part : 50

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Thanks a lot for your love 💕(≧▽≦)♥️✨. 2nd story crossed 50 parts. Stay happy and safe

"I need to control myself otherwise I will lose my temper", Shivaay said and rubbed his forehead in tension.

"What I will answer now? She will ask Why I went out early in the morning? And where?", Shivaay said to himself and started thinking about a lie. He doesn't have anything in his mind. He can't make an excuse that he went to meet his friend as he doesn't share that bond with anyone to leave everything just to meet someone.

"Sahil's admission... No, as I don't even know where he is studying", He thought and came out of the car to think about an excuse. His anger started growing more but one sight made his anger vanish. He noticed few parents taking their children to school, he wished he was Lucky enough to go with his mother everywhere. He was watching them when they passed him and he heard what the guy was saying

"Mom why can't I go with him? His mother and he is very sweet", said that boy who looked like he is 13-14 years old as per Shivaay's assumption

"But his father? He is a druggist my boy stay away from him and his family", Shivaay heard them and looked behind to see one more family coming. He guessed that child was talking about them but one question started running into his mind

"Why do people compare parents with children? It is not obvious that the son will be a replica of the father and the daughter will be a replica of the mother. Then why this comparison?", Shivaay thought and sat inside the car. He got an idea of what to say when Anika will ask him so he came back home after buying chocolate. He entered the hall and sighed finding no one there. He directly went towards his room to see Anika waiting for him. He masked a smile and entered the room

"Where were you? ", Anika asked when she noticed him entering the room.

"One dealer called me to meet him. He is just like my grandfather so I went to meet him as he was leaving the city in the morning. He treats me like his son", Shivaay said to which Anika nodded

"First tell me why you declined the call without hearing me", Shivaay asked

"Phone was on speaker and Khanna Ji beside me. I can't let anyone hear our conversation so declined in middle", Anika replied

"Why he was listening?", Shivaay asked angrily. He never let any 3rd person hear his conversation with someone then how can she let Khanna hear his conversation? That too when he was mentally frustrated

"He was tensed when he didn't find you in office. He called you but you didn't pick up his calls. So. I put the phone on speaker", Anika said looking at the ground because of regret. Shivaay nodded and gave her the chocolate he purchased for her. He decided that today he will spend the whole day in the office as many times her acts anger him and he doesn't want to lose his temper when she is innocent.

"Ok. (Ye lo) Take this", Shivaay said. Anika looked at him and then at chocolate. It's the first time when he bought something for her which is very special for her.

"Thank you but why this?", Anika asked taking chocolate from his hands with a smile

"I just felt like buying this. Aren't you happy? ", he asked thinking why she questioned

"I'm very happy. Thank you", Anika told her reason with a wide smile. Shivaay smiled back when he noticed her happiness

"I thought you will ask another question rather than thanking", he said and Chuckled

"No, it is not like this. But the last question", Asked Anika to which he nodded giving her permission to continue. Anika placed her head on his shoulder and asked

"Did that uncle say something bad? I mean you are angry from the time you called and tensed as well", Anika asked in a low voice with fear that he will fight with her but he replied politely indirectly telling that he can't answer

"I am fine", Shivaay replied. He wanted to laugh hearing his uncle's word for Daksh but he can't as he lied. Anika nodded, she believe him that if he is hiding something then it would be best for her.

"Can I have my coffee first?" he, asked to which she nodded. She started arranging bedsheets and then placed his clothes on the cupboard to pass her time till he prepare his coffee. After sometime Shivaay called her and gave her one cup of coffee

"Have it", Shivaay asked. Anika smiled and both sat near the poolside. Slowly her fear of water is removing. She is now comfortable sitting there with him without any hesitation or fear. Shivaay looked toward Anika, he want her to start a conversation but at the same time, he is scared. What if she started questioning again? After a minute of silence, he thought to talk himself

"Today I heard one mother asking her son to stay away from his friend because his father is a druggist. It is not good to judge someone like that right?", He asked when he remembered that scene to know her view.

