part : 37

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"Wait for some time I am not going to sleep yet so will take it after some time", Shivaay said and placed the medicines aside which confused Anika as she just knew that he take his heart medicines not anything else

"These are heart medicines right", Anika suggested. Shivaay nodded and picked up the medicine box again. He can't tell her right now about his bad dreams. This time they are happy and he can't ruin everything himself. He ate heart medicines and placed sleeping medicines below his pillow. He somewhere guessed that Anika will place the box in its place which happened. He sighed as he already took those medicines

"Today I enjoyed Anika. First with your wish as well as gift and then Mohit. Thanks a lot. From tomorrow we have an office now. If you want you can work somewhere else I changed your resume. You can find that inside file in my drawer", Shivaay told. Anika smiled and placed her head on his shoulder. Shivaay hold her hand as well as her shoulder from another hand to protect her from falling down

"Thanks to you too. This is best for me because he ruined my character. There is still a black spot on my character but now I think I should least care if I am already married and getting respect. I just don't want to lose this respect", Anika told

"You will never. Even if you will commit any mistake I will forgive you as you were there for me when I needed the most. I have just one request whatever we talked about should be between us. Never let anyone know about us otherwise I don't know how I would react. So keep this thing in your mind ", Shivaay told her in a serious voice. Anika nodded understanding him and his privacy. She understood from the time he told her regarding his past, that's the reason she didn't let anyone know. Even if in future someone will as her about him and his life either she would skip the topic or will say she doesn't know. Sometimes there are people in front of whom she can't lie but she knows very well that people can understand privacy as well.

"Sure I will never", said Anika assuring him that he can trust her. She knows from his behaviour that he doesn't tell about his things to those people who make fun of things. Even if Omru would react serious in this situation, he stayed quiet maybe because he is scared or something else is the reason. She doesn't care too till they all are laughing together.

"Anyways will you like coffee?", he asked. Anika shooked her head hesitating as she want to have it but just because of fear of water she denied it. She can't stay there alone. Even if he assures her but she can't control her fear which is her weakness

"Ok wait for me then", he said and stand up to go but Anika stopped him and ran behind him

"Wait", she shouted and entered inside room. Shivaay started laughing when he noticed Anika looking toward the water every second from the corner of her eyes. He thought she is not that scared when they were outside but now when he is watching her antics he can feel that she is very scared

"Haha don't be scared. This water is still and will never harm us. What happened to you suddenly? A few minutes ago you were not scared", he asked raising his eyebrows. Anika looked down and set her hair in a bun as her hair was falling on her face. She then took a long breath before giving him an answer

"Yes as that time you were with me. I knew till you are with me nothing much will happen but when you left I thought...", Anika explained her side but Shivaay interrupted her in middle. He gave her a cup of coffee and kissed her forehead. Anika's fear flew away when he said

"Don't worry I will be there",

Her cheeks turned red feeling his lips on her forehead. They do not love birds who show each other every time how they love each other but just a couple whose support and presence tell each other that they are with each other. For her, he is now her peace, whom she can spend her whole life with. A guy who is giving much importance to her efforts

She felt loved when he showed excitement towards her gift. She thought a rich guy will like expensive gifts and may insult her for bringing this but here he valued her which mean a lot. She is very happy that she is getting love from her husband. From the time she started understanding what marriage is, she hoped that maybe she will get someone who will love her. And her wish is completed a long ago

She never hoped for good in-laws as even if in-laws are good they can't change their son but If the son is good then his wife can change the atmosphere with her presence

"Have it", he said and snapped his fingers in front of her eyes to bring her out of her thoughts.

"For you? I can make it take rest", Anika said after placing the coffee mug on the table

"These small things don't matter. I can do my work myself. Instead, I love doing my work myself", he said. Anika nodded and sat on the sofa relaxing. This day was not easy as she was having tasks to complete every decoration as well as other work on time. She is glad that everything went smoothly but now she just wants to relax. She is happy that he is not a guy who needs his wife every time near him, she is happy with the fact that he doesn't think of her as his servant in front of him.

