part : 36

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"Why do think I will like him after some time? I called them for a day. They are no one to me. I just care about my family", Anika said. Shivaay hummed and asked Anika to come out now. Anika smiled and both came inside the hall with a smile. Shivaay dragged her near Mohit and Nancy

"I'm sorry Shivaay and you as well Mrs..?", Mohit said and then turned towards Anika asking her name.

"Anika", Shivaay told and asked Anika to go. Anika shooked her head as she doesn't want to go somewhere alone. Omru and Priyanka are busy. And she will be bored if she started talking with Janvi right now. She already decided that she will spend her time with him today so that he doesn't remember his parents.

"You dragged me here. Now I will not leave", Anika whispered near his ear when she noticed Mohit talking with Nancy. Shivaay nodded and asked if she want juice or something else.

"Umm you can go with Mohit I will search Omru", Anika said realising that he is meeting his friend after a long time. He should spend time with him rather than keeping Anika with her. She is not a child who needs him everywhere

"Why suddenly changed your decision?", Asked Shivaay checking her forehead if she is fine or not. Anika Chuckled and told him she thought she should let him meet his friend. After that, they enjoyed the whole party.

Shivaay locked the door of their room and turned towards her. He walked towards her and pulled her in a hug. Anika smiled finding him happy today. She felt like she achieved what she dreamt of today. His happiness is very precious to her now

"Thank you so much for everything", Shivaay said. Anika rubbed his hair softly to tell him that she is happy with his happiness. Her cheeks turned red when Shivaay told her that he loved her arrangements

"I loved your arrangements", his one line felt like an award for her. She broke the hug and asked him to sit.

"I am happy about that ", Anika said and walked towards the drawer. She doesn't know which are his regular medicine but she is sure that those are for his health so Anika gave him a medicine box

"Have them", Anika said. Shivaay nodded and picked the box from her hands and walked towards the poolside which confused her as it was night and they should sleep then why this man is not sleeping? Shivaay then came back into the room and picked bed sheets from the cupboard and asked her to bring a bottle and glass of water.

"W...why? Don't tell me that you are going to sleep there. On the ground", Anika said with doubt. Shivaay chuckled as unknowingly she guessed right. He is going to sleep there but not alone. It was his habit to talk with his mother every year on his birthday and Pinky's birthday as well. He always tries to tell her that he loves her and misses her very much

But today he has happiness to confess with her not sorrow. He never used any diary to show his emotions as he used to show his emotions to stars. Especially one star was his mother. He used to imagine her calming him.

"No..... not only me but you too", Shivaay said. Anika sighed in relaxation but then heard his further reply and stepped back. Shivaay walked toward Anika and hold her wrist

"Don't be scared. Just trust me and come. You said you will", Shivaay told her. Anika recalled thier Last conversation and nodded. She looked towards the water which was still but was scaring her. She can't say no because she already told him she will but getting courage is different for her. Anika closed her eyes as sweat formed on her forehead when she realised she is out of their room.

She pressed his arms tightly and hugged him when she felt water on her feet

"Open your eyes and sit here", Shivaay said and tried to make her sit but Anika didn't move. Not even an inch.

"P.... please drop me till mine. I mean our room..... I... Am scared", Anika said being nervous. From childhood, she is scared of water so Shivaay can't remove this fear. She can't stand near water so started shivering. Shivaay looked towards her legs and found her shivering.

"Ok just calm down we will come out of the pool and open your eyes", Shivaay asked her to open her eyes softly but Anika shooked her head.

"I can't sorry. If I noticed water then I will faint. Tell me when to start walking", Anika said and tears started coming out of her eyes. Those were not because she is hurt or sad but because of fear and anxiety. Shivaay rubbed her shoulders and helped her to come out of the water

"You reached on the ground now sit ", Shivaay said and tried pulling her down but Anika stand there numb. He became worried and shook her a bit

"I am fine", Anika said and opened her eyes. Shivaay sighed in relief as he was scared, that second when she stopped responding many bad thoughts came to his mind which scared him. He can't lose her, just because of her he is happy on his birthday and wants every year to go like this.

"If you are fine sit here", Shivaay asked and sat on the ground himself. Anika wiped her tears as well as sweat off her face with her chunni. She looked at his disappointed face, she is also disappointed with herself but she don't know why she start behaving like a mad girl whenever she notices heavy water. Even if someone assures her she doesn't believe it as she knows people can die if they don't know swimming.

Anika sat on the ground with him with a disappointed face. Her lips curved downside and her eyes were looking ground

"I am sorry for disappointing you but I can't change myself within a day", Anika told him in low voice. Shivaay smiled and asked her to lay there

"It's ok lay here as today we will sleep here. If you are uncomfortable then you can use the bed. This is my habit to talk with my mother like this", Shivaay said pointing towards the stars. He changed the matter of her fear because he don't want to make her feel uncomfortable. He doesn't know why people don't take fears normally. Here people have separated fears like boys should not be scared of these things and vice versa for girls. He hates that thinking so he doesn't want to show her that he pities her

Her fears are genuine and he can give her time to forget them. Now he decided that he will ask her to visit him here daily so that he can tell her how peaceful this place feel. He looked towards Anika and hoped that she will agree to sleep here, not because he want to do anything but just because he wants to show her that rather than ac this cold wind gives the best feeling. This room is the most peaceful place

"If you are sleeping here then even I will. Why do you like this place?", Asked Anika. Shivaay smiled broadly and pointed towards the stars. He turned off every light which again scared her. He realised when Anika jerked in fear when he turned off the lights. So he set a few lights on and asked her to feel the cold breeze here.

Anika closed her eyes and started feeling the cold wind which felt like heaven. She then opened her eyes and the first thing which came to her notice was water, which was shadows of trees, moon and stars

"It is very beautiful", Anika whispered and looked towards the stars. She wondered how can a rich guy like him notice such small things. Moreover, how can he love living without AC? She can understand if he was a middle-class guy like her without AC but he is not. He is having uncountable money.

"I know. Every year I used to complain that why mom why left me but today I want to tell her that mom I found one. Just like you. I never thought that I will be this much happy on this day. I always used to ask my mother when she will come to hear my problems and now I think she sent you", Shivaay said looking towards the sky. Anika smiled as he is looking like a child right now. She layed next to him and looked towards the sky with him

"And I will never leave your son mom. His wish is granted but you should stay by my side", asked Anika while looking towards the stars thinking them to be Pinky. She thought he will reply but when he didn't she looked down and found him staring sky with tears. Anika can feel his pain because even though she wants to feel motherly love from someone but she can't. 

"You were lying that you are happy today. I know you are complaining right now", Anika said

"No, it's not like that. I am just missing her presence", he said. Anika nodded and placed her hand near his heart. She doesn't like it when he misses his mother that much. Why does nobody know about him, she wonders. She asked him to take his medicines once she found his heartbeat normal she takes her hand back

Hope you know who are Mohit and Nancy

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