"Yes it is not but we can't change someone's thinking Shivaay. We can change one person but this world is filled with these people. Mostly everyone thinks like this and compares children with parents. People will find your mistakes and that's normal just hear them and try to correct your mistakes", Anika said sipping coffee

"What is my mistake? Why are you asking me?", Shivaay asked thinking that whatever Anika said was for him as he asked this question thinking about himself

"I am not saying you are a mistake. Why are you thinking like this? From the morning you are taking me wrong. I don't have this thinking Shivaay", Anika said raising her voice a little

"Sorry vo... I ", Shivaay tried explaining his behaviour when Anika interrupted him

"Leave this matter as I don't want to force you to tell truth or to lie", Anika said and stand up but he stopped her

"I will be late today due to work. Can you stay here for 5 minutes more? I think this will continue for a few days", Shivaay asked to which Anika nodded and sat with him again

"Even I have work patidev", Anika said to which he smiled hearing the word patidev. This word looks funny as she always uses this in a serious situation

"Why you use this word in a serious situation?", He asked hiding his smile but Anika noticed his smile before he could hide that

"To see this smile. Your mood was off so tried using this trick which worked. And I love using this word for you and you", Anika said and hugged him. Shivaay smiled and felt relaxed, he understood why he was unable to control himself from the morning. His heart was yearning for her love and hug which he is getting used to.

He felt his anger cooling down finding her happy and himself in her arms. He understood what he need to do in anger from now on. He blushed hearing the last line, even if he don't say or express he know she is the one for him.

"If whatever Shivaay said is true then how I will apologize? No... My mother can't live as someone's mistress. I think Anika lied. She is fooling us", Daksh thought after coming out of the cabin. He was unable to clear the interview as he was unable to concentrate there. Now he decided to meet his mother to prove Shivaay and Anika wrong. He knocked on the door of her(mother) house and waited for her to come out

"Hii good morning ", Daksh wished and smiled finding her opening door. He was praying that no one else should open the door. He looked at her confused finding her in normal clothes.

'Does that mean she won't work?' He thought

"How do you know I am here?", Asked Vasundhra

"I asked people", Daksh lied as he can't disclose that Shivaay sent him his address a while ago. Shivaay warned him not to use his name anywhere

"Come", said Vasundhra giving him space to come inside. Daksh sat on one sofa and asked without waiting for her to sit down

"Why don't you come back, mom? We all miss you. I want to stay with my mother as well. Don't you know we need you?", Daksh asked

"I can't come back Daksh I can't leave this house and him", said Vasundhra and fidgeted with her fingers. Daksh looked at his surroundings and found a few couple pictures. He thought his mother will portray their pictures as well but there was not even one picture of them

"Are you living with a married man?", Daksh asked with fear that he misunderstood the whole situation. He prayed from God to prove him right but Vasundhra proved him wrong

"Yes. Any problem?", asked Vasundhra

"How can you ruin that much life together mom? Can't you think about that wife whose life is ruined by marrying that guy with whom you are staying here.. if you both love each other then ask him to divorce that girl at least", shouted Daksh angrily realising that his mother is wrong here

"Lower your tone. She doesn't know about us. He said she is very nice and rich", Vasundhra replied looking In his eyes directly with no regret

"And you guys are cheating her and using her. Brilliant. Here I thought my mother is innocent and my sister is wrong to keep us away from you. At least think about your self-respect.. either marry him or leave him", Daksh asked angrily

"I can't leave him. Neither I can ask him that because he said he can't divorce her. His parents will never agree to our marriage. So we will continue our relationship till the end", shouted Vasundhra matching her tone with his

"Relationship? It's illegal. I am now feeling disgusted to call myself your son. I fought with Anika because I thought she was wrong but now I feel she was right as you guys are wrong. By the way, is he having any child?", Daksh asked and stand up as he don't want to stay here for long. He is feeling disgusted that he is standing with that person who is blind in love rather say just lust

"2 Children one boy and one girl. Daksh I am used to hearing this so say something new", Vasundhra said and looking aside

"I wish I never knew who you are and what you are doing. God will punish you", Daksh said with tears as realisation hit him badly how Anika felt when she got to know what her mother is. He never thought such people in the world exist till he saw her himself

"God knows that We love each other", said Vasundhra

"Yes, that's why he gave your rights to someone else. If the person is in love then he/she will never give those rights to someone else which you hold... Anyways it is your life. I wish his wife get to know about him and divorce him", Daksh said and left from there. He heard her shout but didn't turn because all these revelations are shocking to him. He never thought he will meet his mother and felt disgusted to call her his mother. How can she do injustice to many people at one time? He started regretting his own words which he said to Anika and Shivaay as well. He is scared to apologise because Shivaay warned him to stay away from them if he went to meet Vasundhra by doubting him and Anika again

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