part : 35

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In morning

Shivaay and Anika got ready in colour combined dress as per Janvi's rules. Anika wore a blue coloured dress so as Shivaay. He wore blue coloured kurta and sherwani whereas Anika wore a suit matching with him

Anika is making halwa in the kitchen when Priyanka tapped her shoulder

"Good morning bhabhi can I get it now", asked Priyanka

"Priyanka stop calling me bhabhi. You can call me Anika too. Even you are my bhabhi if I use logic as Daksh is my elder brother", said Anika. Priyanka laughed and said fine. She feels like she is calling some stranger whenever she mentioned Anika bhabhi.

Priyanka asked if she can help to which Anika shooked her head. She already completed making breakfast as well as halwa

"Is there any party in everything? If yes then I will arrange that.  You should take rest now", Priyanka said after a minute when Anika washed her hands. Anika nodded with a smile. She knows Priyanka consider her as her sister rather than a friend. Even she loves her just like she loves Gauri

"Now Priyanka call Shivaay and ask him to visit the temple", Anika asked Priyanka who chuckled hearing Anika's request

"He will never visit the temple alone. As every time dadi force him to visit temple otherwise he leaves to office giving the excuse", told Priyanka

"So take halwa with you and ask dadi to force him again", said Anika and pointed towards halwa inside one tiffin box.

"Now dadi is on leave Anika. You should go and ask him", said Priyanka and gave her that box in her hands. Anika looked toward Priyanka in horror. Shivaay agreed to celebrate his birthday but how she will make him agree now? What he will think? What if he thought she is trying to rule over him?

"P... Priyanka I have already asked him to celebrate his birthday so it is your task", fumbled Anika in a low voice as she noticed Shivaay passing from the kitchen. Priyanka noticed him and called him

"Bhaiya. Bhabhi wants to talk with you", Priyanka shouted and left from there winking towards Anika. Shivaay entered the kitchen and asked if she want anything from him

"Can you visit..", Anika said but Shivaay interrupted her

"Temple? I know dadi asked you. I will visit the temple. I was searching for her where is she?", asked Shivaay. Anika sighed in relief that at least she don't have to force him to visit the temple. She believes in God and doesn't think that people should visit temples when they don't want. Temples are for those who believe in God, not for those who visit temples for formality.

"Dadi is out for work. She and Priyanka said that you should take me to the temple", Anika told him with a smile. Her hesitance was just because Priyanka asked her to force him otherwise she won't have any problem talking with him

"Ok let's go", Shivaay said. Anika nodded and both walked out of the mansion. Shivaay started driving smoothly, Anika was looking out the whole journey because his today's look is very nice. She wants to compliment him but is waiting till he starts a conversation with her. Always she was the first one to break the silence

"Why are you quiet? Any problem?", he asked when they reached near stairs of the temple. Anika shooked her head and looked towards him.

"No, I am fine. Kept quiet because you were silent", Anika told her genuine reason for him. She feels low whenever she starts a conversation and Shivaay gives answers to the point. She can understand his introverted nature but she thinks that he will be irritated after hearing her pointless talks which are not even important. He never talks if it is not important.

"That I am most of the time", Shivaay replied

"Yes leave that let's Go", Anika said and came out of the car immediately to ignore his question regarding her reply. Most of the time he shows interest in her talks but she wants to keep that interest forever. She doesn't want to ruin that because of her silly talks. Now she is married so she thought to change herself a bit to move on with him. She can't change his nature. She has a hope that one day he will start initiating conversation with her himself.

"Let's go", Shivaay said taking that box in his right hand. Anika nodded and both started walking upstairs. After reaching the temple they gave halwa to a priest and stood there with thier joined hands

"God please don't let anything break this marriage. I will try my best to keep our relationship but don't let anything go wrong with her. She is best as a wife. I don't want to make the same mistakes as my father. I hate the word divorce. Hope you will not let that day come", Shivaay prayed

"God bless him with happiness. He should stay happy as well as our family. He suffered very much and nobody realise what he is going through. I will not break his trust but please don't test him again. Give some sense to bade papa. Hope you will bless your togetherness as well. I am celebrating his first birthday with me and want everything to go smoothly", Anika prayed and then opened her eyes to notice him taking a blessing from the priest. She also bends down to take his blessing

"God bless you both and your togetherness", the priest blessed them and gave them Prasad as well as chanamrit. When they were walking downstairs Anika told him how he is looking when she noticed some people staring at them

"You are looking very handsome", Anika complimented him. Shivaay smiled and looked toward her. To be honest he was waiting for her to compliment him. If not her then he was thinking to start a conversation once he start driving.

"Thank you. Even you are not less. You are also looking gorgeous", Shivaay complimented her and opened the door of his car for her. Anika sat inside and passed a smile when he sat on his seat.

In evening

Everything was ready for Shivaay's birthday party. Shivaay was not interested in this party again but his family's happiness changed his mood. He is happy because his whole family is laughing with each other. He sat on the sofa with a magazine for timepass when he heard someone's voice

"Happy Birthday Shivaay", came a voice. Shivaay placed the magazine aside and looked towards the door to find his friend standing near the door with his wife. He walked towards them and hugged Mohit tightly

"Thank you", Shivaay said. Mohit is one of his best friends but due to business, he lost touch with him and now when he saw him his happiness has no bound.

"So you remember me?", Asked Shivaay

"Look who is saying this Nancy. The guy who himself forgot to call me on his marriage. At least I called you in my marriage but you didn't inform me even. If not for your wife then I would have never talked with you. I was angry upon you when I heard your marriage announcement", said Mohit eying his wife and then Shivaay. Shivaay looked down in regret. He doesn't know why but he lost interest in friends, he thought only his family members are important not friends but now after meeting him he realised he was mistaken

"Hello good evening. I am the one who called you. I am glad to meet you. Please enjoy the party and don't talk about the past. If you wanted you could have congratulated us. I called you guys to make him happy, not sad. Please excuse me", Anika said and dragged Shivaay with her to one corner. Shivaay didn't take his eyes off her. He is very shocked to see her bold avatar. He didn't like the way she talked with Mohit but he want to hear her answer first because her reply told him already that she called him

"Sorry I called him in the morning. I thought you will be happy but he started taunting you. If not this house then I would have told him how to wish someone", Anika said angrily while looking down. Shivaay chuckled and kissed her forehead. He was the one who never kissed shy other girls than Priyanka and dadi but whenever he feel Anika's concern towards him he just wants to hug her tightly.

"That was not taunting Anika and I am very happy to meet him", Shivaay said holding her shoulders

"But still I don't like when someone taunts you with this marriage. I called him..", Anika tried explaining to him but Shivaay interrupted her in middle

"I know and I am very happy. But will be sad if you will regret it. Just enjoy the party. I am sure you will like him. Just give him some time", Shivaay said. Anika smiled and nodded

"Why do think I will like him after some time? I called them for a day. They are no one to me. I just care about my family", Anika said. Shivaay hummed and asked Anika to come out now. Anika smiled and both came inside the hall with a smile.

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