"If you have something in your heart you should tell as sometimes sharing your life with someone lights you up.
I never thought about marriage and honestly never thought that I will be married. But after meeting you I knew you are the one who is meant for me", he said and left out a chuckle when he compared himself with his old self. Anika nodded and smiled hearing him, whenever he told her that she is the one for him her heart start beating very fast. She doesn't want to tell him that she is falling for him but wants him to guess the same as well

"Moreover no girl ever touched my heart as you do every time. No one valued my emotions. I was always an unexpressive guy in front of everyone but don't know why I am unable to control myself. This heart which never told me anything the first time told me that go and talk with her. My inner feelings forced me to talk with you. If you want sleep here", he said after taking his coffee. Anika stands up and holds his hand to stop him from going. Shivaay smiled when Anika said

"Will follow you", her one reply made him feel like yes there are some people who exist who can fight with thier fear for him. He smiled and placed his hand on her softly. He is very impressed by this girl as she is very selfless and is thinking about him and his family without asking something. Even he is not selfish who will enjoy luxury leaving her to suffer

(Pc. Goes to Google as well as the respective owner. If someone owning this picture is on Wattpad please let me know. I just found this gif nice so thought to write this scene using gif)

"You can make decisions as well. If you are not comfortable then don't force yourself. I can sleep here", Shivaay said pointing towards the bed but Anika didn't feel good my denying his wish. She trust him and know he will not let her drown so she walked towards the poolside alone. Walking there was difficult for her as the water was scaring her but once she noticed his smile she got the courage and sat down. Shivaay also entered the poolside after locking the room and slept after taking sleeping medicines

Shivaay woke up with a door-knocking sound and tried waking up when he found her legs upon him. His cheek burns when he slowly frees himself from her. He smiled watching the beautiful smile on her face while sleeping. She truly looks like an angel. He was admiring her when heard another knock and ran towards the door

"That much time?", asked Mohit from him. Shivaay rolled his eyes as he thought he is early but when he looked towards the time he found they are late today when the clock showed 7: 00 AM.

"Yes actually we were talking and we're sleeping near the poolside so didn't hear a knock", Shivaay told. Mohit nodded and asked him if they can talk for some time. Shivaay nodded and walked behind him. There he noticed his wife Nancy reading a book. She closed the book and greeted them with a hii

"She has a habit to read anything she finds out if a newspaper is not there", Mohit told. Shivaay laughed as once it was his habit as well which changed with time. Now half of his habits are changed

"Ask him if he has a habit to eat toffee every day or not. He is grown up but still, he needs to eat something every time 24×7", Nancy complained. Shivaay control himself not to laugh but when Nancy pulled out a handkerchief from Mohit's pocket and many toffees fell he couldn't control himself and his laughter. Just then he noticed Anika behind him. He called her but she excused themselves telling

"Continue guys I will join after some time", she said and left. Shivaay understood something is not well so he excused himself as well

"We will meet you soon", Shivaay said and left from there. He entered thier room and found Anika standing near the mirror. He placed his hand on her shoulder but she jerked him

"Go and laugh with them", she said rudely and picked her dress to leave when he caught her wrist. Her words hurt him but he controlled himself as sometimes our anger overpowers ourselves

"They are here just for a day. I have an office after some time", Shivaay told. Indirectly telling her that he has less time with them as he knows they will not stay here for much time.

"Ohh you remember. Anyways if you want you can ask them to stay here", Anika said in a cold voice and tried jerking herself but Shivaay's hold was tighter

"Not like this. They will leave today", Shivaay said

"Then stop them yourself with love", Anika said in a cold voice and left from there. Shivaay looked at her confused by her behaviour. He felt bad as its the first time they fought and she behaved rudely to him, he want to ask her but is scared what if she replied rudely and said what she should not? He can't keep quiet otherwise she may feel he doesn't care

Hope you are not disappointed with the last scene but this is needed and yes I will update on time'

Happy Dhanteras

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