part : 64

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Shivaay put her hair on her front and pull out one rose gold diamond necklace and put it around her neck.

Anika closed her eyes when she felt his cold hands on her neck and then suddenly his lips on her back. She held her dress tightly as she felt her knees going weak. Till now he never kissed her neck and back but he did today. She felt like he is her crush who just kissed her. Shivaay looked at her face through the mirror and smiled seeing her blush. He felt happy to be the reason for her blush, he held her close to him and placed both of her hands on her abdomen, he placed his own hands on her waist and nuzzled in her neck.

Nowadays one day without her boring him, he is habitual of her care and her nonstop talks. He misses her every time whenever he doesn't see her with him. For the past few days, he just want to make her his which he feel wrong as he still doesn't know about her wish regarding this. Even today he lost control over himself seeing her bare back, when he touched her neck he knew he was going to lose soon. He thought to move back after kissing her neck but he lost himself completely when he noticed her blush. That gave him indirect permission that he can do anything.

"Say something. Do you like it?", Shivaay asked. Anika hummed in response and then again looked down. There is no gap between them which is Anika's weakness. If he was a bit away she would have asked him "Is this what she asked?" But because of his proximity, her words dried in her throat. Shivaay kissed her shoulder and then placed his cheek on her shoulder

Anika felt like she is dead now, she tried to stop herself from breathing heavily but her body didn't help her here. Shivaay left her waist and placed his hand in her hands. Anika pressed her lips together to stop herself from winching, she knew if she winched then he will misunderstand her and will think that it was his mistake.

After a minute he turned her face towards him and put her hair back again as now he want to see her from the front completely. He blushed when he noticed her red cheeks, he moved a step ahead and rubbed his cheeks on her cheeks. Anika held his coat when she felt his beard touching her cheeks, she felt tickling but couldn't even laugh because she felt it sensual more than just tickle

"S... Shivaay", his came from her mouth when he hugged her tightly without even letting space to air pass through them. Anika felt his whole body touching her and now that sent shivers through her spine when she thought about the result. Shivaay kissed her when she called him, his name from her forced him to kiss her. He couldn't control more, Anika closed her eyes again and held his coat tight, she found her legs numb now, but she don't want this moment to end

Shivaay joined thier forehead together. Slowly he moved his hand inside her Kurti and rubbed his hand on her bare waist, Shivaay pulled her more towards himself and kissed her cheek. When Anika felt his hands moving upwards, she stepped back in fear and looked aside to catch her breath. When Anika moved away Shivaay realised his actions and thought she regret this

"I... I'm sorry I don't know how I lost control", Shivaay apologized

"It's totally fine... I... don't mind", Anika replied after drinking water as she was lost a while ago. She looked at him after taking a long breath and noticed him looking down in guilt which made her guilty as well

"You can  tell truth if you were not comf...", Shivaay tried asking when Anika interrupted him

"I am comfortable. Instead, I feel very safe in your arms. I know even you have some desires and I respect those. I was feeling shy and I don't know how to react to this.  I don't even know if I am ready or not... I'm sorry... I don't know why I stepped back when I am comfortable ", Anika told him her views regarding him and their closeness. Shivaay sighed in relief that she is not uncomfortable least

"You don't need to say sorry. Take much time you want ", Shivaay said

"It's nearly been a year and I didn't allow you to...", Anika tried apologizing when Shivaay but he interrupted her in middle

"One and half months is still left.  Don't worry even small moments are enough. And will see you may change within a month", Shivaay said, Anika looked with blushed and hugged him

"Now let me remove it", Anika told him

"Why do want to remove it?", Shivaay questioned

"I can't wear it daily. I will wear this necklace whenever I will get a chance ", Anika replied to which he nodded.

