear from everyone but she thought to tell him as they have to live here but here he is making fun of her like others which irritated her

"Ok ok. Fine we will talk here fine? But for once you have to come there. You will love that place. I love spending time there", Shivaay said with closed eyes feeling the cold breeze. He imagined himself standing near the poolside where the environment is always cold

Anika turned towards him and looked towards the poolside and then him. If he is praising something then definitely it would be best but she doesn't know how to fight her phobia. Even if they sit far away from the pool her eyes will check the pool every second

"Fine but not now, please. Talk whatever you want but here please", Anika pleaded looking in his eyes with a pout. Shivaay nodded and looked at the diary that his mother used to hide from everyone.

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