"You can't do it as the lock is tight", Shivaay said and turned her back towards him. He remembered what happened just now and closed his eyes Anika noticed it and replied

"Shivaay.. you can.....I can't say it just understand yourself..just give me some time before proceeding more", Anika said indirectly telling him that she was not stopping him. Shivaay smiled and opened the hook of her necklace. He gave her necklace back, Anika placed it inside the cupboard safely and then came back toward him

"Now sleep. You look tired", Anika asked him. Shivaay nodded and layed on the bed. Anika layed beside him and caressed his cheeks softly, Shivaay smiled and held her close to himself. Anika kissed his forehead and asked him to sleep. Just then his phone started ringing, Anika looked towards his phone and noticed Alisha's name written, which is of his new pa

"Why she is calling you? It's 12:15 am Shivaay", Anika asked angrily and picked up his phone before he could pick up his mobile to answer her call

"How can I know Anika?", Shivaay asked. Anika answered the call and asked her what happened

"She wants to talk with you", Anika told him and put the call on speaker. Shivaay chuckled and answered hello

"Sorry, sir for calling late at night. Tomorrow you have a meeting in the morning I just got a call from dealers", told Alisha

"Ok, I will come. Send me details", Shivaay said and declined calls.

"See is it wrong?", Shivaay asked Anika

"Yes because she can't call you late at night. There is a thing called message too. Why didn't you ask her about this? She knows right that you are married", Anika asked

"You just showed up today didn't you?", Shivaay asked

"V.... vo..",

"Leave it. And believe me okay", Shivaay said to which Anika nodded and hugged him tightly. She doesn't want to show him now but she is still having double thoughts regarding his pa. She doesn't like anyone near him, she now wants to stay with him all the time to show that he is just her husband.

"Sleep", Shivaay asked her to which Anika hummed but sleep was far away from her eyes. First, her regret that she is hiding dadi's health from him and 2nd her fear now. She thinks that she doesn't have anyone left after him as her Chachi will not accept her if she came back. Till she is his wife, the world will respect her otherwise people will call her different names. She started to think about it


Shivaay told her on call that he will directly visit the office so even she got ready to visit his office. She was waiting for half an hour when she heard noises coming from outside and understood Shivaay came back. She hides behind the curtain and waited for him to come back. She heard the doorknob open and she felt her heartbeats raise

"Alisha, ask clients to prepare for the meeting. We will start meeting in 15 minutes", Shivaay told Alisha, his new pa

"Ok sir anything else", asked Alisha

"No just get me a coffee as well ", Shivaay said and came back to his chair after locking the door.

"He always stopped me from preparing coffee", Anika thought and peeked through the curtain to check if he is alone or not.

"Why are you hiding Anika? I know you are here", Shivaay said. Anika came out of the curtains and stand in front of him

"I was not hiding... I... I was here to surprise you", Anika fumbled as she is caught red-handed and now is embarrassed

"You should go now", Shivaay said which angered her more as she thought he will ask her to sit but here he is acting the opposite. Again fear arose in her heart. What if he lost interest in her? He hated marriage then what if he stopped coming close?

"Why?", Anika asked angrily

"Calm down my wife. I said it because you will be bored. I have a meeting with clients and I don't know how much time it will take. Why are you here and not in your office?", asked Shivaay and steeped towards her

"Ese he", replied Anika without looking at him as she can't tell him the reason right now. From today she thought to join but Omru didn't allow her. She heard a knock and stepped back from him as she didn't realise when Shivaay came close to her

"Sir they are ready..", said Alisha and looked at Anika shocked because a while ago he was alone and suddenly finding him with a girl looked weird. Anika recognised her and stand beside him

"We will take some more time", Anika replied, Shivaay nodded toward Alisha and then looked toward Anika

"So what do you want?", Shivaay asked and held her waist, Anika blushed and looked aside as if she don't have an answer. Shivaay asked again then Anika hugged him and kissed his cheeks

"Want the world to know no one can separate me from you... And you are married", Anika told him. Shivaay replied with ok and told her that he will let her know as well that she is his wife. Later when she was leaving she told Alisha that she is his wife which embarrassed him but he couldn't do anything as she already told her.

Flashback end

❤️✨Thanks a lot for waiting and for your love. Even I missed writing this book. This part is for especially those who were asking for romance every time 😅

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